Any books that explain the Boomer mentality?

Any books that explain the Boomer mentality?

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anything by Updike

Holy fuck that picture just made me so angry.


Lasch, Deneen

I hate the elderly, not just baby boomers. My grandmother was born in the late 30s and she's a whiny fuck that never worked a day in her life. She tells me about her rheumatoid arthritis like I give a shit. Then she proceeds to bitch about young people being lazy and disrespectful to their elders as I work driving railroad spikes by hand and call her every week to see how she's handling her retirement home.

you should put her in a home

A Generation of Sociopaths.

The reason people aren't having kids is because of MEN. Men are too busy playing video games, men haven't aged one bit since they were 15. They just sit at home and play video games instead of looking for a girl.

why not just use the trip since it was leaked

She already is! She lives in an "independent living facility" that is 7 minutes down the street(literally down one single street) from my uncle. Him and his wife are saints for putting up with that flibberty bitch.

What is it?

Butters I agree but it's not just video games, those soiboys aren't having kids either (and that's a good thing)

What is it?


How my grandfather put up with this midwestern daughter of a banker, I'll never know. He passed away 10 years ago, and I know he's in peace for the time being.


What's up, dyke?

ahahah you owe him a soda now! :D

A Brief History of Neoliberalism by David Harvey

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Bruce Gibney - A Generation of Sociopaths
Boomers are next in line after JANNIES for the пyля кoмиccapa

That's because women told men to stop being so macho and toxically masculine, which effectively emasculated them. What did you expect?

Men are playing video games because there are no women out there who are more interesting than video games. 99% of the girls I've texted after getting their numbers are either too busy wasting their 20s on grad school or they're just not interested in dating. It's like half of them are thots who are going to wonder why they're used up and single at 35 and the other half fell for the career meme and are going to wonder why they're lonely and single at 35.

People aren't having kids because they can't afford to move out of their parents house because of debt.

Gravity's Rainbow

Seconding Lasch, who actually offers something like a causal account of how you get to .

Not familiar with Deneen. What would you recc, user?

>have sex

>destroy purchasing power
>depress wages
>drive up cost of living
>wonder why your impoverished children aren't giving you even more of their money

We need to literally genocide all boomers and gen x.

See, this shit. women in older generations never worked a day in their fucking life. meanwhile i bust my ass and if i don't manage to earn enough, i get evicted and skip meals. fuck them. whiny stupid lazy shits. running a household is NOT THAT FUCKING HARD. WAAAH YOU HAVE TO COOK? WAAAH YOU HAVE TO WATER A GARDEN? bullshit. I have to run my household AND work 40 hours a week. I hate this shit.
>get married
anymore one salary is not enough for a household. even if i got married i'd still have to work, and now cook and clean even more.
>why aren't you married
i guess you forget that throughout all of human history people had their mate arranged for them, and the boy was all but guaranteed to be a decent guy. now they don't want to settle down until they hit the wall at 30, and if they come into money they'll just cheat on you since all men are godless hedonists controlled by the impulses of their penis.

i want to batter old women. they never worked, and they destroyed the world so that i have to. i god damned fucking despise work. women were NOT designed to deal with stress like that. fucking bitchy lazy indolent old whores. oooh noooo you had to cooooook it's really sooooo hard to chop up vegetables oh noooooo. I WORK EIGHT HOURS (REALLY NINE SINCE LUNCH IS NO LONGER INCLUDED IN THE 9-5) AND THEN COME HOME AND STILL HAVE TO COOK.

fuck boomers. fuck them fuck them fuck them. and fuck the "greatest generation", who the fuck decided to call them that? they fought a big war over absolutely nothing, my country got involved for completely bullshit reasons, and they destroyed europe over nothing. nothing. it was probably just a way for some bigwigs to make a buck and they pushed propaganda to stir up some shit. and now? wages are effectively half as much and instead of being given to a nice husband at age 16 and never having a care in the world while i spend all day warm and comfy at home doing /ck/ things, now i have to walk through swarms of hobos to go to a despicable office job and sit there freezing and miserable dealing with cunts who talk down to me and bosses who want to underpay me and look for any excuse to lay me off.

i hope they enjoy the diversity-staffed nursing homes.

honestly i agree with this. when they should be looking for a wife they want to be degenerate and try and sleep around as much as possible. then at 30 they get super desperate and will take the first woman who agrees to have them. so either women have to wait until 30 to get married or end up with some creepy guy 10 years her senior who acts like a lecher and will leave her a widow at 60.
nice projection.

