What do Muslims think of him? Is he based or a cringe LARPer in their eyes?
What do Muslims think of him? Is he based or a cringe LARPer in their eyes?
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he's a cringe LARPer in general so i mean
not a true muslim
People who believe that their religion is the one religion generally don't like it when someone comes along, from outside the religion, claiming that their religion is actually the same as a bunch of other religions because of a few perceived commonalities.
He seemed to be strict and sincere in his practice of Islam, he moved to Egypt to immerse himself in the faith he wanted to practice, and even learned to speak fluent Egyptian Arabic. At that point, if you call that LARPing, then nothing is legitimate.
he thought islam was not THE truth, but one of many ways of accessing the Hindu truth
The internet is so fucking stupid, you are all stupid. I am going to go read a book because none of you are interesting.
If a weeb from America moved to Japan and learned fluent Japanese I bet you guys would call them a LARP
Muslim generally doesn't know him
What? So would you consider them authentic or not?
is nick land larping in china
yeah, have you read the shit he talks about?
have sex
>tfw they consulted the guide
Mostly we don't care or think about him. Some academic Sufis into French works on Islam like him a lot. I'm Salafi so I see him as wrongheaded for trying to impose his own vision on Islam even though he did it as respectfully as possible. Islam is Submission, not fitting it to your worldview.
based isis poster
Most Salafis aren't ISIS just because our theology and politics are similat. I have a female Salafi friend on Twitter (I obviously wouldn't have it in person as that is haram, so is Dm'ing) who loves Marx although she thinks Beauvoir and Foucault are creeps.
what's his name? I've seen this picture around before
What is the current situation of Islam? Did it suffer from the Modern Encroachment like the West (suffering it firstly since this modernism had its origin here) and consequently its tradition (Christianity) are suffering? China is almost entirely westernized. It is as if every tradition was hidden in their own shell, protecting themselves from this external confusion.
political islam making a stand against the west tends to be the target of redpilled western folks, assimilated secular muslims are the majority now even in where i live, egypt
people are starting to care less.
desu the problem here isn't the decline of Islam but it's the west worship and self hatred
many seem to have this idea that the west is a utopian egalitarian society where everyone is empathic and has good manners and is rich when in reality it's the exact opposite.
they ignore that politics are ultimately influenced by the material condition.
marxism with Islamic characteristics or baathism are unironically our last hope
Egyptians are much more Islamic now than you were under late stage Ottomans
>china is almost entirely westernized
developed =/= westernized
china is not westernized at all
When their society has nearly removed its organs of Confucianism and a farmong serf majority, and imposed a reactionary political philosophy created on the West in the wake of the Western Industrial Revolution, and then adapts and even steals technology and ideas from the West, and even feels a penetration of traditionally Western Faiths, it's Westernized.
Look at how the rulers dress compared to the House of Saud
DMing females is haram brother
>marxism with Islamic characteristics or baathism are unironically our last hope
Why not a fundamentalist movement like Iran or the Sahwa movement in Saudi Arabia? The Muslim Brotherhood is similar and was elected into office once (and I believe they have a large following across the middle east). I doubt marxism or baathism could gain traction again, the communist parties in Iraq and Iran were huge at one point but purged to near oblivion and every Baathist regime but Syria has collapsed.
rent free
I fantasize about becoming a dictator, hunting down these low quality kinds of posters, and ordering them to be viscerally disemboweled at my own personal arena.
Did he masturbate?
wait what? Rent free? what does that mean, I have never seen it
Have sex
You too.
When someone lives rent free in someone's head, and This second person can't help but argue with him in his imagination etc because he got so thoroughly btfo last time they talked.
For instance at the time of the elections, Donald lived rent free in obama's head.
drumpf lives in the trannies heads
Guenon is known among the intelligentsia of several Muslim countries, generally he is well-received
If fellow Muslims have even heard of this man, then, by Allah, it is with disapproval, for he is Sufi, which means that he is on the erring path from Islam, deceived by bid'ah and shirk.
They don't know him but apparently Guenon very early on knew he wanted to move to Egypt.
Did impose his own vision on Islam, or did he correctly see that Sufism is crypto-neo-platonism, which itself is crypto-vedantism?
Sufis are the LARPers of Islam so..
He is seen as a convenient bridge by which to lure alienated westernboys over to the dark side. apart from that, absolutely not.
rene guenon
All muslims see themselves as larpers, so it's not hard to know the answer to your question.
>People who believe
Maybe, but mulsims are people who pretend to believe, not people who believe.
Only a few non-muslims think muslims are "people who believe".
>I'm Salafi
>posting on a haram board
You're not a salafi, you're a murtad.
The whole Internet is haram you murtad.
Yeah, but all muslims do haram thing all the time, they just pretend, islam is all about pretending.
All muslims are larpers. Only a few non-muslims think they aren't.
what does that mean
holy cow lmao go suicidebomb a kindergarden
I mean how little philosophy have you read if this is your unironic opinion. Hell, how little of the history of science are you aware of?
If they know him, they think he's kuffar shit, like the rest of Sufism.
Funny how the esoteric/exoteric division is in violent conflict with one another in Islam, with the exoteric adherents (Wahhabists) blowing up Sufi mosques.
Turns out Evola is right where Guenon is wrong. Getting initiated and joining a traditional order, especially Islam, only puts you in danger. And good luck finding a Sufi sheikh today who isn't a complete charlatan.
>they think he's kuffar shit
Muslims act like kuffars all the time, all of them, and they know it, they just pretend they don't act like kuffars, hoping some non-muslim will believe them.
That's what I said. I don't DM females
Unironically kys
But you are on a haram board, using your haram phone to post on the haram Internet.
I-phones are so cool, so why would you follow the rules of Islam? Nobody really does after all...
What are you talking about? Phones and internet aren't haram, neither are sfw boards. Haram is what was forbidden during the Salaf.
His perennialism is pretty cringe, but his criticisms of western modernity are based
his perennialism only is cringe if you are a low-IQ brainlet who cant into metaphysics
Well, converting to Islam today for perennialist reasons is a mistake.