Dear leftists

Dear leftists,
If food and wealth should be redistributed, if everyone is owed housing, healthcare, and education, why is it not the same with sex? Why is hoarding sex the one acceptable form of selfishness to you people?

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Sex is not a necessity.

Neither is life.

Neither are most of the things defined as "necessities" by redistributionists except food.


food and health are necessities, and in the modern world, education or the knowledge of a craft is necessary to survive. the whole system is based on slavery and prostitution.

Don't worry. In FALC, everyone will be provided with free sexbot.

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Humans are flawed and make bad decisions. Policy should be concerned with causes and not just the effects, or else taxpayers will slowly be drained as people take advantage of the system

just hierarchies =/= unjust hierarchies
we don't want a generation of walking ugly cripple retards or fat genetic abominations controlling society

Because there's a difference between redistribution of capital and wealth and whether or not someone wants to fuck you.

Sex is not the same thing as housing. It is involves two people intimately whereas the rest are systems

People who don't have sex are far more likely to commit suicide or have heart or brain problems.

A sexless life is as bad for you as constant exposure to the elements.

Maybe I don't want to give away my earned money? Having sex with someone isn't really much of a cost compared to paying taxes, is it?

you're supposed to talk about books on a literature board

Or philosophy, retard. Read the sticky.

More sex doesn't lead to increased happiness

Some sex prevents plenty of lifethreatening health problems. Don't be retarded.

Healthcare and education are abstractions and don't exist in the Real. All you need are food, water, and warmth.

Unsafe sex permanently crippled me

And unhealthy foods permanently crippled plenty of people. Doesn't make it any less of a necessity. Try again, retard.

I never said healthcare. I said health. And these "abstractions" ultimately lead to the fulfilling of necessities.

Some sex is good. Too much sex is bad. I'm yet to hear a compelling argument on why should sex be treated as houseing or healthcare. Just pay a fucking whore like you pay for anything else.

It is a necessity

The problem with such talks about "redistribution of sex" is that people immediately think of outright sex slavery a la "Handmaid's Tale".

There are several ways to redistribute sex more equally without having to enslave women, you can criminalize adultery and promote monogamy culturally, decriminalize and destigmatize prostitution, heck, you don't even need to directly target female sexuality, under a harsh penal code that jails most criminals women wouldn't be able to have sex exclusively with bandits and therefore a more fair distribution would be reached.

What are you talking about?
Masturbate to your hearts content.
Also, when a man no longer has to make loads of money or be some kind of go-getter “chad” to land a hottie, AND we see less religion, you’ll see more people hooking up.
Keep up.

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Just pay a fucking doctor to heal your ailments like you pay for anything else. Just pay a fucking landlord to let you live on his land like you pay for anything else. Seems you missed the whole OP. You shouldn't be on Yea Forums if you're so against reading.

It isn't, though. A necessity is a thing like food, water, or health.

>Philosophical discussion can go on either Yea Forums or /his/, but those discussions of philosophy that take place on Yea Forums should be based around specific philosophical works to which posters can refer.
please do point out the "specific philosophical works" mentioned in this thread retard

Those abstractions only serve as means to get the food and water. If you already of the food and water to live the rest of your life, you don't need those things, along with all the commodities capitalism gives us. Civilization really fucked us up.

Not an argument. And free healthcare is all over the world. Only in America you have to pay like a faggot.

Masturbation isn't the same and I'm too ugly and unfriendly for women to want me.

Capitalism has artificially created new necessities that go beyond the the physical. For instance, you need education in order to land a job so you can provide for yourself and obtain food and water. I think we're fucked either way.

You missed the point again. I'm using your retarded "logic" of "just pay for the necessity of sex bro lol" against you. Re-read until you get it. Ask nicely if you still need clarification.

The less religion the more man has to be a Chad to snatch a woman. This should be obvious right now, religion is a mechanism of sexual redistrubition.

What if you're not chad OR kind?