I feel that this is bait, but if you are white, single, female, and under 30 email [email protected]

I need you.

What am I projecting onto who?

Men hit the wall at 45, sweety :)

hilarious because whenever i date guys late 20's/early 30s they're desperate as hell to get me into a longterm fling. i finally picked one. he's 31 and makes six figures. i'm going to marry him.

That’s actually the result of the feminist movement over the past couple of centuries, since women were largely oppressed and didn’t have that many rights as human beings. Male slaves in some countries in 1800 had more rights than an upperclass woman in England, for instance. So women wanted the power to be masters of their own destiny. Fast forward to today, and you’re the end result of their ideal.

You were born about 1 or 2 centuries too late if you prefer that type of lifestyle, sorry.

Most woman are attracted to guys about five year their senior. Sexuality isn’t the domain of men, and any men who try to compete with woman in that category end up as deranged and absurd as transvestites. The idea of meeting a nice woman your own age and having a relationship as equal partners is a stupid one, which goes against human nature. Men’s domain is adventure, travel, the battlefield, nature, etc. All the things too dangerous and physically demanding for 95% of woman to do— woman realize this and will owe those men a great amount of respect. Become a wild land firefighter or roughnecker for a couple months, then use that money to backpack across Russia/China along the old silk roads. Worrying about getting married as a male under thirty is stupid. Woman are beautiful flowers which blossom young and at best can hope to wilt away gracefully. Men have until their forties to start a family, and as long as they don’t allow themselves to deteriorate (ironically, this is as often caused by marriage as video games) only become more desirable.
Join your countries army, and make a name for yourself young man. When you’re thirty-four you can marry a young girl-child from the caucuses who will worship you.

>single mom coalburners
No thank you

I make 6 figures and I'm 28. Without a degree.

>men hit the wall but I kept dating men who already hit the wall and now I picked a man who hit the wall to spend my life with haha
Don't think you know what "hit the wall" means. If men hit the wall at 30 you wouldn't be dating men in their 30s.

>hilarious because whenever i date guys late 20's/early 30s they're desperate as hell to get me into a longterm fling.
Vast majority of men regardless of age are desperate to engage in long term flings.

30 is the sweet spot though - "ripe for divorce rape". 40+ is risky as they hide assets, and it gets harder to find one reasonably in shape. 45+ and you have a lineup of flabby dadbods.

divorce rape never made sense to me. yeah you have his money, but now you're like 35-40 and will have a harder time finding another man.
post your goodreads because i bet you're a filthy pleb.

It's more of a figure of speech. If the guy doesn't raise much stink with supporting your lifestyle, divorce is just pointless drama. You take almost all his money one way or another.

Don't worry anons. The Boomer menace will be over soon.

It’s capitalism, duh.

There are a whole host or reasons why people in the so-called western world are having less children. It can be boiled down to capitalism, directly and indirectly, some people see an unstable economy, some can see the unstable environment.
But mostly this “white genocide” thing is a distraction.

Now gentleman lest us the babblery, what does Canada's re-owned Psychologist/Professor Jordan P. Peterson have to say on such matters @everyone?

They’re only in the 50s and 60s

They're mostly in their 60s and 70s.

I don't use social media, but this year I've read:
Slaughter House 5
A Confederacy of Dunces
Breakfast of Champions
and David Copperfield

Say what you will, but I'm reading all the "classics" I missed.

Wow, this guy still exists. I just visited Yea Forums today after years and years and years of not coming in here.

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Oh man, that picture takes me back.

Real butterbitch is not this retarded. 0/10, needs practice

>David Copperfield
wholesome af. would husbando.

