You never read if you didn't read in polish

You never read if you didn't read in polish.

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fuck you pollock scum

sklej pizdę, panie kolego

Wow, inefficiency, how impressive

>Why would I read in any synthetical language when I can read in the superior analytical language?


What a disgusting language

a lot of effort just to say I eat sausages from the hardware store

Great, now we just have to wait for Poles to write something of value.

explain yourself

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it's actually "glue the cry, Mr. mate"

Why doesn't English just go to it's logical conclusion and become full Tarzan speak already?

If you want a language without any conjugation, you could just learn Mandarin.

I’m British, I’ve lived in Warsaw for more than 5 years. Primo Levi wrote that Polish was a hard violent language, only consonants and without the poetic sounds of Romance languages; I inclined to agree with him. It’s the language of the beast.

Yeah, right, the fattest people in the world only have one word for 'Eat'.

at least one did
but he wrote it in english

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Slavic languages are best of both worlds. Capable of sounding poetic and harsh.

>rekt's anglo space operas disguised as sci-fi
Nothing personal kiddo

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>he only speaks a GERManic language
lol enjoy being a pleb

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Your chart is incorrect as fuck.

I am a native finnish, speak somewhat fluent english, japanese and norwegian. Read german and french/ a bit of esperanto whatever frisian, luxembourgish and such.

The thing is no one except a very special savant can master finnish in 1100hours. Never seen it doubt it happens often. People who have lived in finland for 10+ years can't even get the conjugations or concord right. Most people will struggle because its extremely difficult if you are not a native speaker. Even some native speakers are using a form of "simple finnish" just because they did badly at school and are lower class.

it's 1100 hours to be able to speak the language, not master it.
also perfect pronunciation is almost impossible especially with languages that have unusual sounds

Able to speak it yes, but fluency( in the sense of getting concord and all the works right) will more likely be either impossible for most people or really really difficult.

>me like thing. Thing is good. More thing for me.

Polish isn't the only language with inflections, why single it out

>he doesn't get it
I feel so bad for Englishcucks lmao

Polish is similar to russian but polish just sounds shit and is much worse than russian, probably ugliest sounding language of all european languages.

The neurosis from Communism is strong it seems.

>what is an inflected vs non-inflected language

Consume, engulf, down, scarf, inhale, feed, snack, supp, lunch, breakfast, brunch, chew, slurp, munch, swallow, fill, stomach, gnash, mastacate

Seethin, stewin, boilin, fumin, bubblin, simmerin, foamin, frothin, fizzin, ragin, burnin

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This might be difficult to explain but in what way does Polish sound ugly to you?

clean my toilet

Why on earth would you need so many ways to describe eating something?

I really dont like the constant sh, cz, sz, dzc sounds that are very common in polish words, it just sounds bad to me

Wrong P-lang. Persian is where it's at.

English is a superior language to Polish

It's amazing how often I see/hear/read Poles talking about their precious language and its apparent superiority to English. It's almost as if they know they are a bland people with no history worth knowing about, desperately trying to 'punch up' instead of whining about Lithuanians or Russians or Germans or Ukrainians or Turks or whoever else has drawn their ire for absurd reasons

Plus, as this guys says, Poland has had a single great author and he wrote in English lmao

That just makes it look like a bullshit language. Behold the superior Anglo autism.

>he uses 'ate' regardless of whether the one eating is male or female
>woah what a shitty fisherman's language go slavs brah

Admit it, even german is a better language than polish.

whatshisname Conrad is a shit tier author, we have much better authors who wrote in Polish

Teraz jestem głodny

>Primo Nobody
Opinion discarded.

During his visits in Italy, Gogol met many Polish exiles, including Mickiewicz, and was reported by his contemporaries as being enthralled with the sound of Polish. Similarly, I remember reading an author's footnote to one of Pushkin's poem where he talks about a beautiful poem by Mickiewicz. It was none else but exactly Polish poets who got many meme awards in the 20th century (those are always political, but a Nobel because of politics is still worth more in discussion than opinion of fucking Primo Levi).
Here, have some Polish for your ears.

