Tfw keep falling in love with 2D anime girls

>tfw keep falling in love with 2D anime girls
What are some books about obsession and impossible desires?

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I fell in love with a cartoon pony. It wasn't temporary, it wasn't a flight of fancy and it's definitely love. I've had a gf so i know how it feels and this is just as intense.
It's not sad or impossible, find ways to express your love and you will feel fulfilled, i promise.
It's like being some kind of autistic monk who dedicates himself to an ideal and works to imprint it on the world.

Don't worry buddy just stand still, you know what I gotta post now, not because it's good but because I am forced to

Give me a rundown on this user

The Invention of Morel

And the Carpathian castle

I'll skim it again real quick and give you the gist even though it's quite short.

I: Man can't live a solitary life, religion and prostitution are two institutions which most adequately exemplify this as they offer some form of solidarity and companionship, waifu as a concept is closer to the religion side of things as it can give man a purpose and fulfill him in a way base lust and machine-like adherence to his biological imperatives cannot. Fornication is considered excessive if one has purpose and belonging. Here it's also mentioned that the concept isn't based around exclusion of those who disagree (as the author claims is the case for organized religion), and that the people here do not genuinely believe that their favorite character exists (unlike believers, disagreements aside he is correct that the lack of concrete existence of the character is fundamental). In short bursts he also makes the following three points: "Settling" for a waifu is wrong, you're using her as a makeshift toy simply because you can't get an actual girl, by all accounts the man here is delusional but is fully aware of it and has no reason to be ashamed as people in general fall in love primarily with their inner conceptions of another, regardless of whether it's 2D or 3D, and that, even if she may not be a complex character, the man's imagination can easily fill in the blanks. Also she isn't a sex object.

II: How do you live with yourself now? This is outside the scope of the text, but alternatively, how do you get rid of that pesky carnal desire? The author claims it is perfectly acceptable to masturbate to a different character as she is nothing more than a means to an end (and since you're here, probably doesn't exist to boot). You can of course do the same with your waifu, but then you treat it as making love and just silly old masturbation. That's why you use your imagination instead of pornographic material. Now you might ask, how do I tell other people about my condition? The answer is a prudent "You don't". And then comes the question, but how can I say I've lived a fulfilling life if I don't have a wife and kids? The answer given is that artificial fertilization is something that exists. Ideally what should happen then is that you live life to the fullest according to his waifu's sensibilities.

Which one? t. fellow ponefag


>Rejecting simplistic moralizing, Saito understands the otaku’s ability to eroticize and even fall in love with the beautiful fighting girl not as a sign of immaturity or maladaptation but as a result of a heightened sensitivity to the multiple layers of mediation and fictional context that constitute life in our hypermediated world—a logical outcome of the media they consume.

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The enchanter by nabokov


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Is this worth reading or is it lacanian garbo?

I just wish I could love someone, something again.
Even if she didn't exist that would still be better than nothing. Or would it?

Which ones? I have a crush on Tilarna this season. Just look at this. FUCK


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CC is garbage

It has Tilarna so it's a solid 7/10. Absolutely sublime c*nny trust me

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Olympia by Hoffmann

absolutely based

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image watching seasonal garbage

you do you fren

i want to do (You) desu uwu


oh geez no oh please
I'm heterosexual I like mommies

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Please stop.

No. I'm a deeply closeted man.

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based and mommypilled

I can't post the next page unfortunately Yea Forums is a blue board. Please support our advertisers

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I won't post more but I think these are relevant to the topic of the thread. AAAAAaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. FUCK

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The New Testament


A bit short though; I expected at least an essay length work on the issue.

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On reading this I'd forgotten how penisy and "you want to fuck your mother" psychoanalysis can get, however with some of the images in this thread maybe it's on to something after all.

Yep I definitely think they were on to something.

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Ok here's one more for the road lads

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As I said it's short, barely 4 pages. Not the most verbose of attempts and it's pretty old by now but it's passable. I get the feeling that most waifufags are too caught up in personal problems or porn to put effort into something better so this is the best you get from the internet unless you're willing to stumble around the archives forever.
This thread's gonna crash and burn soon, isn't it? Wonder where chastityposter has run off to.

I am certain that most novel academia essays could be written about "fringe" areas of the internet and internet "culture" that is uncomfortable for outsiders.
Take what that user wrote improve and elongate it and you got an insightful observational essay.

>wonder where chastityposter has run off to.
Yea Forums I think, in any case the board is at civil war with itself over porn.

>armpit hair

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Don't you love your mom?

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You are a shit taste faggot. End yourself

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That requires the writers to be familiar with such fringe culture. Shouldn't theoretically be too difficult though, you just need someone with experience, decent knowledge and a little free time.
The hell is he doing trying to proselytize on that shithole? If they couldn't mitigate the porn on Yea Forums there's no way they'll ever get through to those kids.

Maybe but what you are doing to me here is certainly not healthy.

It's healthy. My penis hurts from masturbating too much but aside from that I'm fine.


Do you guys imagine an anime when reading?
I enjoyed the anime version of Moby Dick in my head while reading it.

Death in Venice


There's something very alluring and romantic to me about being a waifufag. Make no mistake though, it's an absolute cope for 99% of people.

