What's on his bookshelf?
What's on his bookshelf?
Other urls found in this thread:
Marvel comics
Harry Potter
Wholesome birthday cards from his family and friends
A motivational quote in an ikea frame next to a pacman lamp.
The Fault in our Stars and the God Delusion
This is actually mine. For further reference I am incredibly handsome, yet only 5’8”. Shame really.
Reminder that bottom left is the only morally acceptable position.
Woah. Based centrist manlet.
I just took the test and I have no idea what this means. Am I a commie?
Yes, read capital
Here's an overview
here's one with less autism
Am I based?
Am I redpilled?
The End of History and the Last Man
not full centrist but close
This test is pretty much the only good free political test: politicalsextant.com
The political compass is literally liberal propaganda. You always end up in libleft unless you're insanely reactionary.
Should be forbidden, its only purpose is to corrupt the youth.
>You always end up in libleft unless you're insanely reactionary.
Just like real life.
Yeah the questions seemed super loaded while I was doing that site
Reality has a liberal bias.
jej. 'National Anarchism' is a bit of an oxymoron, isn't it?
but I thought Third Way was neonazi shit?
oh well, heil der Fuhrer I guess
oh, just found out Third Way is not the same as Third Position, don't mind me, I'm just retarded
What the fuck? Why?
Rate me
I reallyreally hate rich people, but I also really-really hate foreigners. Especially Americans.
It should specify what religion because I'm not a pagan.
That's quite a number of thoughts. Non-sectarianism confirmed?
i got conpasionate comservatism , cleico fascisma dn fascism. when im really just a neocon
god tier bait
you're the only one who gave him a (you), so it mustn't be very good bait.
I like that test. The pro- and con- blurbs help to explain what they are asking you, and they are even-handed. Some typos though.
The political compass test is full of loaded propositions designed to make lib-left feel good about themselves, total garbage by comparison.
>implying onions-male corpo-droids aren't leftists
Can someone explain what this means about me?
Hillary has a 98% chance of winning
You are not insane like the rest of us who got Juche, Fascism, Anarcho-capitalism, any kind of libertardation or queer something as a result.
I really hate to be the bearer of bad news user, but you're typical mudslime filth with an antiquated set of ideas tooled for inventing bullshit reasons to attack people at random
yes you are, you just haven't realized it yet
it means you're an Islamist socialist
I honestly almost threw up in my mouth when I found out Baathism was some Arabic shit. I fucking hate Mudslimes with a burning passion. This honestly makes me want to kill myself.
Uninformed? A brainlet? Morally bankrupt? You got to come to the bottom left my dude
it means you're a murtadd
This test is retarded
>green libertarianism
what the fuck is this
They are fine a bit more libertarian and you would be one of the cool boys
okay, anarcho socfag
I dont consider myself an anarchist that's the thing so just soc fag thanks
You’re based
No, they're usually liberals.
What does this mean?
your parents failed you
You're one of two things
(1) Degenerate 20-year old stoner
(2) 15-year old self identified progressive
And I get lib left on political compass
I personally like to use the Costanzian system.
I'm neither a stoner nor a self identified progressive.(i don't if others abuse drugs, but would never do so myself) Does that mean the test was innacurate?
the questions seemed less biased, but still too broad. several times i felt like a question could have been better off split into two or even more, and the "all or nothing" approach was too narrow
i don't feel like this gave me a very accurate description of my political ideologies
That's a lot of 100%s, I guess it weights the strength of your opinions a lot
I had never heard of De Leonism before this and looking into it, it sounds neat. Not sure how realistic its implementation could be
Would you agree that the more people that lean one way, the more real the support for that thing is?
More people voted for her, would you agree that that means reality has a liberal bias?
If not, why? Is the electoral college more real than the public?
This test is a joke and biased
>is anarcho-communist
>hates self
>"I-I-I-IT'S THE T-T-T-TEST'S FAULT!!!!!! PLEASE B-B-B-B-BELIEVE ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((("
if you're not blue square promptly kill yourself
and not vote in the next election? no way, guey, Trump is not winning again
>everybody I don't like is leftist
Only BASED lad ITT
How come everyone else got such homosexual results?
