In what order do I read Dostoevsky?

I've seen anons say to end with Brothers Karamazov but what should I start with? Please support your opinions.

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I just read the Brothers Karamasow

fuck it i'll just do that

Necessary: Notes From Underground, Crime and Punishment.
Optional but enjoyable: The Idiot, the Double
I haven't read super karamazov bros. yet

I tried to read C&P but it was boring so I stopped. Maybe it was just a shit translation. Later I read NFU, which was rather edgy but at least short. Currently reading The Idiot, which I enjoy.

These are books, not superhero movie sequels. You are supposed to read them.

C&P was boring and you enjoy The Idiot? Damn you convinced me to read it now. C&P was hella fun so The Idiot must be a party.

I started with notes from the underground, then I read crime and punishment then I just jumped to the brothers Karamazov and it was amazing
Now I'm finishing the idiot and I'm gonna read demons after... Then I'll start Tolstoy

Rogozhin kills Nastasya Filipponva at the end of the book after stealing her from Myshkin on their wedding night. Myshkin pursues them and finds her corpse wrapped in a blanket and has a complete mental breakdown which leaves him permanently disabled. Rogozhin is sent to prison. Have a good read.


What the actual fuck

Read Lolita instead

>edgy bad

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>cares about spoilers
go watch a marvel movie

We are INTPs in this board and paralyzed by making a choice. Debating over which to read is enjoyable.

I hope you will be burying your own child someday.

Jokes on you, I’ll probably forgot all of this by the time I get a chance to read the book, especially since Russian names are a bitch to remember.

I did it like this, Notes> C&P>idiot, then i plan demons, finally followed by The brothers Karamazov. I think ill order his short stories sometime afterwords.

bratya karamazovy is his magnum opus. A watershed of philosophical fiction, its resonance and gravity rivals the bible in its emotional and spiritual potency,. Crime and Punishment is good too. Demons is a good exploration of the political radical's mentality.

HoW dO I DeLEte SomEOnE eLsE'S PoSt?!