>picture of innocent infants made you angry
psycho detected kys selfs


Made me laugh. Boomers will pay for what they've done.


We will pay when the boomers are gone. Among their fuck ups is every generation since them getting stupider and stupider. As soon as the boomers are gone elevators are going to fall and gas line explosions will be commonplace.

Shut the fuck up Buttertits.
It's a globally systemic problem in developed nations. Your "It's dem vidya games" argument is completely sophistic and boomer-tier.

Maybe they should do a fucken extensive poll and ask millennial why they aren't getting married, why they aren't having that many kids, and why they aren't buying boomer McMansions, rather than just coming up with click bait pseud hypotheses.

Maybe he meant in terms of cosmic justice

Dr. Pierce recommended reading the book "Do It" by one of the Jews who was a leader in the "counter-culture movement" where the Jew advised readers to kill their parents if they would not allow them to do as they wanted......look into the book, and you'll get an idea f their selfish, society-destroying mindset...

:) You warmed my last feeling.

>getting got by a fake butterfly

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Am I the only person who noticed that the baby has Fetal Alcohol Syndrome?

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How so?

Moving out of your parents house is a spook.

'whom' not 'who'
The absolute state of Yea Forums

Peter Thiel gives his explanation why Boomers are so misguided in Zero to One.
He makes the case that Boomers’ formative years were defined by rapidly changing technology and this created the sense that the world changes by itself. Hard work and long term planning by the Boomer wasn’t changing their lives, the changes were coming from “out there”. They therefore never really developed discipline and don’t view the future as definite and malleable but rather as indefinite or something that happens to you.

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I should add that, according to Thiel, technological advancement has slowed significantly starting in the 1970s, with only computers/IT being an exception. So generations after Boomers have not ended up with a Boomer worldview.

I can see what you mean user

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Gen X starts in 61 or 62 depending on who you ask. If you aren't in your 70s, you probably aren't a boomer.

Is this true?

>Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
Always struck me as a good name for a punk band. Maybe Fatal Alcohol Syndrome. Or Fecal.

Here's a (((you))) now go fuck your self you dumb fucking cunt.

I want a fucking family so bad but all the women I like are either married, been fucked silly by a bunch of dudes, rode the cock carousel, are tattooed shit, hoes or used up shit.

I also cannot afford a fucking house because of my shit salary thanks to all the fucking beaners and pajeets that do the jobs for a fucking fraction of the price.

You dumb fucking ignorant shit.

If these so called "men" or man childs are dropping out I dont fucking blame them so much.

Shit's fucked up bad, Cars are shit, the housing market is shit, jobs are shit, college is shit, the job market is shit.


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I think it's true.
For example, air travel and medicine are not radically different now than they were 50 years ago in the 1970s, but compared with the 1920s both of those fields were markedly changed in the 1970s (50 year difference).

You could even say air travel has gotten worse.

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Yes, no, maybe, I don't know
Can you repeat the question?

You're not the boss of me now
You're not the boss of me now
You're not the boss of me now
And you're not so big

You're not the boss of me now
You're not the boss of me now
You're not the boss of me now
And you're not so big

Life is unfair

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>The Baby Boom generation is most often defined as those individuals born between 1946 and 1964
>Demographers and researchers typically use birth years ranging from the early-to-mid 1960s to the early 1980s.
Demographers are stupid. If one ends in ‘65, the other should pick up in ‘66.
I am NOT a boomer. I was born in the decline of the US. I was not a part of their prosperity, delusions and disillusionment.

I hate women.

You realize people born in 59 are only 60 right now correct? The parents of millenials are all boomers.

It’s one thing to shit on your granny for being lazy but don’t knock the RA, that shit has been a severe detriment to my quality of life, and I’m only 23.

The boomer problem is an example of daddy issues on a mass scale, because their daddies went and died in war. They didn't have the guidance necessary and in turn couldn't offer guidance to successive generations. Thus we degenerate.

Thanks Israel.

>men’s domain is this arbitrary list of “manly” things I have come up with
Surely that would mean women are the true intellectuals, while men are simply brutes caving each other’s skulls in?

