There's a cute art hoe / edge thot high shooler who walks past my house to the lake every night at 7ish. I've started to go out on my deck and "read" while she walks past and discreetly watch her. One time I even got on a bike after she walked past and followed her for a bit until I felt I should stop and turn around or she would notice.
There's a cute art hoe / edge thot high shooler who walks past my house to the lake every night at 7ish...
Other urls found in this thread:
Cool! What are you reading?
>go out on my deck and "read" while she walks past
Women don't read, you're impressing no one.
Jack Keruoac, Rare, Unpublished, and recently translated writings. It's not bad, I liked his bebop jazz essay
Why don't you ask her out?
She's like 12-13
She's actually more like 17 and now that I think about it reading keruoac in front of her probably won't impress
chat her up then and stop acting like a creep
What do I say? I know she likes young adult and some poetry.
As an art hoe, does she have anything discernable on her? e.g. a bag with pins. point one out, "hey i like your____ pin." often times these pins will be of bands or shows. discuss them with her.
I can't see from that far (50 ft) so should I just ask? She wears headphones and is usually on her phone.
Stop hijacking my thread
She wears different clothes every night but last night it was a modern baseball tee with tight black pants and lots of little silver chains
Based stalker. Just develop an unhealthy obsession with her and take a picture of her everyday and follow her to her house and just try to watch her though your window. You gotta commit. if you're gonna be a fucking loser creep you might as well own or kill yourself.
Get some binoculars you dork
OP how old are you?
jesus christ fuck off
Why are you guys fucking with my thread? I'm 18
She knows you stalk her and thinks you're a creep
She has her snapchat listed on her instagram. Should I add her or would that be too weird?
Whether you’re 18, 22, or 28, you’re far too old to be stalking some art hoe who gets stoned and fucks by the lake.
And I'd like to add I know this cause I've been in similar situations. (Yes I am a girl, no I won't post tits or gtfo, watch porn virgins). It's easy to tell when a guy is obsessed with you and it's worse when you don't say anything. Your best bet is to stop her when she walks by and ask her out for coffee or a reading session.
Well how the heck do you fags find literary minded girls anyhow?
Why not just ask her out? If she says yes you can stop being a cuck that simply watches, and if she says no you can put her out of you mind and focus on your book instead of a useless thot.
>reading session
Girls “minds” consist of an illusory sense of self which they “beautify” with makeup and expensive potions until they’re able to make dicks rise. Your beat bet for a genuine literary minded woman is the 50+ year old librarian.
Don't listen to this hoe. You're fated to be together, y'know, fate, a natural force. Vid related, it's how you should pursue the relationship.
I've dated a few different guy's who'd take me to their house to read. Usually silent and just enjoying each other's company. Took a lot of virginities that way.
You act like it's easy to ask women out
Not op but I'm an incredibly shy guy with no social skills, though I look like a normie at least, how do I get into situations where its not awkward to ask out a girl?
Also yeah I know I'm pathetic for asking question like this on Yea Forums.
>It's easy to tell when a guy is obsessed with you
it's really not, most of the time
It is hard, but look at it this way if you are able to do it even if she says no you'll be a stronger man for it, and the next time you ask out a girl it'll be a little easier.
But how is that not awkward as fuck if you barely know eachother?
Rule of thumb: if he stares he cares
I stare at like 80% of the women I encounter lol
If there's tits, I'm into it
Because we do it as a mutually acknowledged build-up to foreplay.
I snapped her a pic of my face and she opened it but hasn't responded. Am I really that ugly?
You're talking to a self-admitted ho. For her awkward amounts to nutting too early and asking "Was it good for you?"
Where do you live?
>Creepy stalker thread
>Where do you live?
Lmao why
Did they approach you or did you just ask them out?
(considering they are of the silent type)
it's threads like this that remind me how pathetically low people are willing to stoop lol
Usually they approach me with some awkward small talk but I think it's cute and try to show interest.
I'll pay you 50 bucks for taking Londonfrogs virginity
I masturbated over a sleeping homeless man last night and I'm not even gay.
Tell me, do you wear a dress when you pretend to be a girl and play with men's feelings on the internet? If so, where do you manage to find one in your size, fatso?
Sorry I'm in a ldr with Popeposter
I am lonely and reading silently beside a cute girl sounds comfy, especially one thats has taken several virginities already
This. Try to find out her facebook, create a fake chad profile befriending all her friends until you get an in. Print her photos, cum on em.
God damnit OP, you're on Yea Forums, act like it.
Did you say no homo?
Can you give any advice on how to make the approaching process less awkward?
>I am lonely
Should have just stopped there bro.
I've been obsessed with women before, but I'm mega insecure so I'm super good at coming off as disinterested. yup, no gf still, but at least no one thinks i'm a desperate virgin, just a regular virgin.
Usually I get annoyed when people throw around stuff like "profecting" but I honestly think there's something deeper to the obsession a lot of guys on Yea Forums have to traps. Like they're attacking repressed urges. Also there are girls, a lot of cute ones, who come here. I've known a good number through the internet so you don't need to keep denying it.
He should have said "no hobo"
I left $5 in his sleeping bag
Bro, bro, don't take out the fact that your mail-order panties are too tight for your fat ass on me.
