Wake up

>wake up
>drink coffee, browse internet, do chores
>I seem to have tired of 2048, the online snake game, and the songs I've been listening to for the past week
>go jogging outside and it feels good
>do more chores; realise I may have been underclaiming benefits but I'm not sure yet
>go in to central London to walk around and feel sad about life
>see lots of officeStaceys and feel demoralised as fuck
>go walking and realise how run down London in zone 1 looks; it's not like a regular British city where a large fraction is newly built suburbs; nothing can really be replaced without huge costs
>currently drinking Starboocks at eets pyoorest in a busy place

I can't believe how little time I've spent in the working world and how there are already 4 people whose accidental death or mutilation would cause me happiness (no, GCHQ, none of it caused by me in any way). There is now more upside to life, even if I have no knowledge of it. They have kids, siblings, parents, spouses.

I have been within 100 pages of finishing a book for around a week but I keep procrastinating what is supposedly fun.

My topic yesterday was quite good but nobody posted in it.

It's kind of depressing how immediately enjoyable Yea Forums is compared to real life. I thought about writing my experience of it to emphasise this.

>open up Yea Forums
>see topic with the suit wearing Pepe and copypasted Yea Forums ban reason
>next posts says "Janny's such a fucking hoe (I love it)"
>lol irl

How could socialising ever bring such distilled joy?

I've already walked everywhere I want so Saturday will feel kind of pointless. It's not like when I was a wagie and it would have an energy and urgency. It's now like any other day.

I feel like such a subhuman for not being a programmer millionaire who starts companies on the toilet or whatever.

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that pepe is a dynamo

try doge 2048
the same game but with doge

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Londonfrog, are you free to meet me in Russel Square tomorrow afternoon?

what kind of coffee do you drink LF? black I hope

Not always black because from Starbucks it sometimes tastes just like water.

Yes but lmao if I'm going to be doxxed

Good morning, LF

When did you lose your office job you dumb Paki?

Wtf does this have to do with Yea Forums?

>being this new

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Don't be rude to LF you fucking spastic

You need better discipline LF. Its been helping me... Lost my job and gf but staying hard on lifting and fasting.

probably not a consolation, but at least you can go jogging outside and to a coffee shop. my social anxiety prevents me from enjoying my life. even going to the supermarket to buy eggs involve considerable mental effort. anyway, fren, count your blessings and take solace in the fact that there are, indeed, people worse off than you, but I understand it doesn't console because it doesn't work on me. I live in a nice, comfortable apartment, in a big city where I see homeless people living in the sidewalks, but I don't feel any better because of that, if anything I feel worse because of how much I have and how little I appreciate it. Just thought to tell you because it may work on someone.

Just buy online kek

Hey LF you fucking paki

Nah, these outings are good for me, even though they drain me.

Is the user who compiled Londonfrog's posts going to start on a third volume?
Imagine a physical version. Would it be better for the text to be green or not?

Yes it should remain green. I'd legit buy/print a copy


>What's this user? You have three volumes of something called... The Last Binge Ever. And they all have frogs on them.

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Long live Londonfrog!

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hip hip!


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>I feel like such a subhuman for not being a programmer millionaire who starts companies on the toilet or whatever.
They feel this too user, they just hide it better. It's called "the human condition". We all just have to live, fren.

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ayy have not seen a posting by you in awhile

what the fuck is this post

I've been toughing out above average heartbreak (2 year relationship ending on terrible terms) these past few weeks, and was inspired by your cafe trips to go on one of my own. I spent 3 hours there, had 2 cappuccinos, and got through most of the sun also rises. After trying again and again to cheer myself with bro nights out, it was the solo escape that helped me most. Thank you based londonfrog for the inspiration. I hope your coffee adventures treat you well.

Ass not fat enough

God I wish I was one of those books