Pretty interesting. Joyce is another level.
Pretty interesting. Joyce is another level.
That article is really bad. The graphs are cropped so you don’t have any idea of what the x and y axes mean. The study may have been interesting, but it’s hard to know because the way the article presented its ideas is retarded. The goal, however, stated at the ending, of an objective measure of genre, I’m utterly uninterested in. It takes away the give-and-take dialogue about establishing genre, which is the most interesting part.
Who cares whether Finnegans Wake is “the most multifractal?” Why is this even a criterion of being good literature?
>Who cares whether Finnegans Wake is “the most multifractal?”
>Why is this even a criterion of being good literature?
who said it was?
More like this is bullshit
Do you think Joyce was unaware of the mathematic structure of FW?
This is really interesting as Cortázar has said that he thinks thing as they come to him, then he arrange them to make sense in writing style and is very jealous of his work (changing a coma, a phrase or even a word).
he was very jealous of his own work?? what?
When translating into another language he didn't wanted to change anything that wasn't truly necessary, and even so, was very picky about it.
>finnegans wake
>they thought just collecting sentence lengths would capture anything about structure
>Do you think Joyce was unaware of the mathematic structure of FW?
even when this euclidean shit is in the middle of the novel?
This seems to be just a consequence of some Zipf’s Law-like distribution of sentences lengths, with fractals thrown in for bonus cool points.
Same goes with music. Schenkerian analysis is basically about finding self-similarities between deep structures and surface score in great compositions. More or less.
Yeah, and the Qu'ran is miraculous because it has loads of multiples of 7. And the world is going to end in 2020 because of some numerological shit in the bible.
The Qur'an is miraculous because it's the Qur'an.
It's a miracle that people believe in it
It is very easy to fit discrete frequency data into "fractal" structures. This is just an artifact of the analysis, it says nothing about intrinsic structures of the books.
don't you fucking lie to me