What do you mean, "attacking repressed urges"?
fuck off faggots, i'm 25 for gods sake
Actual OP here, 55
Fuck off, I'm 72 you fucking zoomers
Is this the famed "I-i want to be a little girl" phase?
She's my granddaughter's friend btw
They could be attracted to the idea of cute women actually having dicks, but they don't want to accept they're not 100% straight so when they encounter an anonymous user (who they assume is a man) talking about being a woman they feel uncomfortable and start joking and attacking the idea.
This is incongruent with "traps are cute until they show their dick". When women make the "all men are secretly gay, omg", they're just projecting yaoi porn fantasies.
Just think of it like you're starting up small talk with a male. If she keeps the conversation going and seems reasonably interested then you can get into asking them about theirself.
Is that how you explained it to your folks?
>It's another Yea Forums can't talk to girls episode
Remember, women are temporary, knowledge is eternal.
God this thread is thoroughly horrendous. Awful premise and worse responses. If it weren't hilarious it would be tragic.
Knowledge isn't eternal and nothing worth knowing forever can be taken grom life. Have sex, have marriage, have children, and have fun.
The pursuit of knowledge is an incel cope.
>Have sex
What ever you say brainlet. Enjoy your pointless life
Good advice.
The "Rule of thumb: if he stares he cares" also applies to women, right?
I repeat: have sex
You've found the meaning to life? Is it wojakposting in bait threads?
They'd not care either way. In any case yaoi is bizzare female fantasy completely at odds with what drives homophobia in straight men: fear of rape, of getting emasculated, and this goes way down to mammal instincts. Dominant dog humps the submissive dog - which has no other option than comply. And neither of em are actually gay.
Finally, being openly homophobic like you are is not a good idea - as you put out your anxieties on full display about getting dominated by stronger male, thus implying you might be the weak one.
The sweaty 40 year old cries out in pain as he strikes you!
Imagine the person who typed this out and submitted it in this thread. No, seriously. I want everyone to imagine what he looks like, sounds like, smells like; what he does for a living, where he lives, what he thinks.
Yeah it's to become as smart as you possible can, write the most important thing you learned down, then die.
If that's the meaning of life then it must be the most important thing you learned. You can die now.
So you admit i'm right?
I admit you're right-leaning, /pol/tard.
by talking to them, then just hanging out for a bit maybe, then before she starts liking you as a friend, ask her out. easier said than done, yadayada
t. 21 yo kv
I fail to see how what I've said has anything to do /pol/ or being right leaning. I don't even go on /pol/. Looks like you're just a sore loser.
>then before she starts liking you as a friend, ask her out
Sounds like a plan. But where do I hide the body? I live in a commieblock, neighbors would notice if something went amiss in the cellar.
>I fail to see how what I've said has anything to do /pol/
>I don't even go on /pol/
Not him but you're sure obsessed with it
Cut her up, cook her up, disguise the flesh in normal dishes, keep them in your fridge, and eat her over the course of the next few weeks.
What makes you say that?
He quoted you mentioning /pol/ twice in your reply.
Why did you have to shit up this thread with politics
Everyone shut up I'm 44
Wah? I think you guys are mixing up posts. Work on your reading comprehension.
What's up with the surge in ESLs on Yea Forums lately? This is so awkward to read.
What's your problem?
Shut the fuck up your braindead virgin
>mfw I didn't get a reply
>mfw every single one of them is mine
I've only ever met woman white nationalists in real life so it makes sense.
I had a white nationalist gf from Yea Forums but she broke my heart. I'm a mutt btw
What happened bro?
>I'm a mutt btw
She was borderline and ghosted me after a year.
That's all it took to break your heart? Bro you're a faggot.
She was my first gf :(
like borderline retarded or what?
like bpd
though so. Borderline retarded's funnier
I agree. Probably more tolerable too.
I'm the same. I just leave people. Never have the same friends more than 2 months. Ghost family. I just don't care..
I'm sorry user, but I also hope you know how hurtful that can be. Seek help.
you sound like a loser lol. I bet you life is absurdly bland
I'm a salesman who just wants to leave. I'm planning on buying a boat w my sales $ and living w a cat.
>just wants to leave
So quirky. such a free spirit. You have the mental age of a teenager.
And you have the diction of a shemale
Lmao you're probably right but I just don't want to be influenced by anyone anymore .. I've been burned alot and abused by family since childhood. I just want to do this for me..
what a gay thread
Why are all you bpd fags all so thin skinned and self centered? Why does being slightly slighted or being cut out mean you've been burned? People don't like you because you're an unlikable annoying mentally-ill moron. I bet the most abuse you got was being told to stop being a dumbass by your dad. Your boat dream isn't going to fix your uninteresting character, nor is it gonna make you seem "cool" or "free". Also stop with the double full stops you ESL idiot. I wrote so much because i honestly pity you and your self adsorbed delusions. Seek help.
WTF! I've wasted so much time.. How do I fix my boring ass personality? I've spent like a decade reading and am still a midwit... I don't even want to sail w a fagot ass cat. I just want friends, alot of money and a hot gf..
Have medical attention.
I will. I've fucked up my brain somehow. I'm totally removed from reality. I guess I'll pay for a therapist for once...
Obsessively dedicate your life to something, work out every day, meditate
The guy just shot up a shopping mall in Texas
Omg kek imagine following a girl around on your push bike, 10/10 serial killer tier well done OP