Also fyi my gf is my age (approximately) and we’ve been together for almost 5 years now. What you call impossible only seems as such because you have such retarded expectations of how men and women interact without any recourse to lived experience. I’m almost certain your recommendation to join the army and find a child bride has no basis in your life

simply love this sort of impotent schizo rage directed at everyone over 30 lmao

America should be like in Logan's Run where all the old people are rounded up into an area and exploded.

>whenever i date guys
You're used up...
>i finally picked one. he's 31 you "picked" an old fart...
>and makes six figures don't even love.

t. guy who married in his early 20s with a 18 years old girl

>t. guy
I doubt that
>who married
Yeah, to a fucking roastie
>in his
Again, I doubt that.
>early 20s
So you're a child?
>a 18 years old girl
An 18 year old girl*
>You're used up...
You don't even know me
> you "picked" an old fart...
So what?
> don't even love.
Define love

>to a fucking roastie
I took her virginity, so...
>So you're a child?
I'm a grandad.
>An 18 year old girl*
English isn"t my first language, so I don't really care about this kind of details.
>Define love
So you don"t even know what love is.
When I met my wive, she was at college, I was a bit older, without job or degree. Once we met we never left each other, because we were so much in love, as today.

*high school (not college)

>pretending to be me
for what purpose?
i'm taking the old fashioned view of marriage (practicality and economics.) read literature sometime and you might see that.
comes with time, dumbass. how can i fall in love with someone i barely know? that's lust. romeo and juliet? lust/infatuation. love is born over time.

What's your job?

>old fashioned view of marriage
>not married before 20 for a girl and 25 for a boy
No, you're into the loveless loser view of marriage

>how can i fall in love with someone i barely know?
Me and my wife fell in love at first sight, we were complete strangers, we were walking alone in an empty street in a small town, and like magnets we couldn't walk past each other, our legs sopped walking, like they didn't want to let us miss each other, so we started to speak, awkwardly, mesmerized by the sight of each other... and since that day we stayed together.
The memory of this day is a strong aphrodisiac for the two of us, if only you knew...

t. grandad guy

>read literature sometime
Yeah because True love and Love at first sight aren't something in literature.

I'll tell you my job if you tell me yours.

True love is the strongest practical asset in a couple.

Rich people tend to despise what they can't buy.
Like love. (Here I'm not talking about people who already found love before becoming rich)

No one cares about your jobs, losers.

But everyone can do it now. A flight somewhere in the 60s was not cheap

T. boomer with child bride telling the younglings how the real world is.

>boomer with child bride
She was 18, I was 22, and the two of us are Xers.

t. grandad guy.

>how the real world is
Some find love, many don't, that's how the world is.
Marriages of convenience are better than no marriage at all, I guess. I don't blame her, but she should be more humble about it.

t. grandad guy.

Perhaps it's true.
I think it's hard to gauge since computers/IT/electronics have glommed onto every other industry, creating the appearing of general advancement. Where would the automation advances in manufacturing techniques be without programming robotics. Or the autopilot in planes diminishing the role (and cost) of trained pilots.
I wonder which fields are the most mutually exclusive from computer advancement and still be considered "High-Tech" without the need for it.

t. Keep'um coming gramps

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Sex worker

came here to post this

Masturbating to wapanese cartoons doesn't make you a sex worker.


I know. Being hired to fuck bored, sexually repressed suburban women and professional women with limited time does.

Your pic is totally inaccurate.
I'm a Xer, dude, not a zoomer.
You just can't process the fact that some people marry early, make babies early, and become grandparents early.

People that get pregnant in high school.
t. Doesn't know the meaning of boomer anymore.

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You're right, that upper lip and eyefold is a dead giveaway. Fetal alcohol syndrome is one of those few things that makes me unreasonably angry. For example:

Agree with this. I think Thiel is spot on that the boomers lived in a charmed time that was created for them by the greatest generation. When you think about all the technological innovations from 1950-1980, most of them were runoff from foundational knowledge acquired by researchers during WWII. Nuclear weapons led directly to stuff like the microwave and nuclear medicine (eg MRI scans). Improved ballistics and jet engine technology led to space technology. Radar led directly to the creation of satellite technology. Hell, even cracking the enigma led to computers.

