Why can't men write women at all?
Why can't men write women at all?
Why can't women write men at all?
Because we're different
Why can't women write anything good?
They can, if you first pump female hormones and turn the writers into ladyboys.
The most accurate representation of a woman and her usual behaviour was written by a man
there's nothing to write there
>she was a chimpanzee
>she worshipped social hierarchy
>she was mindless and incapable of independent thought
>her mood completely determined her personality
>she was the same as everyone else
Isn't this just an outward observation and not inside of the thought process of the female? Similar to what marketers refer to as a "black box of consumers" where based on their outward behavior and observance, you have to "solve" the consumer's wants in order to maximize the profits?
What is it about women that causes their emotional wants to constantly change like a bogosort, which desperately tries to arrange numbers in an orderly fashion by constantly mixing the numbers and producing a sequence at random in hopes that perhaps this time it will finally sort them?
>Why can't men write women at all?
I'm a man and I can write women, just look: There once was a woman who didn't like what a guy wrote about women and then decided all men can't write women because she thinks with her vagina.
have you read War and Peace? Because I have literally had entire relationships with two Natashas, the sheer bizarreness of correspondance made it surreal His exposition of their personalities was more accurate than how i saw them in my own experience until after the relationship was done.
Tolstoy was unbelievably perceptive about human psychology, his men are just as good as his women, you can recognize a Dolokhov, Nikolai Bolkonsky, or Anatol, just as easily. Pierre is an obvious fabrication as is princess Mary, but he is better than anyone else i've ever read at expressing human types and how they interact in particular situations, most other authors combine types into an imagined person.
The story between Natasha, Boris, Andrei, and Anatol, interspersed with her relations to her family, espcially her brother Nikolai, her youthful engagement with art, and her entrance into the large world through going to balls and the theatre where she met Anatol, and the ensuing drama, her finding religion, everything about her characterization is so perfect Tolstoy must have based it on a real person but altered the particular facts.
I actually think Natasha is kind of the central character of the novel, all the drama not involved with war is basically centred around her in the end, all the major male characters are intimately related to her, Pierre is the part of WaP that makes it technically inferior to AK because he is not believable, though he has elements of reality in him, and he is the supposedly main figure in the novel, making other things come together in the context of the world historical events transpiring. I still like it a lot more because the kind of mystic nostalgia of the book is more intense than the rapid series of things perfectly interconnected that AK is.
Anna Karenina is very well written, but she was more an adornment to the artistic craft he was making in AK, than an actual person, the way Natasha is in WaP, because it was just this colossal world he was building, with confused motives and designs, but he put more truth in it because his less consciously created characters in it are pure truth of what humans are, because of his instinctive perception of how we work, only marred by his philosophy and religion, which were very flawed. I do love his essay about religion in which he says that the essence of Christianity is to love even the evil i think that is profound, but he had no real system, and was clearly unhappy because of his confusion on the matter.
Ive gone off topic but the point is that men can write women very well
nobody can write anybody but themselves
all fiction is camouflaged autobiography
The school of flesh, Mishima
>something something vagina
You got me hooked
Au contraire. Men are better than women at writing women.
>have you read War and Peace?
why can't women write women?
What woman and written by whom?
Let me guess.. Anna Karenina?
Tolstoy, Henry James and Flaubert manage it. It's why T-dog will always be better than Dostoevsky
Houellebecq knows how to do it better than anybody, even women themselves
>he hasn’t read the final chapter of Ulysses
Go read Atonement.
Ian McEwan (or whatever his name is) does an incredible job with Briony.
>who is beverly marsh
Stephen King did it perfectly, brainlet.
>she was a chimpanzee
I'm sorry, could you expound on this?
>she worshipped social hierarchy
Please elaborate on what you mean by worship, and give examples as such.
I can agree with the notion that some people place quite an unhealthy amount of importance on societal structures and positions, and it could be possible that those people tend to be women, but I would like to see the evidence.
>she was mindless and incapable of independent thought
Indeed, not once in the history of humanity has a woman ever come up with original ideals or had any inventions, such as windshield wipers, Kevlar or any woman philosopher who ever existed.
>her mood completely determined her personality
This is quite impossible, as mood partially derives from personal philosophy, and our reactions to the events surrounding us, physically and mentally.
>she was the same as everyone else
Once again, quite an impossibility.As previously said before, some people do place unnecessary importance on societal hierarchies, but no two people have congruent experiences, philosophies, extents of knowledge, etc.
Usually, I would take this to be hyperbole and laugh it off, but you can never be too sure these days, so I would like to start a conversation if you truly believe this to be the case.
That is just a dumb generalization as saying women cant write. Is it true that a lot of women characters written by men are inaccurate or sexist caricatures? yes, but that doesnt mean there are capable male writers of doing good portraits of them. Likewise there are female writers who caricaturize men, and get them right. so shut the fuck up with your awful ironic memery.
>DUUUUHhhh wh urrrsom people cant write other people
Why can't women write men at all?