>Pessoa’s sexual abstinence (it is probable, though not provable, that he died a virgin) was by his own account a conscious choice, which he apparently sought to justify in The Book of Disquiet, with passages insisting on the impossibility of possessing another body, on the superiority of love in two dimensions (enjoyed by couples that inhabit paintings, stained-glass windows and Chinese teacups), and on the virtues of renunciation and asceticism.
2D is the best form of love

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I just love her so much

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Same here bro

Not gonna lie, that sounds retarded.
The kind of shit some porn addicted NEET would come up with.


Truly a man ahead of his time

Also, nice Quads.

The second part? Absolutely. If we're at the point where we classify masturbating to other 2D girls as being like fucking a prostitute while masturbating to your waifu is loving sex between partners, then he's effectively promoting adultery.

lolita anime version would look really cool.

Just resign yourself to the longing.

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Death in Venice

Truly the man of culture

>impossible desires

literally anything by Bataille


Albeit a little more uplifting
>ywn create your waifu

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>create your waifu
this is what daughterwives are for

>This thread's gonna crash and burn soon, isn't it?
guess not.

buy you need to have a daughter first and that would mean to put up with some other thot
also mirin your dub dubs

its not love

pessoa is fucking based

Would Pessoa watch anime?

He'd be on Yea Forums reporting people for blogposting about their girlfriends if he were alive today.
He wouldn't be an annoying cunnyspammer though, that's Schopenhauer's domain.

>tfw I'm crushing on a camgirl

it's killing me I cannot stop thinking about her

Which one

Darconville's Cat - professor falls in love with student, student leaves him for a young man, professor falls into despair

Why would anyone do this is beyond me.
I would rather fall in love with a pornstar that does gangbangs and bukkakes than that.

are you a /his/torian?

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idk i been watching cams for like 4 years but its the first time that happens

can't tell it's secret

I've found out that as long as you don't post actual fucking, exposed nipples or genitals, the jannies don't do shit. Post more mommies

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I suggest quitting cold turkey. That shit can't be good for your mental health, quality of life or self-esteem

I was under the obviously false impression that we still had janitors.

Pleb tier. Teenagers in the prime of their virility dominating and impregnating their nurturing milf moms is the peak.

Gravity's Rainbow

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read it yourself redditor

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"All Freud's theories are debunked bullshit" they said
"Freud was a cocaine-snorting penis-fetishist" they said.
"I don't want to motorboat my mother" they said.
Yes, well, who's laughing now?

>Yes, well, who's laughing now?
Probably not Freud to be honest, that motherfucker never smiled.

>to motorboat my mother
Oddly specific. Why don't you take a seat over there?

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Nine to Five Lover, do yourself a favour and read it newfriend.

Don't forget to have babymaking sex with your widow mother and make her take the ring off.

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This is about waifus, stop posting mommies you fucking faggot.

Not a book but a short story, The Betrayers by Stanley Ellin

It's about a man who falls in love with the woman in the apartment next to his.

That's not an impossible desire

just get a gf and have sex instead

gfs aren't as cute

This one.

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"obsession and impossible desires"

I'm telling you I'm deeply closeted. I'm not a fucking faggot.

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short story /r/

Is it really a cope if the problem is that 2D sets too high standards for 3D to be able to compete?

It's not a "cope". Fucking normalfags. Having a waifu is longing for something impossible, it's not comforting.

why get a gf if you have a mommy

na, it's comforting. waifu's a reflection of yourself. if you wanted the impossible, you'd seek an actual experience with alterity. like having an actual human relationship. waifu's there so you have an excuse to perpetuate this mindset that the world's evil and horrible and that it's the only thing standing in the way between you and suicide. but really the only thing standing in the way is your cowardice. you're a coward for retreating from alterity.

>waifu's a reflection of yourself
No. She's an ideal and a dream, the opposite of my'reslelf. There's nothing impossible about relationships with 3D girls though even that's difficult now as you can't marry them until they're past their expiration date. I don't want to kill myself, I don't have faith I'll meet my waifu when I die.

my diary desu moshe moshe


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>. She's an ideal and a dream, the opposite of my'reslelf.

you just described neurosis, guy.

Real women are disgusting.

ughhhhhh mommy



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I just wanted to post a 4 page essay and now the thread is being kept alive by mommyfags. Guess it could be worse.

who's this mommy

What's your experience exactly? None i bet.

I think you need to watch Evangelion again.

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What? How exactly are real relationships not a reflection of yourself? Whether 2D or 3D, the type of girl you want is a reflection of your desires, which stem from your own personal traits and mind. There's literally no difference in that regard. Also, how does wanting a waifu mean you want something or someone who is an extension of yourself? You could have that mindset for real people too. It's not relevant in the realm of 2D Vs 3D. And everything else in that post is either vague or a projection based on assumptions, like going on about it being a perpetuation of your mindset which is cowardly or whatever.

finished reading, absolutely based and redpilled

thanks fren

Holy fuck this is one of the most pseud things I have read in a while. I sincerely hope this is just low effort bait

its not impossible
just keep at it!!!
you are almost at the end of the tunnel!!!

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keep at what? how do I get an anime girl?