What is time? Bergon, Einstein, Deleuze, Nick Land, John Zerzan offer different takes. What is it
What is time? Bergon, Einstein, Deleuze, Nick Land, John Zerzan offer different takes. What is it
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ITT: LARP as a STEMfag/analyticfag
Kek at philosophers navel gazing. Time is just the time it takes for one piece of matter to move to another position. This can be measured by my computer btw
What if there is no matter?
it's just the succession of states of universes. You have the physical world in a static moment, more or less understandable, then you have a bunch of these that merge with each other like a series of lines becoming a rectangle.
The causal relation between the lines is just a rule for how reality can align its successive states, like the rules of counterpoint tell you what the next bit of each voice can be in its harmonic moment.
It is weird that we are aware and we consciously experience this succession of states I guess.
A forth dimension we perdue through as temporal parts.
Ackshully the analytics have been doing a lot of good philosophy of time metaphysics recently
is this better than whitehead?
That's nice and might tell us something about how objects persist through time, but what does this position tell us about its structure and ontology? I figure a presentist and eternalist about time might be able to hold either endurantism or perdurantism as true without compromising their temporal ontology.
I still can't read an analog clock
They are so far removed from one another that it's not worth comparing. Sider is working within the tradition of analytic metaphysics of time, while Whitehead is off the reservation doing his own thing. Wholly different concerns
Sider argues for a perdurantist position I think, on my backlist.
the little hand is the hour, which is pointed at 10, if it were in between the 10 and 11, it would be roughly 10:30. You look at the minute hand to see the minutes, it's the one pointed at 2 and is slightly longer, the difference is usually more obvious than the pic in op. The thin hand is the second hand, which is often omitted, and shows the seconds. The three hands move simultaneously.
thanks that actually helped
I know. I'm saying that perdurantism is merely an account of persistence through time and not an ontology of time itself.
oh and should have mentioned that since the relevant numbers are 12(hours, half the day) and 60(minutes in an hour and seconds in a minute) you have to multiply the 12 by 5 to get the second and minute hand readings. So the second hand pointed at the 2 is 10 minutes(times 5), that is why there are 5 little sections in the arc between the numbers. Easy to just think of it in terms of 5s. 10, 15, 20, 25, etc. you quickly think of a 6 on the clock as either a 6(am or pm) if the hour hand is one it, or a 30 if the second hand is on it.
unironically an illusion
Based explaining user
>the second hand pointed at the 2 is 10 minutes(
the minute hand* sorry, im dumb
This explains the delayed choice experiment and entangled photons.
You should of never come here.
"should have"
A human construct meant to measure entropy but ultimately oppresses you and cucks you, wagie.
Aristotle on time fs.blog
Peirce was the only one to understand the unity of space and time before special relativity.
Peirce's evolutionary cosmology can interpret quantum mechanics
Peirce's catagories furnish the findings of science to this day and more to come.
Should of
Can you explain zerzan's concept please? Haven't gotten down to reading him yet
What do they all say?
Fuck off, nufag.
Time is simpler than you think. It's a constant here on Earth. Who cares about inconsistencies when nothing living is out in the cosmos anyways?
No, time is constant nowhere. If you fly on an airplane, your watch will run slower compared to how it runs on the ground and this can be measured.
What is the Fermi paradox?
>Nick Land
imagine thinking he's on the same level as the others
The bitcoin gimmick doesn't make it good
"bro time is just time"