What the FUCK is going on in higher education?

What the FUCK is going on in higher education?

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turns out extremely high prices were optimal for profit hmmmmm

Even the home tuition is expensive af now...

Google any of the terms "austerity", "neoliberalism", or "late capitalism" along with "higher education" and you'll find tonnes of people eager to explain it to you

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Student loans are an unlimited cash flow for these unis so they get to charge whatever they want and a boatload of idiots will line up for it regardless.

College education is like a new car. For most people, it makes no sense to get one but they're all lining up to finance their life away because of perceived social incentives

>what's wrong with academia?
>listen to all these people from academica
I'm still very unsure how so many highly educated people can fail to see that higher education has become a ponzi scheme. My only guess is that maybe they're not very educated.

The "graduate premium", where those who attend University are likely to make more money compared to those who don't, is still a thing despite what prageru youtube videos claim.

It’s not that they fail to see it, they just are a victim of it and are trying to spin it into a profit

Very much depends on the degree. The STEM meme is true.

>paying to go to Uni in 2019
You deserve what you get

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Turns out you can make a lot of money flogging worthless degrees.

>Getting a degree
Waste of money. I make $44/hr with good benefits and I only have a high school diploma. Skilled trades are a better use of most people's time.

>going to uni for fucking free
Yes, I know it is notactually free, our tax rates are fucking disgusting.
But my major has such fucking great job prospects in long term that I don't care.
I'll be a dirty paper pushing petty bureucrat in our national bank earning 6 figure salary, drinking and smoking myself to death at the ripe old age of 40.
What a joy!
What a pleasure!

you're cool

You're a pretty jive turkey too.

this is why i'm voting labour no more uni fees fuck the tories scum

any explanations by people who haven't taken these degrees themselves?

uk gen x here
i went to university in the days when the government actually gave students money to go to university
of course i spent the whole lot on alcohol and going out, and lived on pot noodles
i dropped out of my course because i was too fucked to turn up to the lectures
basically i wasted taxpayers' money. still, now i'm a millionaire and also get paid £100k a year and never had a student debt
fuck all you whining millennials and gen z-ers

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You could make money in anything you want. Money isn't the end all be all. If you're going to school purely for money you're doing it wrong. (Unless your hobby is making money, which is normal and if that happens to make you really happy like some finance dudes then fine.) If you're teaching kids to go to college just to make money that's pretty lame and is gonna lead to a lot of dissatisfaction and wasted loans.

>voting out the classicist who knows four languages fluently for someone who failed his A levels

>supporting someone for being a posh classicist even though they (like the rest of the Tories) support the continuing impoverishment and enslavement of the British people by the usurious talmudic clique of pedophiles that run the UK, who can only be defeated by one man, the man they vociferously slander as an "anti-semite"

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I don't care lol, I'm moving to Switzerland
See you faggot

I think University should be free only for useful degrees, like STEM. I have no problem with someone studying sport development or basket weaving if they pay for it.

It's simple, education has not benefited from the technological revolution in terms of increasing the productivity of teachers.
Additionally, administrative costs have absolutely exploded, for reasons unknown to me. I suppose because there are huge amounts of government subsidies and government guaranteed loans available for reaping.