>Shakespeare, Warwickshire
>Tolkien, Birmingham
>Tennyson, Lincolnshire
>Lawrence, Erewash
>Byron, Nottinghamshire
Why doesn't the midlands get any credit for being the heartland of English literature?
Midlands thread
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Also, by edict of King Penda, all Welsh literature is hereby claimed as property of the Mercian people.
England in general doesn't get any credit for being the heartland of English literature.
there is a global repugnance to giving England the credit it deserves for anything, meanwhile being very keen to coddle the poor little victimised Celt and tell them how special and important they are.
>tfw live in derby
Do you think that has anything to do with Americans dominating global culture? They're really into the 'I have scottish/Irish ancestry' meme and buy their family tartans from hooknosed jocks. Yet almost all will have anglo-saxon roots (esp. Wasps, obv) which barely get a look in.
When I lived in the US I was dismayed to see lots of larping in kilts and Irish pubs and yet not a single Morris dancer.
Who is derby's contribution to the midlands literary canon? Lawrence doesn't count because border nigger
But Ireland has unironically blown England out of the water in the literary realm in their own language for the last three centuries.
except that's a total lie
Ireland has a small handful of good authors, who are constantly overestimated by fawning Americans.
Because the accents are irritating
Derby is an absurd place
>Tolkien grew up in kings heath and served in church on the hagley road, inspiration for the shire was northern Worcestershire.
>all hobbits should unironically speak like peaky blinders.
>never watch lotr same way again.
Kings heath is a shit hole
It's good he never saw what it became
t. Moron who has lived in kings heath
There is now a halal butcher next to the mill that inspired hobbiton.
Half of the shire has been paved over to build government housing for Muslims.
0121 gang gang gang
Americans have bought into the poetic paddy moping over a pint of guinness meme and prop up this lie of paddies being literary despite having never actually read anything beyond Ulysses and posting oscar wilde quotes on facebook.
Worcestershire represent!
Oh no the orcs!
>In real life Isengard actually won.
Tolkien said in the foreword to lotr, that, he witnessed the destruction of the countryside he grew up in, before seeing his first automobile
Tolkien may have been born near Birmingham, but his literary passion came from the time he spent in my hometown, Malvern. He used to stroll the grean and pleasant hills with CS Lewis and George Sayer, the Head of English at the local boarding school. Both Tolkien and Lewis used aspects of the local scenery in the imagery of their novels.
Worcestershire is objectively the nicest part of the Midlands (the rest of it is mostly shit), so you should all come and visit.
Inspiration for the shire was western Worcestershire you imbecile
>dominating global culture
How do you say that in english?
William the conqueror sure did a good job when he crushed England and reduced its once germanic language to a french sub-dialect.
>dominating worold culture
The first and last are via latin not french.
Good ol' William just finished the job!
It's funny how the Anglo-Saxons sucked at defending their own culture. Now it's too late for them.
>the Anglo-Saxons sucked at defending their own culture
Nis þis sóð, þú bædling. Wé healdað git þá Engliscan þéawas swá wé á dydon.
Or the Norse, or Celts, or Picts or whoever was before them back to the Neanderthal. Then the little island takes over most of the world for a few hundred years. Quite a history, I suppose that's why they made that Persian version of King Arthur movie. Funny how the thing sci-fi gets most correct is in the future everyone speaks English.
i walk past the birthplace of samuel johnson on my way to mcdonalds sometimes. pretty cool.
Evit pezh a sell ouzh sevenadur keltiek enez Preden e ouzon mat a-walc'h n'eo ket marv c'hoazh.
How many pictish speakers in 2019? How many pictish language schools?
>whoever was before
Tell me more about those pre-celtic Atlants from space... LOL
>in the future everyone speaks English
LOL, in the present, the "english" language is already like 75% french, so...
Also, the Picts were also Celts, they were Britons who spoke a bryttonic celtic language and dwelled in the North of Britain.
Northern England is cooler.
Do you even understand what I'm saying?
Anyhow, English is a pidgin. What of it? Considering I can trace my paternal line back to a friend of William, yes I am already aware he was a foreigner.
>ITT: people who think lots of fancy loans alter the core of a language and spew their pseudo linguistics
>What of it?
The brittonic languages are the only native languages of Britain.
So your complaint is although anglos are dominating world culture, the real problem is sometimes they call themselves Britons?
REEEEEEE Norman's out
>English is a pidgin.
Also William Langland, who wrote Piers Plowman
Fine, it's a creole, you pedant.