Boomers got it all for free AND they got cheap rent/tuition on top of it because the greatest generation were just that nice. Which is what really ticks me off when my parents complain that I'm still renting, how they got a house when they turned 30. I looked up what rent cost back in the 1980s. A one bedroom apartment cost < $500 in inflation adjusted dollars. I am so fucking mad at how the boomers fucked up the housing market with their speculative bullshit.

>pregnant in high school
She wasn't in high school anymore. It was a few years after we met.

t. grandad guy.

Maybe it's just her because from my experience Maturists tend to be more polite and well-mannered than Baby Boomers. You realize there could be assholes even if the average of a group is alright, correct? Do you understand how common sampling bias is?

The US has a Brazil tier economy with almost zero upwards social mobility and the economy gets worse for the 99% literally each year.
There are actual hardworking young adults who went to college and actually have real careers like IT and architecture who can't afford to buy a fucking house, let alone wageslaves.

My dad has talked to me about how lucky he was to have grown up in one of the most peaceful periods in history. He understands why the present day is so fucked up but doesn't quite sympathise with how difficult it is to find gainful employment when every other graduate has exactly the same skill set as you. He worked at the same company for half a century and has since retired with a luxurious pension. Meanwhile I'm running around juggling multiple jobs just to cover the bills.

What do their husbands think of it?

Some are ok with it, some don't know.

t. bluepilled boomer

Which is more exciting for you?

Don't really feel excitement from either, the ones that are ok with it are a bit more relaxing since there's no danger. When they don't know you have to specific arrangements, be careful of phonecalls etc.

A little off topic but i read an op-ed by this guy claiming that AI will primarily be employed as a military technology. Then he goes off on a tangent about how Google was involved in all kinds of sketchy contracts with the Chinese government and the military. Which is rich given how Thiel's own companies are so thickly implicated in the surveillance state.

I love how some of these guys try to present themselves as "oh, little old me? I'm not like those other billionaire's!" When they are all complicit in the same destabilizations.

We capitalize the first letter of our sentences and put proper punctuation at the end here.
The absolute state of Yea Forums.

Any books that explain the obsession with generational categories even though their explanatory power is virtually null?

Watch TV

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Nothing you've said had anything to do with what he said at all. You clearly have some sort of learning disability.

What do you mean? Age cohort is relevant to all kinds of things.

>Me and my wife fell in love at first sight

Not them but this is a huge problem. Red flags everywhere.

Falling in love at ‘first sight’ is a severe sign of superficiality in attraction. Falling in love takes a decent amount of time. It’s born over repeated interactions. :3

It explains nothing that can't be explained better by something else

sorry lads and lades. everything posted in this thread is boomerish. boomers are self conscious to the degree of delusion. even a zoomer can be a boomer. people default into the boomer mindset because it was the last notable generation of real economic gain. boomer pride and their aging, they are convinced that it was the golden standard of way of life and everything after is inferior. you can see this in msm or any woke politics. we have kids temporally displaced, living the lives their parents think extends to this day and the aging parents living through their kids. this is why barely anyone knows wtf they are saying because they were just taught to say it without questioning. so when you talk politics and all the nu retard media being pumped out, its the old generation going senile, doubling down on what used to be. if you find yourself reading stupid articles or statistics about how shit the new gen is, youre falling for the boomer. its all business when it comes down to it and no established entity wants more competitition. if you dont recognize the resources we have now because of decentralization, and have fallen for senseless hedonism, retarding media, you are living their lives not yours. people are convinced theres nothing to try anymore, everything is cliche. based on what? the boomer standard. doing what 'others are doing' used to make sense because the economy can answer back. now it doesnt, you have to carve your own market. and none of this requires you to act or think like 'someone applying for a job' or 'being a wagie for someone else'. no this is not some revolutionary get rich secret. its all just piles of money fighting other piles of money fighting potential piles of money that are beyond control. relationships are fucked because everyone is made whores for the supposed unending orgy that started decades before they were born. demographic demoralization based on emerging trends. panopticon pills.