Well given how shitty it is, I'd definitely agree reality has a liberal bias.
>I hate the state, except cops!
Minarchism is the gayest ideology of all time, worse than whatever the pink flag fag anarchism is
I got something similar to that, though I disagree with Marxism over its dialectical materialism, among other things.
>literally admitting that reality is in support of left-wing ideology
>still being right-wing
what an odd test. i don't agree with marxism as-is but i got 100% on it.
>left wing
What do you even mean by this? Also just because two ideas and how they are presented does not mean that they are reasonable together.
For example liberals tend to want immigration and care about climate change. They often have several arguments for them that alone stand up to reason, but together they clash.
For example more immigration will lead to more people living a water lifestyle and few things are as bad for the environment and release as much CO2.
Another point is progressivism is always what leads humanity to new frontiers, but it's also what leads societies to ruin because new frontiers are dangerous since the consequences are unknown. Societies implementing failed progressive ideas are forgotten while the successful ones continue on.
One can't answer your question easily since it is too broad.
>thinks liberals aren't left wing
could it be?
>100% Marxist
yep, another "no true Scotsman" commie
>100% Labor Zionist
not to mention a Jewish shill
Fucking kek
>scrolls through and agrees to everything
also the link to more information is just Rick Astley, honestly not sure what else I expected
here's the one for disagreeing, same link
final update, slight agree to everything also gives fully automated syndicalist luxury gay nationalist space communism with yeast and slight disagree to everything also gives bloody contrarian. submitting it as is (no opinion to all) gives pic, same link as before
there may be more memes to find, but those are the easy ones gone
it was a quip, not an admission, libshit
>mine wasn't a quip
He exclusively reads The Economist, FT and NYT, online on his tablet or smartphone while on the go for his fast-paced, meaningful work. He used to keep a decorative bookshelf in his apartment, but has since jettisoned it after realizing that it is gauché, faux-bohemian pretension and that paper books are a gross mismanagement of resources, especially considering that we are facing a climate crisis.
This is more coherent than it might seem on the surface.
Based anti-imperialist with great compassion for his people, death to America the great Satan.
Weird, on my 8values test said I was a centrist and on my political compass said I was on the close middle libertarian right
Do you guys think that centrists are equally as guileful and abhorrent as anyone who can be deemed to be an opressor?
What the hell is a Mutualism and a Pancasila?
For OP the Wojak in your pic doesn't read books for he reads marvel scripts instead
Give it to me straight boys am I a faggot?
yes, go back to Norway, heathen
Literally impossible to be more gay.
Is it better or worse if I didn't know what they were before taking the quiz?
I mean, they say you are born this way.
If the shoe fits, wear it.
Read a fucking book (on theory from that quadrant. I suggest 'Anarchism and Other Essays' by Emma Goldman, it's relatively short, even reading the first chapter alone should be enough, and precisely intended to shine light for newcomers).
English really is the most retarded language
anarchism is omniform and mutable according to the voluntary will of the people
green syndicalist reporting in
Can i offer You guys a trip over the ocean on my private helicopter?
All, and only, the books by Peter Watson.
I'm a WN desu
What is my problem?
Also what the fuck is politics
“Compassionate conservativism”
I am a nazi
Seriously it's getting out of hand how butthurt people become that I buy and sell without violating muh NAP.
At least the blue quadrant larpers have rather esthetic and functional worldviews that they try to force on people. Anything on the left is insanely coercive, schizo and disgusting at the same time.
is bernstein even worth a read?
Ah, the NAP in action
mine is just about the same. I don't get why having a diverse view of different subjects is bad.
I think I'm the only one to have given all the correct answers.
>Reagan as the head of paleo anything
So we can safely drop this test too.
rate my what
The left wing of the right wing (capitalism) is still the right wing
Too many leftist faggots on Yea Forums
Yea Forums has a good deal of ideological diversity.
Minarchists can hate cops too. Reminder that most of the USA didn't even have formal police forces for the first ~70 years of its existence.
Yeah but the ~40% plurality of unironic lefty/pol/s are insufferable
Never said that. Instead of treating common crime as a governmental problem, it should be treated as an individual problem. Civil law is the only reason a business owner can't shoot shoplifters.
