>Joyce didn't win the prize
>Pynchon didn't win the prize
>Borges didn't win the prize
>Rilke didn't win the prize
>James didn't win the prize
>Pessoa didn't win the prize
>Mishima didn't win the prize
>Calvino didn't win the prize
>Perec didn't win the prize
>Celan didn't win the prize
>Crane didn't win the prize
>Stevens didn't win the prize
>Shakespeare didn't win the prize
>Dante didn't win the prize
>Murakami didn't win the prize
>And yet.....
Joyce didn't win the prize
>Pynchon didn't win the prize
We'll see.
Fuck you
Kek. I take that back.
>Shakespeare didn't win the prize
>Dante didn't win the prize
This has to be bait
Why not? Can't they give it posthumously?
Actually, Dante wasn't laureated (as opposed to Petrarca or Boccaccio)
Joyce, Pynchon, Borges, Rilke, James, Pessoa, James, Mishima, Calvino, Perec, Celan, Crane, Stevens, Shakespeare, Dante, and Murakami = goyim.
Dylan = chosen.
Simple as.
No, they clearly can't. If they could, they've already would.
Perec was a Jew.
Shakespeare was a Jew.
Joyce was a Jew.
Their works aren't idealistisk
All awards are a farce in all mediums in all times and ages.
Dante was a Jew.
> Joan_Baez_Bob_Dylan_crop.jpg
no he wasn't
Joyce was a degenerate humanist who didn’t deserve it.
If you want to know how to spot a dillettante, just check if he likes Bob Dylan or mentions a 'prize' or 'university' that nobody asked about
Murakami was a jew.
Calvino, Borges and Nabokov did not win because they were pedophiles
Tolstoy and Zola didn't win because they weren"t considered idealistic enough. That was even more so the case for Pound and Céline. Valéry didn't win out of bad luck, he as nominated many times and would have had it if he had lived 5 years longer.
Martison won it because he was in the jury, but he paid dearly enough for that.
*wins the prize*
Who cares about this stupid Jew prize