Wtf i hate g*d now

wtf i hate g*d now

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He is an ass, isn’t he?

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If you actually read the book you wouldn’t. Every time a demon gives a plan to rebel against god, another one gives a counterpoint to show the futility of such an attempt. The only way to realistically fight him was to undermine his creation, and even then Satan’s plan was predestined anyways and will eventually fail

>it triggers my pareidolia so they’re clearly the same

ok retard what is your point

I actually like that as a picture of god. The tribal mask and the hanging benis and the arms behind the back with a neutral but attentive look. Yeah, that's a good representation. I like it.

You don’t think he’s a volcano god, that’s fine with me really. It would make sense though. Moses only saw his backside and he describes it as all flames. But whatever man.

Don’t be Satan’s mouthpiece, bruh. I know it can be tempting at times, but it only harms.

We want our freedom and we will have it.

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>>it triggers my pareidolia so they’re clearly the same

Every tribal person anthropomorphizing nature for countless years.

I genuinely can't wait until LGBT people are seen as normally as any other group in society, such that children growing up see absolutely no real difference between a gay person or a straight one. You guys deserve it so much, and it's really painful thinking of what unjust suffering you have endured in your lives for something you never chose, and are not seemingly harmful in the first place. I'm an anti-theist like you, not only for the irrationality underlying a belief in revelation but also because the existing theistic ideologies which arose in this civilization-cycle happen to be patriarchal, heteronormative garbage - and the Divine is far more multifaceted and inclusive, in my view. Women, including women who like women, are as Divine as any other group, and deserve a status reflecting such. You will have your rights someday, I think (if those religions don't prevent it altogether, like Islam would if it became mainstream). But until then, a straight male like myself can only show solidarity with your cause. I'm also sorry for once thinking it was acceptable to pursue lesbians as a straight male, seeing them as some kind of exotic fantasy, and thereby completely disrespected the reality of their orientation (no straight man would find it acceptable for a gay person to view them similarly, and allow them to pursue them as such) and dehumanized them into a concept rather than a person. You rebuked me once for it, and I was a bit bitter at the time - but you were completely right, and I was simply immature. And I'm sorry for that.

Blessings to you, Butterfly. Never let the people on this site hurt your feelings.

And nobody should call this post bait or sarcasm - it's a sincere message to a self-admitted lesbian regular on here, which attempts to uplift her from the more challenging life she's likely lived, given her specific circumstances. I have tremendous sympathy for the LGBT community, and always try to spread positive messages to them whenever I can. And you can feel free to call me a "onions boy" for doing so.

You can burn with your harlot too!

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What is this from anyways?

>I'm an anti-theist like you
Okay, but this is 3face, right?
Oh, p’shaw. Save that hyperbole for a paramour

Some old sketches of Yhwh were found in Sinai. This one is a modern redrawing though

Are there any other sources of it than Like in a journal or something? It’s an interesting theory but the website is less than rigorous

Maybe they’re the only ones claiming he looks like a volcano eruption.
Here’s the original

That’s kinda cute they’re like a naked gay cattle ranching couple

>she’s now posting unsourced /pol/ images
oh noooo

The symbols in caves are from ancient lightning or plasma formation from Saturn in an earlier elliptical orbit.

Homosexuality is r-selected psychological warfare,

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you were supposed to like god but milton was fettered when he wrote of him, because he was of the devil's party as all true poets are.


This amounts to science these days?

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And that guy is an actual wrestler

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that's not yahweh. that's el. dummy retard non-subject matter expect.

Here they both are

Attached: yahweh_asherah.jpg (617x424, 53K)

>depictions of God somehow disprove God

You realize Zeus was as much an attempt to fully realize God as Yahweh was? They both fully exist, and simply because some Tribe ascribes benefits to him doesn’t mean he hasn’t actually conferred them. :3

>I genuinely can't wait until LGBT people are seen as normally as any other group in society

Having no further reason to spazz out is the last thing they want.

>and truly I tell you this is how paradise lost
what? its doesn't even make sense

I seriously hope you have a good annotated version.

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Those footnotes make my cock hard. What version is that?

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