I'm a little confused as to why I matched with the second one.
without civil law there is no such thing as a ''business owner''
Hello, I’m basic
Tell that to Kowloon Walled City or any makeshift favela shop
Are you saying that muh NAP will handle all crime?
This, they are technically anarchist loot piñatas
Nothing, since he can’t have an opinion.
what's the difference between classical liberalism and liberal democracy?
>Are you saying that muh NAP will handle all crime?
Not precisely the NAP, and not all crime, but most. The NYPD first formed not to stop murder or robbery (which were generally manageable by a mixture of volunteer groups and societal pressure) but to gather and deport fugitive slaves back to the South. Reconstruction only ended because the federal government ruled first that there was no individual right to form voluntary collectives of bear arms, for example, allowing whites to easily, under guise of law, suppress blacks. The Rodney King riots only happened because the mayor told the police to withdraw, leaving both a power vacuum and a chilling effect where law-abiding citizens were afraid to step in; the rooftop Koreans that did arm, however, successfully repelled rioters and defended their property.
The idea that formal government police forces are a cornerstone of stable society is a myth. They're fairly recent liberal inventions that exist primarily to protect government and corporate interests, not individuals. And as everyone knows, US courts have ruled many times that police have no obligation to protect their citizens, and our constitution makes no reference to police beyond the militia (which is the whole of able-bodied men).
ah, so you're against civil law but have no problem with ''law'' enforced by gangs
>the year of our lord 2019
>not in the purple
What's to be done with you all?
Have my parents failed me?
>not -100% on marxism
Yes, yes they have
Which gangs enforce what law on the favela bootleg VHS salesman or the Kowloon ceiling soda distiller?
lmao get on my level redditors
the slum merchants don't get robbed is because they made deals with local gangs to shoot thieves
>soda distiller
provides a actual service, unlike ''someone who owns shit''
how do you reconcile the contradiction?
"ceiling soda distiller" was just a joke. You're partially right about the favelas, but in practice it's not like you have gangs standing guard over the literal thousands of roadside shops selling things. A thief will be rapidly dealt with in any case. In the case of Kowloon, the society was stable enough to not really need gangs to govern. While there was a drug trade in certain elements, you also had shopkeepers, manufacturers, professional tradesmen (dentists and etc) all with their own little holes-in-the-wall businesses, and they were able to operate because the society had a mutual understanding and respect of individual property.
What's the contradiction?
>what would Jesus do, goy?
From Acts:
>Now the group of those who believed was of one heart and soul, and no one claimed private ownership of any possessions, but everything they owned was held in common.
>No person among them was needy, for as many as the owners of lands or houses were who sold them, they in turn brought the proceeds of what was sold and placed them at the apostles’ feet, and they distributed to each as anyone had need.
From Romans:
>Let every person be subject to the governing authorities; for there is no authority except from God, and those authorities that exist have been instituted by God. Therefore whoever resists authority resists what God has appointed, and those who resist will incur judgement. For rulers are not a terror to good conduct, but to bad.
>For the same reason you also pay taxes, for the authorities are God’s servants, busy with this very thing. Pay to all what is due to them—taxes to whom taxes are due
You're going to have to do a little better than quote mining the bible. In Acts they're talking about the early clergy and not laypeople and there's nothing disagreeable in Romans to a libertarian. Maybe some forms of libertarianism that amount to silly anarchism but not libertarianism in its essence which point towards minimal governance, not no governance at all.
What does this mean??
>queer anarchism
It’s highly expressive in detail, just not as romantic or poetic as others
What am I?
A liberal
I'd never heard of Third Way but apparently it means I'm a neoliberal.
Can't believe I'm a war criminal.
The name
>not berensteinism
Apparently I fit into a school of socialist and anti socialist thought at the same time. For reference I believe in Keynesian economics.
Makes you think
what is this gay shit lmao
>paleo conservatism
>picture of Reagan
At least Strasser is the highest
Apparently I really hate Anarchists
This book should fix a lot of you
the only thing worse than democracy is actual elitism
Most ideologically pure Marxist coming through
>compassion conservatism
a fellow supreme gentleman
I don't understand anarchism. Simply put, am I allowed to kill, rape, and steal as I please or not?