I'm pretty sure I had to read in order to get my degree what kind of hogshit are they washing your brain with over there you ridiculous slosh

>tfw can now read japanese bantz on a taiwanese weaving patterns enthusiasm board
but real talk, both gender and conjugation are retarded concepts. written traditional chinese is beautiful as a language. spoken is catfight-tier screeching though, and nu-chink (simplified) is cancer. plus if you learn chinese you might have the displeasure of interacting with mainlanders, the poles of asia.

Polish history:
>make fake democracy with, for the time, wide tolerance
>let in Jews, squeeze workers
>extreme success leads to upper class decadence
>best military in region, but is totally impotent because military is under the politicians, and the politicians are traitors
>you don't need to conquer it properly, you just bribe the congress
>nation ends up divided and subjugated
Now are you completely sure that doesn't sound the slightest bit familiar?

it's just one word with inflections. Wait till you find out about "pałaszować" or "szamać"

it's polish for "cope", basically.

Every language has its beauty, why spread hate?


The best literary language is Ottoman Turkish.

The majority of the vocabulary (80%) is Arabic and Persian, with the rest being two varieties of Turkish. Each work uses its own grammar, but the whole sentence uses Turkish grammar. The level of complexity is so absurdly high that to this day, there remain tons of Ottoman documents that just haven't been fully translated, and Turks of today can hardly understand any Ottoman Turkish after Attaturk's language reforms. Hell, even he sounds odd to them.

The language is gorgeous to look at, and being composed of 3 completely different language families, the level of nuance available to you is limitless, far better than any other language that currently is in use.

I'm not even memeing, it's beautiful.

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It's just grammatical. It's only one word. English has more different words for eat. Also much of the grammar expressed there is covered in English by combining words or through syntax. In some cases it's hard to say what's a synthetic or analytic construction. It's not really a universally useful notion. It's not useful when applied to Japanese for example.

is that maybe similar to the language used by Chaucer with all the French stuff?

really makes me remember why everything that stands in that shithole country was built by germans or russians

my toilet is still dirty casimir

polacks are the human version of a wheelbarrow

It literally means: "glue your cunt, Mr Buddy"


The polish words in the op image are not synonyms they all come from one word

casimir? You mean Kazimierz, lad.

"Polish parliament" is a saying in my language (and, I imagine, many others) denoting any sort of group utterly incapable of making a decision.

Its just ugly in every possible way. Ask any Western European and they’ll say Slavic languages are the worst. Ask someone who has heard Polish enough (Londoners, for instance, since its full of poles) and they’ll say polish.

then try not to shit all over yourself next time

I’m reading a Polish mathematician/scientist. Does that count? :3

Maybe you should use some reading of poetry as a benchmark instead of the chittering of emigrant plebs. I can't trick myself into just hearing the sounds without the meaning attached like a foreigner would so I can't really understand but I can say that Polish can be very beautiful and very satisfying to pronounce. Maybe the beauty of it isn't on the surface, maybe it sounds harsh outwardly but the delicateness is underneath with the meaning.

Nah, it's just ignorance. Both Russian and Polish are beautiful languages, but anglos simply can't appreciate them because they can only speak their simpleton language.
I kniw Polish, Russian, German, English and also learning Italian. Of those five, English is by far the most plebeian, sterile language; uglier than French from which it took vast vocabulary, less 'capable' than German while sounding worse, and no anglo will ever come close to comprehending the possibilities that inflection such as that in Russian and Polish opens from literary standpoint.

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It is just one word in different forms but those different forms often still have their own individual connotations and feel to them, they all have their place. The complexity and depth naturally rises exponentially but at the same time it's more difficult to navigate and master. It's easier to be ingenious with a simpler language but a complex flowing language has a beauty all its own.

had a good laugh, nice

Don’t know what you want me to say. Even the poles I’ve met dislike their language.
> one chance at life to have a native accent on a beautiful language
> be polish

Reminder that in english, meaning = meaning. Meaning means meaning.


>all just countless conjugations of the same word