>it's a creole
Sorry, you are just a fool. Ok.
Only if you open a dictionary and start checking off words. In reality the vast majority of day to day English is of, well, English origin.
>he spells it britonnic rather that brythonic
There is nothing to save, now all is lost,
but a tiny core of stillness in the heart
like the eye of a violet.
My favourite poem of Lawrence. Why did the Midlands have to die?
Had never come across him, thanks. In more recent years we've also been home to David Mitchell, author of Cloud Atlas, but that's somewhat less impressive.
Industrial revolution desu, took over lots of the Midlands. There are still pockets of natural beauty though, in Hereforshire and Worcestershire in the west, and Derbyshire in the east.
Why did you post such an ancient map? Wessex is the only dialect to have survived after Alfred's time, anyway.
You forgot...
>Reni Eddo-Lodge, London
I will vote for a Party that promises to De-industrialise the Midlands.
You don't understand what that word means.
So, you admit that you have no idea what that word means.
P.S. that hypothesis isn't widely excepted so you're going to need to lay out a coherent argument for it rather than just proclaim it true after you watched a YouTube video about it.
You have to admit, it was a pretty iconic time for the landscape.
Oh my how did the goalposts get over there!
Guys, this is a Midlands thread. Can we please stay focused
Wessex dialect survived in written form due to Alfred's monastic reforms.
Mercian dialect has defined bulk of modern English speech and vernacular because the major population centres (namely London) were under Mercian control.
Damn you
Okay, what's your favourite piece of midlands lit?
For me, it's lotr
There's so much to like. But personally, I love Lawrence. If we're sticking with prose, I think the white peacock is my favourite of his. It's a perfect still life Midlands drama.
What's your favourite book of lotr?
Noahs Ark about to become some midlands lit.
I stand corrected.
I don't think one exists, unfortunately. The Conservative party stopped conserving things long ago, and the Green party think they own the pro-environment agenda but support open borders (hence increased housebuilding on green-belt land, reduced green space in cities, increased usage of natural resources due to higher demand for energy, etc). It's a bloody mess
KH and Moseley are full of pakis now. More Burkhas on show than the ISIS caliphate.
Damn shame, Birmingham was once the heart of the Industrial revolution and it's true that the Midlands contributed icons of literature and industry. Look at the state of it now. I can't wait to leave here and go and live in the country somewhere.
This nigger is too poor to live in based Solihull, so has no idea how nice it is.
Tolkein's Middle Earth was inspired greatly by Sarehole Mill and Moseley Bog, both of which are in Birmingham
>The brittonic languages are the only native languages of Britain
hardly, celts originiated on the continent, there language too.
>I can trace my paternal line back to a friend of William
most people in the Uk can
Shropshire actually
That's why bryttonic languages are also called "continental celtic languages", while gaelic languages are "insular celtic languages".
Remember what Julius Caesar wrote in "The war of the Gauls" : The very same language was spoken on the two sides of the Channel.
Tell me more about those pre-celtic Atlants from space.
N'eo ket gwall flour va saozneg, moarvat, met ne ran ket forzh.
E brezhoneg e vez lavaret "predeneg", hag evit lavaret gwir ne ran ket forzh gant an doare ma vez lavaret er-maez eus ar yezhoù predenek.
>In reality the vast majority of day to day English is of, well, English origin.
How do you say "reality", "vast", "majority" and "origin" in english?
Besides the word "English", the longest actual english word in your sentence is four letters long.
I'm afraid to say you're completely wrong. It's well known that he found inspiration on the green and pleasant hills of west Worcestershire
>anglos are dominating world culture
English is 75% french, the French are dominating world culture.
>they call themselves Britons?
The Britons who didn't mix with german invaders are called Bretons, and then call hemselves "Bretoned". Same goes with the Welsh, of course.
The Britons who were crushed by foreign invaders lost their pride along with their native celtic language. The way they call themselves doesn't matter anymore, they are lost, they are losers of History.
>inspiration, pleasant
lol "english" is so frenchy!
english is 29% french
>the French are dominating world culture
holy kek. you are fucking delusional.
imagine being this delusional. Cope
english is 25% germanic
english is more french than actually "english"
William the conqueror crushed England long ago, destroyed the english language and replaced the english kings with french ones.
The 'english" language couldn't even survive without the french government neology policies.
>imagine being this delusional. Cope
How do you say "imagine", "delusional" and "cope" (from OF coper, colper, F couper) in english, Pierre?
well, 29% french including anglo-norman.
also 29% latin
I want to move to Lincolnshire. It's so rural and cute, but I get to stay in the Midlands. Plus it is the heart of Brexit country.
