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Off topic post, none of this is literature related.

It is Yea Forums related moron, fuck off you little grass. Fucking little tattle tale at 20 something years old, grow a pair of balls already and stop crying about every little thing.

Read the stickied post. Politics go on unless you are discussing a specific piece of political literature.

Not going anywhere faggot

Well, when the mod logs in 2 hours from now enjoy your ban. We need less of you low IQ idiots who are unable to follow the most basic rules here.

>Enjoy your ban
lol, it takes 30 seconds to reset a router

Enjoy wasting your life as a little rat you pathetic fuck.


>boohoo I am unable to majorly shit up the quality of a community with off-topic posts without getting reported!!
You probably wonder why nobody likes you.

Hence why the world is in such a sorry state and ignorance reigns supreme.

>You probably wonder why nobody likes you
I know for a fact no one likes you, you rat.

This board is for anything vaguely Yea Forums, including philosophy, politics and anything else a book was ever written on. If you want a little pseud circlejerk about Ulysses fuck off to reddit faggot. Report all you like, I'll be back 30 seconds later anyway. Enjoy wasting your time moron.

No, the world is in a sorry state because not enough people don't care about those things.

>This board is for anything vaguely Yea Forums
Did you read the stickied post like I told you to? Or are you actually retarded?


>Did you read the stickied post like I told you to

Posters decide what's allowed on the board, not some fucking sticky. Have fun reporting half the threads on Yea Forums every day because they don't adhere to the sticky. Fuck off somewhere else if you want to be a little rule obsessed faggot.

based except the slurs

I am disinclined to agree.

You didn't have to use that slur, incel. I had a feeling you were an incel but now you've made it clear. No wonder you're unable to follow the most basic rules when you're a subhuman who has been cast into the shadows of society.

>why is nobody taking my bad faith original post seriously???

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Nigger, faggot, kike, zipperhead, gook. They're words, get over it.

>using incel
Why are you even here? Go back where you came from if you hate it so much.

>bad faith
You can join the rules faggot in the boat, I can hear your thin, effeminate wrists rattling as you type

You can take your anger out on society, but it will never cure you of your virginity ;)