How could one guy be so right about everything?

how could one guy be so right about everything?

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Other urls found in this thread:,Jean/Jean Baudrillard - In the Shadow of the Millennium.htm

Honestly he is a bit antiquated now. Too bad he didnt live long enough to write about social media, incels, and the rise of the discussion of socialism back in public discourse.

I hope it's not too off-topic but I am planning on reading him (starting with The System of Objects then For a critique of For a Critique of the Political Economy of the Sign); since I also have at my disposal Bataille's The Accursed Share, wouldn't it be interesting to read it beforehand ?

And sure enought, he wasn't. He was wrong about everything.

Yeah, Bataille (and Mauss) is pretty much required reading if you want to understand the idea of symbolic exchange and the gift.

good point

Thanks ! I also plan to read Debord but that's a given

What point? Just saying "oh, he's outdated" without explaining why is babby's first non-critique.

see the rest of that post

How does social media, incels or "socialism back in public discourse" (really just a burger thing and for them socialism just means welfare state) contradict anything he said.

you dont understand baudrillard if you think those arent included in his work. he discusses proto socialmedia and what encompasses the dialogue of ideologies in which socialism is just a minor selling point even at his time. youre too drowned in retard juice if you think 'incels' never existed in history before you read some shitty tabloid internet clickbait article.

Who is this hobgoblin and why does his face never leave the catalog?

>he is a bit antiquated now.
I was a bit worried about this before going through some of his work. Anyone you'd recommend who's more prescient? Or, just alive...

Not really. It doesnt seem like any interesting thinkers have popped up yet.

Jordan Peterson

>we will never get two see a recorded two-hour conversation between him and kanye west

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you are dumb

Please help me, bros.

A while ago an user on here said that Baud is near illegible in his books (I tend to agree from what i've read) and that you're much better off looking up his lectures and essays instead. The question is, what lectures and what essays should I look up, which ones do I start with? I know very little about his work and I don't speak French.

ripped off debord

Just discovered that he did music !... Here's the album, where he does the spoken word all along. The quality is shite since it's a live.

America is a well-written essay about... America. It's very poetic, easy to read. More literary than philosophical but it's there, and his writing is so good as to make you even more infuriated in the face of his abyssal prose in his "serious" works.

If by lectures you mean lectures from courses he taught, I don't think those are published anywhere. Nearly all of his work from the 1980s onward is either in essay or aphorism form. I would recommend looking into his interviews, most of which are collected in Baudrillard Live, Fragments, From Hyperreality to Disappearance, and The Disappearance of Culture, all in English.

Ummmmm sweetie...?

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how right is baudrillard when people cant even grasp the internet and what it truly is. all those precautionary tales slobbed on as if everything is in its own glass case.,Jean/Jean Baudrillard - In the Shadow of the Millennium.htm


desperation bump

Based. In a sense it feels a bit like reading Jung.