Balkan Yea Forums

ITT: We discuss Balkan literature

>favourite books
>favourite authors
>suggestions and recommendations

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Hello, Yea Forums, I'm looking for recommendations.

I've read Andric and Miljenko Jergovic, I've enjoyed both very much so. Selimovic is on my list but I haven't found a cheap enough copy yet.
That said, I would like some recommendations for some kino lit. I've googled but I thrust Yea Forums more than random journalists or goodreads users. I'm particularly interested in contemporary authors/books born out of the Yugoslav wars that aren't the basic war stories for bored housewives.

miroslav krleza - glembays/return of philip latinovicz/flags
ranko marinkovic - cyclops
mile budak - the hearth/musinka

Jergović is seen mostly as a meme that writes way too much and complains about literally everything he can think of. But if you like him... oh well.
Try Krleža, Marinković, Danilo Kiš, Milorad Pavić.
There's a good chart of Serbian lit recs floating around.

>mile budak

Alamut is really good. Here is quick anecdote about it.
The author finally finished the book after 2 or more years of research and work and got back to his home town for a rest and a break. And old neighbour/friend met him, congratulated him on his new translation of the book.
Bartol explained that he wrote the book and its not a translation. His friend stunned for a second, then stated laughing and told him : You cant lie to me i know you, and moved on.
The book is just that foreign to the region.

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I don't think Romanians would agree with being lumped in with slavs

nobody lumped them in with Slavs
>Balkan /lit

hearth (ognjiste) is a masterpiece, in the 30's he was regarded to be on the same level as krleza.

I know, but lots of stuff used to be highly regarded in its own time. From just about everything I've heard about him and his books, today most of his "fame" is thanks to his involvement in NDH

Romania is culturally Balkan

most of his works came out pre-ndh and were not really political. if you're a serb, i don't expect you to be objective about this, so it's all good.

I'm not a serb but a croat. I get that the novels were not explicitly political, but if he were not in NDH he'd most likely end up as many other novelists of that time did, forgotten by everyone except literary historians and students of Croatian literature.
I mean, what attracted you to read his work in the first place?

not really, he got good reviews from critics all over yugoslavia and also foreign critics like josef lassl or reinhold trautmann. a play adaption of hearth made it to the theatres of prague, vienna and sofia. you seem emotionally invested in proving that there's no merit to his writings due to his later political affiliations.
>I mean, what attracted you to read his work in the first place?
the same thing that made me read communists like krleza or nazor, interest in literature. unlike you, i don't judge art solely on the basis of politics that surrounded it.

What is the Romanian book that will make me want to read more Romanian literature?

I never explicitly said that I judge art that way. And in fact I would like to eventually read his books. The thing that is weird to me is that we have a lot of other more popular and critically more highly regarded novelists and dramatists out there without such a stain on their reputation. Is Budak actually better than Kamov, Slamnig, Šoljan, Donadini, S. Novak, Fabrio, Brešan, Ugrešić...?

>without such a stain on their reputation
who cares, go be a concernfag on reddit.
>Is Budak actually better than Kamov, Slamnig, Šoljan, Donadini, S. Novak, Fabrio, Brešan, Ugrešić...?
actually, yes, also ugresic, brešan, what the fuck, lmao.

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Ok man, if you say so, not looking for a fight here.

all good nigga, fuck jannies and niggers btw.

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ljepa memica, di si ju našao?

Why are all the borders wrong?

Zenobia by Gellu Naum