If women are capable of destroying your masculinity, you were pretty fucking bad at masculinity in the first place
In the words of TLP, "Really? A girl did that to you?"

>Falling in love takes a decent amount of time. It’s born over repeated interactions.
More like faking love takes a decent amount of time. It’s born over repeated interactions.

me too

something about using a baby or a dog's face a representative of adult human emotions feels really cheap and obnoxious. there is the cutesy response implied in the picture itself. it is begging you to respond to it a certain way


Nope. The second one of those posts is a fake butterfly. It's easy to tell the difference once you "filter real butterfly's tripcode".

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I mean he's not wrong, it's just weird that he'd focus on that,
Left-libertarians were a mistake

>Left-libertarians were a mistake
He’s a right-libertardian.

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My bad then
He's based

>Sch*n(((berg)))'s opinion on anything being relevant

>wahhhh the previous generation caused all my problems

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>and the military
No. Google is working for the CHINESE military while refusing to help the American military. According to Thiel google is guilty of treason.

Women were treated better with less rights

Having "freedoms and liberties" doesn't mean your life will be better you drooling retarded leftist cockgobbling faggot

Boomers didn't think about the future.

This shit is retarded and it's why I hate libertarians. No, you can't expect people to just pick up a new skillset. I did, and it was hard as fuck (took up software engineering after graduating with an English major). I literally can't expect the average normie who drives trucks for a living to pick up something as difficult as software engineering.

The average person has trouble with ALGEBRA, there is no way in hell they could pick up the stem meme.

Millennial and zoomer hate towards boomers fuck is cringy because they don't hate boomers for fucking things up but because they didn't get to fuck thing up.
Zoomers and millennials would do what boomers did if they had they chance.

Reification boomer cope. Just because all adult men want to fuck 13-16yo girls doesn't mean they're on same level as pedos.

Conclusion: Boomers are sexual predators.

They stole the job because they work for pennies because they are desperate, and not because they are equally skilled. He is an idiot.

Why do theses people hate the working class so much

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>they didn't get to fuck things up
How does this relate to sky high rent, tuition, and historically low labor participation rate? Fuck off boomer apologist.

yeah it's like the market is oversaturated or something or like illegals are willing to work in slave conditions for kikes like him

I don't see the problem, slavery is the whole point of libertarianism, it's ideologically consistent.

Yep, Yang is commie filth.

Gen x, millennials, and zoomers are equally selfish as boomers.

Only one had the structural power to fuck everything up.

Any books about the phenomenon of ungrateful whiny zoomennials bitching endlessly about their parents and anyone older than them and blaming le boomers for everything wrong with them? I'm sick of my peers having a fucking cry everytime a stiff breeze forces them to shelter next to someone under the bus stop.

Yang is literally the only candidate capable of realizing that the rest of the 21st century is going to involve fundamental changes we haven't seen before

>changes we haven't seen before
Ancient rome had grain dole, provided free of charge by government to anyone. Welfare state to placate the plebs is hardly anything new. You can band-aid for sure, but it's a stretch to claim you've fixed the system.
As rome went on its downward spiral, so increased the quality of dole - no longer grain, but now bread and olive oil, and later wine and pork. Rome fell soon afterwards.

Wonder who's behind this post

>Dude liberals love welfare lmao
If you aren't capable of recognizing that 21st century technology is going to fundamentally change everything we thought never could be changed, then you're not paying very much attention

Part reason Rome fell because most of its population were unemployable and all wealth concentrated by decadent oligarchy. They didn't have robots and AI, they had something better - slaves. I know this isn't /his/ but seriously, read your greeks.

Stop being thick-headed
The fourth industrial revolution will displace people on a scale you literally can't comprehend at this point
The past is no comparison and if you think it is you deserve to perish in the first wave of labor riots

As predicted by Lord And Savior Marx? The problem with you commies is that you somehow insist that progress diffuses power - while in reality, exactly the opposite happens - the more technology allows for a single man to amplify power, the more potential for wealth to concentrate in one place. Sure we can have everyone live in luxury - we have the means for 100 years by now. But we're just silly apes with crab mentality, wanting to stand on the backs of one another. Technology won't change that, you can as easily monopolize robots just like one can monopolize google search. You'd need to somehow change the ape.