I think you mean to post on Metafilter user.
that's not anarchy, then
Does anyone know what the political compass website people's political ideology is? It really is remarkable that they don't seem to do anything to push or pull you in any direction whatsoever.
he only ate kale eggs and avacado
Best ITT
>still a libertarian
Me and the based lads
I'm literally anprim-ancap baka
They really aren't, none of them actually read anything besides comics.
Politics is, at best, pro wrestling for midwits. Real niggas don't even bother following it any more and prefer really any other topic.
this sentiment is only posted by the far-right to try to dissuade the left from voting
this sentiment is only posted by the far-left to try to dissuade the right from voting
Same, except I'm 5'11.
what a stupid quiz
>about the early clergy and not laypeople
Yeah, they aren't meant to set an example to the rest of the parish or anything.
>unironically participating in a democracy
But only in regards to communism, I'm sure.
Sorry for phoneposting but I have a tremendous headache and needed to lie down.
What does this say about me?
It says you've sucked a cock or two in your time.
Probably that you don't care about politics
I clicked on the suggested reading link and got RickRoll'D. My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.
A Steven Pinker real-doll
I don't follow.
I'm miles from communism but this is where I ended up
How bad am I?
(Phone poster at work)
It's hard being the only one with clarity of mind, friends
These don't match up with each other
I'm not sure how I feel about the test insofar as 'Further Reading' goes.
For instance, has anyone read 'H.R. Morgan'? I got Fascist and Integral Nationalism as my highest percentages, and both recommend works by H. R. Morgan, but I can't find out much about him except his goodreads: goodreads.com
>tfw apparently schizophrenic
Strasserism (German National Bolshevism) match up somehow with Labor Zionism (Lohamei Herut Israel, Jewish National Bolshevism).
Jelly. What the fuck is a deleonizem though? Also im pretty sure they got marx's theory of value wrong.
De Leonism is basically anarcho-syndicalism with vanguardist characteristics. You have the revolutionary unions, but you also have a political party which works to enable the unions and gain power democratically from inside the bourgeois democratic system. It is however strictly revolutionary, and does not plan on reforming the system; De Leonism merely seeks to use all means available to expel the bourgeoisie from their seats of power on the workplace and in the government.
Post-revolution, unlike in anarcho-syndicalism, the central government (consisting of a general congress with recallable representatives, largely decentralized and definitely democratic) is retained and reformed to act as an advisor and neutral negotiator for the industrial unions, and has the task of directing larger affairs.
literally the shittiest position to be. pls kys
Only about 8%
Was Reagan really this woke?
Holy fuck is this legit? I didn't know I was such a cuck
I'm not a big fan of democracy. I actually think it's immoral since it gives unqualified people the power to make decisions and influence policies that hurt other people.
>Nordic model
Democracy is immoral because it forces upon the slave caste with the burden of being political, even if it is only the illusion of political power.
most based results in the thread that aren't my own
Either nothing, or worse, Harry Potter
Kemalism, individualist feminism, classical liberalism.
>Can i offer You guys a trip over the ocean on my private helicopter?
>all four quadrants are transhumanist and/or accelerationist in some way
No one's butthurt it's just cringe that you have no understanding of culture, tradition and race. American ideologies will always be meme ideologies.
>le decision makes le right
I get it, you need to be armed to the teeth or be part of a group capable of defense somewhere to physically fend off overlords, pillards and leftoids but saying that things are arbitrary is maximum cringe.
Based but bluepilled
Cringe and bluepilled
Cringe but redpilled
Based and repilled
Narrowminded dumbo
The first quote is full lolberg with people turning things out of their good pleasure and consumming together.
The second dictates that the worldy affairs don't have to be just and that is shouldn't be a case of worry. It says nothing about the situation being right.
What is this
You should seriously consider suicide if you hated some ideology just because some group of people you somehow hate and are continuing to live in your head rentfree. Cringe and bluepilled, go back to r/the_donald or /pol/.
