Was he right?

Was he right?

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partly but the whole "future is dead" thing was a bit too far. Music is still moving forward even if a lot of it is just nostalgic for the 20th century.


>respected writer
>had a family
>kills himself because of his wistful ruminations
seriously, this is why I don't read philosophy. What's the point in spending your life thinking and reading about depressing shit when you can immerse yourself into the beauty of fiction? Then once you fall down the philosophical rabbit hole you end up entrenched in definitions and terms and theories and complexities that blind you from seeing the simpler beauties of life. Fiction is a much more simple and therefore a more profound medium.

nick wins because he didn't kill himself like no bitch


left, I think

He looks like he was agp

You don't understand. The core of this man's thinking was full of what is known as "COPE", hypocrisy and contradiction. This is why most leftists criticizing modernity kill themselves

any other person would turn right but he just outed instead

>living long enough to turn into king of the boomers
nick lost a long time ago


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I miss him.

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>believing that any one of the masks is the real Nick Land

Anyone read Flatline Constructs?

just coping over the fact that his favorite brand of Marxism is irrelevant in the face of intersectionality, basically an old man yelling at clouds

yes, about everything

Quite fittingly dilate

and nick land still has a cosy family life in the real world outside of his little philosophical hell

Attached: 2423.jpg (714x194, 32K)

Or he did until he was arrested this week, I wonder how Anna and the kids are doing


yes, it is good but stylistically very different from later works. though it shares themes

was he really rich though? but yeah, it's sad.

Attached: mfish.jpg (954x960, 64K)

This dude has a bit of a resemblance to Nick, in a recent photo (from a day ago) from one of the CCP's "rehabilitation" places.

A rare Caucasian, in any of the (relatively) regular photos taken of these camps.

Attached: 08032019.png (220x97, 49K)


My problem with Fisher is that he never seemed to provide solutions to the problems he whined about. He was right about all of things he whined about, corporate bureaucracies, death of music/western culture, depression as a social problem. But all he did was fucking observe and whine.

Could you come up with a solution?

we will have to recurr by neccessity to extraordinary and superhuman measures, YEAR ZERO. i'm talking casualties in the dozens of millions in the continental united states, AT LEAST, the wholesale liquidation of entire social segments of the population, the traitors in the government, the journalists, the tv personalities, celebrities, redditors, the razing of NYC and San Francisco, to the ground with requisitioned army horwitzers as to make and example of them, deporting the overeducated to the countryside for re-education, establishment of TOTAL political control by a revolutionary party organisation by any means necessary, including but not limited to political TERROR. America could sure use more men like Commander Rockwell, Reverend Jones, Charlie Manson, good ol Tim McVeigh, Ted K, Koresh, and the columbine boys.

damn... where did you get that pic from?


Anyone read (what was written of) Acid Communism? Made me want to get into Marcuse

More like Cope Communism. Aka Copeism

What Fisher meant by "the future is dead" is more along the lines of those opportunities for the youth to reinvent, or change that which oppresses them is fleeting because those in power cannot allow it to change, and whether we like it or not the future comes but its not the future needed. Hence, its easier to consider the end of the world (WWIII, all this capeshit about apocalyptic notions) than the end of capitalism



Yes. It's lots of fun to have gay sex, make edgy occult electronic music, and drink yourself to a hugely ironic early death of a fall.


Fuck, had the same thought