History just doubles down on the ape pattern, with each technological step. And it's not even the material disparity and lack of purpose which makes the empire fail and restart the cycle, but fertility crash due to no upward mobility.

Not agreeing with the other person, but your anecdote is not relevant in any way

Books to understand Boomer thought process?

Zero to One by Peter Thiel

Unironically BTFO

this has nothing to do with quality and everything to do with consumers having more power to shop and compare prices (removal of information asymmetry).

Also remember 9/11 and the cucking of our airport system into a quasi-government enterprise that grants monopolies on hallways to get into the plane?

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>China puts Muslims into camps
i sleep, no such thing is happening in the Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region
>China ethnically cleanses people in Tibet
i sleep, no such thing is happening in the Tibet Autonomous Region
>US detains Guatemalans in camps at the border
Oh. My. God. The horror. This isn't who we are. This is wrong. This is evil. This is genocide. We at Google REFUSE to work with this wicked regime until ICE is ABOLISHED.
>yes, good gweilo

Don’t allow medical treatment for anyone over 70. All the diabetics, obese, heart diseased will drop off.

because the boomers like to engrain in their children how great their time was without a single glance about the world for decades. its like they enjoy cucking their own children because they can no longer be young again so no one can top them as much as possible. gen x y and z grew up disappointed of some lost golden past when its really just a generation of parents who cant get over themselves resulting in the younger to act the same way.

Our dear progress overlords have spent the last 80 years saying how terrible and satanic it was to have preference for your own people, so this line of reasoning makes 100% perfect sense then.

Actually it's because most women aren't worth the time.

>Video games are immature
In the same way that a book, movie or piece of art/sculptures are immature. AKA not immature at all. Do I really have to spell it out for you? Of course I do, but I won't. It's actually all very simple, but as a woman you'll never understand no matter how much it's explained to you. Put the pieces together you dumb, dumb butterfly.

Being a traitor to the USA is necessary to not be a traitor to humanity.

Have women ever been worth the time? I men there have been some, but not enough to match the number of men. Which is why their status was kept low so that the reduced price made it worth it.

>he works 8 hour shifts and gets a break

you haven't really worked until you've done back to back to back 16 hour shifts you weak ass shitter

thats why boomers had college prices shoot up so much, so they can sugar daddy young college girls

>the picture he's speaking of is the picture inside the article

Attached: 1507289632143.jpg (1424x648, 88K)

Love at first sight (as in the first minute) is the most basic attraction that has little value but other user isn't wrong about faking it over time.
If you spend more than two weeks falling in love it's probably a fake cope.

No zoomer, it's because airlines were deregulated in 1978, so instead of being forced to compete on quality they could complete on price. Also the technology and productivity improvement that have affected many areas.

wtf is a "Xer"?

They literally did though. This social security/retiree experiment is still young in a generational sense, and every nation that focused on it is seeing a massively top-heavy demographic. Japan is the worst of all, with 80% of all government spending being directed towards the elderly, and the national debt at 200% of the annual GDP. The boomers voted for gibs sustainable only from a system predicated on infinite population growth.

Gen X. I thought you fags were extinct on Yea Forums. All gen x users I see around are now on SA.

What is SA?

>prior generations can never, ever impact future ones

Interesting take. Do you mind elucidating?

Something Awful forums, people cross boarded until the site gigacucked.

Thanks, user.

you come across as a horrible partner in it for the wrong reasons, hope the guy doges a bullets and dumps you

Madame Bovary, Gustave Flaubert

Anyone willing to give up 10bux is by definition gigacucked

When did I ever say that?

More so the further you go back in time, but only because they were under more societal pressure. Not like a majority of men are good either, but the amount of women not worth the time is vastly higher in terms of relevance.

To be real, no one here is some perfect intellectual adonis or something, and of course I include myself, but we're not even asking for perfect women. Just decent ones.