If God is rael why did he create mosquitoes?
If God is rael why did he create mosquitoes?
Other urls found in this thread:
because what else would suck incels?
I would :3
"God's only excuse is that he doesn't exist."
to feed bats
Bats are based
The bats are dead.
Nick... what's become of you...
god hates blacks.
Gods didn't create them, it was Satan
How can anyone less than God understand his motivations, or how to run the world? Read Job
So why won't Christians shut the fuck up?
Because some answers are in the Bible. Some of it is just speculation though. We only need the essentials, what the Bible says clearly and plainly (accept Jesus etc) to be Christian. We will know more when we get to Heavdn
Why did god make this?
So Trust the Plan
Because its awesome?
I'm so lazy I'm supposed to be killing myself, hewp
answer that
> Make a giant thing that no other consciousness will ever see
So he's just showing off?
Bela Lugosi's dead
Punk is dead.
I concede
im going to kill you
Was Punk ever truly alive or was it always manufactured capital identity?
Yeah, still is if you know where to look.
Was capital ever truly alive, or was it always manufactured manufacturing identity?
I bet Translation Loss Records made a tidy penny off that jingle.
ib dog b reyul y gum gabidul alibe??????
>that no other consciousness will ever see
But we saw it, and considering he's omnipotent he knew we would see it.
So basically yeah showing off but who knows maybe it has a use other than being super radical.
consider the following
>if God real
>why bad thing happen
Humans invented this, space is fake.
Consider the following
>if God not Good
>why you ask question
We didn't see it. Are you retarded?
Carnivores evolved after the fall, of course.
Consider the following:
>if God real
>why did he allow this thread on a board solely created for literature and the discussion of literature?
Why did God make this?