What is the most effective way to spread acceptance of anti-natalism? I imagine there would be many anti-natalism, possibly even a majority, if not for the media perpetuating the idea that being anti-life is taboo.
What is the most effective way to spread acceptance of anti-natalism? I imagine there would be many anti-natalism...
>anti-life is taboo
what about all these pro-abortion folks? id say theyre pretty anti-life
I'm not even pro-abortion
>if not for the media perpetuating the idea that being anti-life is taboo
The medias, the élite, everyone of importance is on your side.
> ‘To blame population growth instead of consumerism [for environmental degradation] ... is an attempt to legitimize the present model of distribution, where a minority believes it has the right to consume in a way which can never be universalized.
Pope Francis- Laudato Si
I can't imagine that you guys are not virgins.
What's wrong with that exactly? Jesus and Paul were as well
Nothing. Virginity is praiseworthy. That’s not what opponents of anti-natalism are arguing against.
What if I have tried and failed to get laid?
Well one of them just did it.
anti-natalism is just the moral superiority wing of atheists who felt like morallets compared to Christians. It's a perversion only the weak and weak-minded truly support. Just look at the Church of Euthanasia- founded by a vegan, transsexual Jew
He' saying nothing on the one argument antinatalists have; the one that goes from "life is suffering so You shouldn't make Babies". He's also truvially right. 20 billion farmers have a Lesser impact on the environment than 1 billion industrialists, That's cold hard fact.
i think killing yourself would be a good way of advocating for your idea, since it would proof ypur commitment to it and impress others as "why did this dude killed himself because of this ? there something interesting in this, I'll check it out"
The media would be obligated to show it and no one would judge you, i mean no one judges recently dead, it's almost like they've become saints. See 13 reasons why ? people are apologetic towards suicide theses days.
Do it! :D
I'm not an atheist. I spread antinatalism BECAUSE I know God and Hell are real. I wear a shirt saying "[Birth is the beginning of damnation] [please consider the unborn]". I compare Christian reproduction to giving birth in a burning building.
Some megachad already did that and even though he was a Chad, hardly anybody read his manifesto because nobody likes pessimism. That's why they didn't and still don't like Jesus. "You mean I can't just spend my life doing whatever I feel like and get off scott free? Nah, I'll worship Luther and Anderson instead".
>I wear a shirt saying "[Birth is the beginning of damnation] [please consider the unborn]". I compare Christian reproduction to giving birth in a burning building.
Grow the fuck up
I assure you that I am much more grown than you are. Do you think I enjoy wearing such a thing? No, its embarrassing and I mostly get dirty looks and some people are stupid enough to think its about abortion. Nevertheless I wear it to advertise a message of the utmost importance because I have a sense of duty to my fellows. You are the one who needs to grow up.
You're basically a Cathar.
I disagree man, people love some pessimism. It's been this way since WWII. People just don't care for the future or are scared of it, it's very clear why they just act so irresponsibly towards one another. Trying to survive day by day, marking time, enjoying most of they can. They truly believe, they WANT to believe in one end or another, communist takeover, global warming, zombie apocalypse, mad max, they don't as long as it ends. Life in the end would be just less annoying and meaningless.
They just waiting for someone to showcase them the answer, a solution Show them the way user, start the new revolution.
#doit :D
Cathars worshiped the memory of Manes (Mani) btw.
I'm hardly going to kill myself. I am I assure you I'm in no hurry to get to hell and if I can persuade just a few people to not have children then my purpose will be fulfilled.
nice strawman
Cathars are also a footnote in history because they felt They were so virtuous they could kill papal legates without repercursion.
Ted knew why.