What are your thoughts on Maoism, or marxism-leninism-maoism?

What are your thoughts on Maoism, or marxism-leninism-maoism?

Is it the highest degree of radical philosophy and historical materialism, or just an edgy meme and literal cult?

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The dialectic has been scientifically proven so if you are materialist and choose not employ metapysics it is your only avenue for rational praxis

It's one of those things that, in reality, are simple and self-evidently true (no one can really disagree that bosses exploit workers, and eventually the workers will have no option left but revolt in some form), but First World pseuds love to play pretentious little word games with until it looks complicated. (Like this shit for instance).

Marxists are just lazy college kids who dont want to work, it's essentially the ideology of the lazy person

I consider myself an Analytic Maoist; that is to say, I reject Hegelianism outright and employ a Wittgensteinian reading of Marx, so there's very little pretentious pseudoscience or nonsense involved.


Well, killing landlords is absolute genius.

>lazy people seized the Kronstadt shipyards
>lazy people invented the AK-47
>lazy people kicked Kennedy's ass in the Bay of Pigs
>lazy people currently defend a third of Syria from Jihad
Keep telling yourself that Yankee

T. College dropout burgerboy

I have a PhD in mathematics, pseud.

Holy shit only STEMfags are lower subhuman than capitalist larpers.

On 5 August 1968, Mao received the Pakistani foreign minister Mian Arshad Hussain, who brought with him a basket of golden mangoes as gifts for the Chairman. Instead of eating the mangoes, Mao [who hated sweets] decided to give them to the Capital Worker and Peasant Mao Zedong Thought Propaganda Team … that had earlier been sent to the Qinghua University in Beijing to rein in the rival Red Guard gangs.

Mao gave the mangoes to Wang Dongxing, who divided them up, distributing one mango each to a number of leading factories in Beijing, including Beijing Textile Factory, where I was then living. The workers at the factory held a huge ceremony, rich in the recitation of Mao’s words, to welcome the arrival of the mango, then sealed the fruit in wax, hoping to preserve it for posterity. The mangoes became sacred relics, objects of veneration. The wax-covered fruit was placed on an altar in the factory auditorium, and workers lined up to file past it, solemnly bowing as they walked by. No one had thought to sterilize the mango before sealing it, however, and after a few days on display, it began to show signs of rot. The revolutionary committee of the factory retrieved the rotting mango, peeled it, then boiled the flesh in a huge pot of water. Mao again was greatly venerated, and the gift of the mango was lauded as evidence of the Chairman’s deep concern for the workers. Then everyone in the factory filed by and each worker drank a spoonful of the water in which the sacred mango had been boiled. After that, the revolutionary committee ordered a wax model of the original mango. The replica was duly made and placed on the altar to replace the real fruit, and workers continued to file by, their veneration for the sacred object in no apparent way diminished.

In order to share the honour with workers and the revolutionary masses elsewhere, more replicas of the mangoes were made and sent around the country. All over the country welcoming parties were organized to receive the mangoes, and many work units enshrined the mango replicas for the masses to view in order to partake in the Chairman’s gift. Mao badges with the platter of mangoes and posters with revolutionary messages illustrated with the mangoes began to appear; a cigarette factory in the city of Xinzheng in Henan Province began producing a line of mango-brand cigarettes (still in production today); a film was made on class struggle using the Mao mango gift as a key symbol in the story line. In the months following Mao’s giving of the mangoes a mango fever descended upon China.

Learn to cite your sources.


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MLM kiddies are fucking annoying lol. Just be ML and join a revolutionary org or be an anarchist and larp

be a hoxaist

post bunker

maoism third worldism is the correct end of marxism. it was so correct, it made me stop being a marxist.

post-left pol potism is redpilled

Analytic Marxism in any sense is a non-sequitur since Marxism is inherently reliant on unfalsifiable premises that analytic reasoning does not admit

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Cope, wageslave

Analytic Marxism and that book in particular have been torn apart over the last several decades.

But either way, AM only serves to justify Marxian historical analysis through an analytic lens, no? It's only one part of the Marxist project. It can't address the irreparable flaws of Marxian economic theory, for instance.

totalitarian deathcult, like most marxism. read a fucking history book.

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Roemer presents and extends the famous results by Morishima and Okishio, and adds his own insights on the theory of class and exploitation. Following Steedman, Roemer discredits the labor theory of value as unnecessary to account for exploitation.
The analytical rigor in treating the subject is among the things that make the book worth buying for anyone interested in mathematical economics: sitting down with paper and pencil for a couple of months in reading the book will be a beautiful intellectual experience, and it will add a whole set of "weapons" to the neoclassically trained economist.
There is maybe too much emphasis on the equilibrium method. One might also want to know that there are several solutions to the transformation problem, not all reaching such destructive conclusions. To have a full analytical preparation on Marx, Roemer's book is best bought together with the books by Foley Understanding Capital: Marx's Economic Theory (much less challenging mathematically)

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And it fucking shows. You sniveling shits shouldn't be allowed to mingle with the rest of the genepool. Sub-human, emotionally illiterate fools, all.

You know, I really thought Samuelson laid this shit to rest. The entire line of reasoning Okishio and Roemer fall into does nothing but effectively repudiate anything meaningful Marxian economics attempted to do and express basic insights of mid-20th century labour market theory using Marxian apparatus. There really isn't anything to criticize beyond saying that it's "not even wrong", for lack of a better term, and that the "insights" presented have no empirical or theoretical significance. A leftist would be better served seeing where the current frontier of labor economics lies - the work of guys like Altonji - and combining it with post-Marxist sociological analysis. The reason Marxism has retreated into the humanities is precisely because it offers far more value (or at least, it used to) as a tool for critical theory

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Yes, a literal cult. Communists of the 1930s believed Stalin is infallible, even though he killed most of them in 1936-37. Half of the world was subject to Stalin's schizophrenic cult


cringe and bluepilled

cringe and bluepilled

what's that got to do with Maoism

The amount of marxist seethe in this thread is unreal. The slightest mention of a criticism of marxist thought makes the retard shout

You all defend this ideology as if it's the be-all end-all of human sociopolitical invention. Let me let you in on a secret. It was created to fulfill that exact purpose, and you've all fallen for the pseuro-religious brainwashing.

Do you not think of it suspicious that all later movements within literature and continental philosophy that regard structure, society, hierarchy and what we normally call truth as intrinsically wrong and constructed all somehow connect back to Marx?

And that these movements' subsequent worldviews have not spurred anything but jumbled and dysfunctional garbage?
>by their fruits ye shall know them

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>no one can really disagree that bosses exploit workers
I do.
Workers actually exploit the ideas and business sà tensa of their bosses and make more money than they would tilling the soil by following them.


Criticism present in this thread so far is not based on arguments concerning MLM theory itself but rather western sources on regimes adhering to that ideology. Thats why most marxists treat them as sophisticated slander rather than genuine arguments. Im not a marxists btw, just saying.

>destroys many sacred temples and communities that have existed for thousands of years
>nearly wipes out Taoism
>don’t worry you can sip some mango water and replace your identity with a wax mango
Mao had an impressive propaganda team

Applied Marxist-Leninism, which is applied Marxism, which is applied Communism.

I see nothing false in this quote