>smol boi
How has literal babyspeak infiltrated the speech patterns of everyone in current year?
>smol boi
How has literal babyspeak infiltrated the speech patterns of everyone in current year?
it bothers me, too.
It's cute.
Slang spreads by usage. Same can be said about stan twitter lingo.
>It's cute.
Basically every young person is a wigger nowadays
Rudimentary creature of blood and flesh, you touch my mind fumbling in ignorance, incapable of understanding.
There is a realm of existence so far beyond your own, you cannot even imagine it, cuteness is beyond your comprehension.
nigger, a label created by the plebs to give voice of their destruction.
exactly what a nigger would say
Holy cow! An actual baby boomer.
In the end, whatever you choose to call me is irrelevant, I simply prefer cuteness.
so you are a literal nigger? lmao
Don't acknowledge content that includes it. Demand a higher level of discourse.
This pattern has repeated itself more times than you can fathom.
I use it to relate to women when I want to fug them later
It's the fatal flaw of post-postmodern anti-ironic sincerity, the fact that people are engaging in it for the sake of gaining cultural capital on social media reflects the narcissism that was smuggled in from the start
Many people view their dogs as their babies, and many of them babytalk to their dogs. Have you ever been around new parents? My infant niece was born two months ago and my sister's regular speech has already been invaded by the personal neologistic babyspeak she's invented for her baby.
So if you connect a bunch of people who love dogs over internet forums, certain memes will arise, in this case, out of their babyspeak terms of endearment for their dogs. As you already know, memes become memes when they are taken out of the community where they were contextually given meaning as a sort of inside-joke-nod-of-the-head, and into the outside world where that context no longer exists. For examples of this look no further than the mimetic mutation that took place with the meme you used in OP: how it went from Yea Forums to Can't stump the Trump and to Jordan Peterson.
And that is my guess for why babyspeak has infiltrated the speech patterns of 'everyone' in 'current year', whenever that may be.
in my language it's normal and usual to change the ending or a few letters of someone's or something's name to show that you are very close to it and love it.
english fags so afraid of change that they don't change how a word is written despite its spelling completely changing centuries ago
>fur children
Is the only one that bothers me
The 3 you said are said mostly ironically
Another reason pussycat people are superior
Cringe and yikes boi pilled
I took my cat to the vet a month ago and they kept referring to me as my cat's dad. I hated it and the implication that this cat is some sort of surrogate child for me.
> virgie
> faggo
> smol peen
It's 99% zoomers who do it, but obviously some millenials perpetuated it.
>_____ boi
>milc trucc
>any other kind of fat fetishization
>le ebin "imagine the smell" meme
>*laughs in _________*
We really must genocide all of Gen Z.
>ITT: why can't people talk formally all the time? communicating shouldn't be fun or enjoyable, it should be functional and blunt so it doesn't upset my disability
>They must be mutually exclusive.
OP is railing against the disintegration of language and vocabulary to nothing but quips and inside jokes.
>speaking like a retarded faggot and speaking formally are the only two ways of speaking
Get off of Yea Forums.
becuz mendal redard speek iz cute fren
it's a small, extreme expression of the overall infantilization of language and people in general
People have been babytalking cooing their pets since the first wolves begged for scraps in our ancestors' tribal homes. Stop complaining about the most mundane and innocent shit. Only pretentious manchildren do that.
What is a great writer if not accompanied by his beloved grimalkin?
>people use slang I don't like? obviously language is disintegrating, it's not like slang has always existed and that old people have always been bitching about language decay while literally no such thing happens
your post, even though it intends to be a joke, is accurate taken at face value
post-irony was a mistake
Who knows. It might just be the end of civilization as we know it. Civilizations rise, evolve advance and at the apex of their glory they are extinguished.
The language simply reflects the era we live in. It's still cute though.
pupper and doggo arent babyspeak
its retard meme speak. learn the difference.
>it's another "frogposting doomer whines about things that don't even matter" thread
have fun being salt sis lmfao
reminder that anglos literally share their beds with their dogs
the kind of people in your pic are unironically more interesting to talk to than people like you who complain about them
>t. dogfucking furfag
mummy please come quick and take my cummy
let me put a baby in your tummy
"doomer" faggots are the same people as babyspeak zoomers.
Feminization of society brings infantilization of language.
note that I referred to the """"""dogfucking furfags"""""" as "them", which implies that I'm not one. the fact that that was your first assumption just goes to show how insufferable you are
These “baby words” are very visceral. James Joyce understood that.
Reddit, and the general infantilization of young adults because children in adult bodies make better consumers.
bro it's just "i can haz cheezburger" "let me show you my pokeymanz" but with dogs this time, relax
well said.
Go on the teenagers subreddit for a while to see it in action.
Alternatively, observe how teenagers interact with each other in real life.
It's so thin-skinned and faggoty, theyre like 30 year old twitter basedgoys but children
Yell laughter at the current course of English.
So? Are you a 10 year old girl?
Aw shit, here we go again.
No one:
Literally no one:
YouTube: exists
Justin Y: I’m AbOuT tO RuIn ThIs MaN’s WhOlE cArEeR
Everyone else: Weird flex but ok.
Oof, this ain’t it chief. Big mood.
that's gonna be a yikes from me, sorry
i'll never stop saying doggo because i love them and i love talking to doggos like they're small babies, makes the whole thing wholesome
fuck you
Says the frogposter
Doggos do not, and will never mind, no matter what. They will continue to try to love you even if you hurt them. It is their function, they know of no other operative mode :3
That's why dogs are better than cats. Cats are passive aggressive little bitches.
Fuck you subhuman
whoa calm down there buddy
>see some faggot catchphrase become ephemerally trendy on Yea Forums
>realize in 5 years i;m going to have listen to twitter-using normie nigger women saying it on a daily basis for months on end
Do you think 'cunny' will come into vogue with them?
It’s the price we pay for controlling the subconscious of America
You’re not mentally stable and emotionally mature enough to handle cats.
Now that you mention it, quite a few authors come to mind who were known to have loved cats. Is this a thing?
sucked and fuckpilled
>being a slave to something that doesn’t give a fuck about you
>emotionally mature
You can’t just call me what I’ve proven most of you, including a 40 some year old woman, to be.
People have always talked to dogs like babies
>le ebin "imagine the smell" meme
These two are so out of place lol
where do you get your ideas from?
Why is everything a world-ending phenomenon to you fascists? It's just some retarded teenage girls trying to be cute on social media, you weird fuck.
“The end of civilisation” is an irrational fear that is just as misguided as the opposing narrative of uninhibited progress. Both are inevitably marred by an excess of subjective contamination, the reality is far more complex
i can haz cheezburger was an inside joke within a relatively small clique.