Imo iam more of a centrist
wtf I'm a fascist now.
Thought I'd be further right and more authoritarian.
This test is fucking stupid because it alligns you within established constructs. I am more of a tribalist than anything and think technology was a mistake and western civilization is poisonous to the psyche. So when it says "religion is important in my childs school" it fucking is to me but in teaching about world mythologys like Joseph Campbell not is some fundamentalist protestant or christian school way. So many of these are loaded questions for cookie cutter people.
the very hungry caterpillar and the whole collection of mister men and little miss book series
Did another test and got this. Am I based and redpilled enough????
Ayy fucc 12
based but only slightly
>anti Fem, anti Anarchist
>Compassionate conservatism
cmon rate me
She won by millions of votes, but trump still got electrd
>half the questions are nonsensical and cannot satiate my intellect
>placed in the bottom left even though im a radical centrist
Fiction books, exclusively.
I disagreed with a few questions' formulation.
At first It gave me stalinism 94% even though I am the most radical of anti-marxists; I realised that the second question implied a communist alternative to capitalism solely, and not potentially a monarchy...
Social Reality does. Nature doesn't, go and visit a child ward
it's probably the second question, it takes the only alternative to be communism apparently; I switched it and I went from stalinist/leninist to Clerical Fascist
nature is elitist. Intellectuals are elitist. Elitism is a system of judgement, and judgement is the obverse to intellect.
arbitrary social elitism, plutocratic etc, that is bullshit I agree
wtf i love woman.
Reaganomic Caliphate when?
oh wait
Depends where you stand on the hidden, and most important, axis
>implying antisemitism is even remotely obscure
>implying the true redpill isn't that Jews are white-washed Middle Easterners and accordingly are completely harmless
Hidden as in, not present on the graph.
>completely harmless
Imagine believing this.
I got Stalinism and Junche even though I'm not a commie; more of a technocratic/transhumanist sort of sneering imperialist, but I guess being pro-empire doesn't exist unless you're a fascist and you wet yourself over the gestapo purging people for wrongthink.
are you me?
Holy shit, I just had to say how this is retarded. Modern police didn't form in America at all, it formed in response to the squalid nature of post-industrial London, and was naturally adopted by every nation in the world. Modern police already had an antecedent in Medieval society, and beforehand, and is much less oppressive than what it replaced, because it's administered by local government and can't be legally engaged in milky function. Ancient Empires had military forces doing the policing. This idea of gangs of roving just citizens is a fiction. How are you dumb enough to think that governments since Sumeria, for thousands of years, were passing laws with no means to enforce them?
>muh corporate interests!
This an opinion not formed by anyone lightly informed in what police do, on a daily basis. Private security corporations serve corporate interests, like Loomis and Garda, serve corporate interests, because the police don't do those jobs for them. You can see them in your community. They have their own patrol cars, and even weapons.
And Leninism 94% ...
What does this mean?
Yeah, I meant military.
Forgot pic
American police forces very much developed in America and policing and criminal law in America very much so was a product of slave-hunting and union-busting, it is a fact that modern police forces were originally formed to serve private interests. in Britain, modern police officers diverged from medieval law enforcement *during* industrialization, or more accurately liberalization, as property and production was privatized the law shifted to acting on behalf of private interests. modern police forces did not diverge to soothe squalid conditions, but to repress the social unrest and chaos born from them, functionally perpetuating that degradation on behalf, though not on warrant, of private actors. this ecology continues to evolve to this day.
>American police didn't 'form' in America
> much less oppressive than what it'' replaced'
>Modern police already had an 'antecedent' in Medieval society
you shouldn't be talking about phylogeny if you don't understand cladistic philosophy. I don't feel like wasting any more time on you, im not the user you responded to, but you have no business calling anybody retarded
Unironically the Bible
but he was
What NAP. I dont subscribe to the NAP, I'm not a dirty anarchist. I'll gladly begin (and end) violence against those that are a menace for my lifestyle and ideals.
I've got fusionism and three principles of the people, What does that mean?
itt: closeted commies take quiz, act surprised when it calls them commie
This is what I imagined I'd get, but I got regular commie stuff instead. What the hell