Britain's farmland is ugly. I love the countryside but I can't stand seeing acres upon acres of industrialised flatland.
Well that's most of the Midlands for you. Blame the Romans for draining the Fens. We could have had the most iconic landscape:
>Nottingham, the castle on a high hill surrounded by dense woodland
>Lincolnshire, British swampy Fens filled with bog people
>Derby with the dramatic misty Peak District
>Birmingham... Being ugly
The Lake District is beautiful; Scotland has some nice places too.
How do you say "including" in english, Pierre?
The "english" language is only 26% germanic.
Cope, loser.
That charts wrong, English is 75% French everyone knows that
The only important thing on this chart is:
English is 0% brittonic.
LOL losers.
english is actually 100% spanish
The progressive form in English is a direct brittonic influence... let's say English is 0,01% brittonic.
>William the Conqueror
his real name was guillermo el conquistador
Nope, it was Guillaume de Normandie, he was never called William during his lifetime as the name William did not exist at the time.
guillermo el conquistador. he landed at thanet in 55 bc.
Make a lake district and bits of scotland thread if you bum them so much
Would midlanders on lit be interested in a semi regular midlands general discussing literature and culture from/concerning the region? I made this thread on a whim when bored, got more of a response and more people from midlands commenting than I expected.
Your goalpost has always been to prove that English is a pidgin. You still haven't scored by the way.
Your idea seems to be, because the British speak too much French they aren't German. To which one can only respond: obviously?
>most people in the Uk can
Really, their paternal line? Certainly argues for women lacking agency.
>Your idea
1) The English are genetically Celts (Britons)
2) They lost their native brittonic language
3) The only living brittonic languages are welsh, breton and cornish.
Ok? Singaporeans speak English so I guess that makes them Anglos.
The British are genetically Celts and should speak the celtic language of their forefathers, like the Welsh and the Breton, that's his point.
Are you retarded?
>How do you say "reality", "vast", "majority" and "origin" in english?
Like this: "reality", "vast", "majority" and "origin".
Reality in Latin is 'realitus', no English speaker uses this word. Same with vastus, majoritas and origo.
All these words except origin were Anglicised directly from Late Medieval Latin and introduced into English in the 16th century by the King James Bible, not the Norman Conquest which more than anything altered spelling of various words rather than the English lexicon, you'll find a similar pattern across most of non-Romance Europe. Further it's not like you speak much Celtic either.
Sorry frogboy.
1) The French are genetically Celts (Gauls)
2) They lost their native Gallic language
3) There are no living Gallic languages
No one outside of Lazio should speak a Latin language by that logic.
Better start studying up on Gallic, Pierre...oh, wait.
At least in theory the English could resurrect Old English, Gallic is gone for good.
Most fens were only drained in the 19th century.
Of course Ireland has fewer writers in English than England. It's a foreign language foisted on the Irish by foreign oppressors who kept them in a state of abject poverty for almost 500 years. That Ireland has a solid literary tradition in a language that is not even it's own is an accomplishment. Nobody is saying that English literature is inferior. The attitude of some of ye on this thread is just the typical, unfounded English contempt for the Irish
>muh 500 years
Get over it, Seamus.
>But Ireland has unironically blown England out of the water in the literary realm in their own language for the last three centuries.
>That Ireland has a solid literary tradition in a language that is not even it's own is an accomplishment. Nobody is saying that English literature is inferior.
Way to haggle yourself down there Mick.
>Better start studying up on Gallic, Pierre...oh, wait.
Perak ez afen da zeskiñ galianeg pa 'z on brezhoneger a-vihanik ? Marv eo ar galianeg forzh penaos.
t. native breton speaker of 100% breton origin.
>the English could resurrect Old English
The English are genetically Britons, they can't resurrect East-Brittonic, but they can easily learn Welsh, Breton or Cornish.
go back to /int/
Came here to see if anyone said my man Langland. I did my PhD on PP and Pierce the Ploughman's Crede. Good times.
Based Chester
Breten is a Brittonic language, the unrelated Gaulish languages are extinct. The only reason it's in France is because fleeing Britons settled there during the Anglo-Saxon invasion.
The English are genetically mutts, but the patrilineal DNA (the strand that actually matters) is overwhelmingly Germanic.
Oh dear, better start packing, Pierre Chesterfield-Moseley. Come home Briton man.