Lets talk about war kids. Despite the instinctual revulsion to killing our fellow man why has war continued to not only exist but also thrive in the modern age? What makes one side just and another side evil, simply history or is there a valid reason?
How do you think war and violence will change in the future?
The Philosophy of Violence
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Georges Sorel is underrated
First post, best post!
could you at least post a reason why? what makes "Reflections of Violence" good?
War is just another eugenics program, it psychologically scars the weak so much they are less likely to reproduce.
>Despite the instinctual revulsion to killing our fellow man
doesn't exist. acculturation at best, and not particularly strong.
>why has war continued to not only exist but also thrive in the modern age
why would you expect it to stop? if anything the question you should be asking is why isn't there more war.
>What makes one side just and another side evil, simply history or is there a valid reason?
it depends
>How do you think war and violence will change in the future?
implements of war will become more lethal, governments will become more totalitarian in order to maintain their alleged "monopoly of violence" in the face of novel, proliferating weapons.
Why do you thin there is no revulsion to killing user?
because he has never killed
you absolutely need to read rené girard. especially his book on clausewitz.
Got to love when some make-believe wannabe operator or keyboard /k/ommando is suddenly an expert on violence.
In the World Wars, it was found that even after much jingoism in training and recruitment, in the field, it's actually very hard to kill another human being, psychologically. It's extremely unnatural to anyone who lives in a civilized and cooperative environment. That's why there was a training change in the US around Vietnam to focus on killing the enemy (which is why Full metal Jacket has so many bloodlust screeds in the first hour).
Half baked non-answers like these only come from non-readers. Take note of this man's mistakes and learn.
Imperialist propaganda.
Can we get a guide and reading lists based off of Sorel? Maybe a chart or two?
What, is this some sort of political, Virilio-tier trash? Or you a Horstmann-tier historicist?
All modern wars start in the office and stop in the office. It is a tool to reach some goal.
> How do you think war and violence will change in the future?
War right now is different than it was in 20th century, we have proxy wars now.
>In the World Wars, it was found
SLA Marshall made that shit up.
The alleged "revulsion to killing in the World Wars" was because of training, but it was mostly because soldiers were trained as marksmen. On an actual battlefield (as opposed to a range) it is extremely uncommon to actually see an exposed target, particularly in a pitched fight. As a result, most soldiers -- who are themselves huddled in cover and can't see shit -- didn't fire because they saw nothing to fire at. This was later corrected. To the extent that "revulsion" contravenes the "killing impulse", it's not wanting to [break cover and] be killed that's the primary culprit.
The alleged "dissipation of responsibility" or whatever around "crew served weapons" is also nonsense. These weapons were and are more lethal because they were a) more powerful (greater effect) and b) those extra guys form a much improved control system over one probably-frightened man peering down his rifle sights. Hence the gross increases in lethality afforded by improvements in sensing and control systems.
Read Girard
Powerful people using their underlings to commit violence for their own ambitions
It's fun.
War is fun.
>war is fun
War is where necessity and sociopathy meet, where civilization and barbarism can consumate their extraconjugal union; cucking the simple soldiers and citizens in the process.
Everyone has capacity for terrible violence, but to live socially we have to constantly curb It. Then We go to war (for reasons our politicians explain us as necessities) and We finally get to, litteraly and metaphorically, fuck death to ahegao and cum inside the disgusting slut.