Hey Yea Forums, just wondering are any of her books worth reading? And if so which ones are they...

Hey Yea Forums, just wondering are any of her books worth reading? And if so which ones are they? What's her writing style like? Is she a good writer?

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It takes an hour to get 15-20% into one of them. Why not do that instead of posting this thread and spending the next hour watching 10 Craziest Times an Octopus Tried to Play Minecraft: Can a Nerf Dart Go Through a Cinderblock? videos on Youtube.

It’s fun to post her. Reminds us that this was once a board for literature

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secret histroy was really good , im halfway trough the goldfinch and its pretty far stuck up its own ass

im in love with her

>tripfag talking about what Yea Forums "once was"

You are consistently the worst poster on this entire board.

Secret History is one of my favorite books, think of a cross between edgy Salinger and Socratic debates.
Sped through The Goldfinch earlier this year and didn't enjoy it as much. There are a couple pockets of really amazing sequences in there, but about 80% of the book is the rising and lead up to those moments.

So if you're looking to get into her I'd recommend starting with The Secret History; I've also heard good things about The Little Friend, but haven't been able to get a copy for myself.

I was there when Yea Forums was rather good.
You newfags ruin it

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OP here, thank you for answering my question. How is it up it's own ass? Not denying it, just wondering

OP here, thanks for answering my question. Is Goldfinch still worth reading?

If you enjoy The Secret History, yes. It wasn't bad, just a little tedious.

Gotcha, thanks!

You sure post a lot instead of reading. Don’t you have a fucking job?

I do.
Damn mobil devices

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What sort of labor do you perform to subsidize your relentless shitposting?

god i wish i was a pretty grill so i could get published

He's sort of right you know.

So am I. I have a job.
Had the day off today

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why do talentess women get published and men buy their awful books?

I was referring more to the reading/writing/posting part of the comment.

Why do talentless men whine about women who get any kind of success?

This wouldn’t eve be a s big a deal in my ideal world. Its this masculine competitive bullshit posturing that’s put both you and her where you are now.
Quit wasting your time being bitter over a whole sex.

not him but

*why do talentless pretty people get published and we buy their awful books?

>Its this masculine competitive bullshit posturing that’s put both you and her where you are now.
>Quit wasting your time being bitter over a whole sex.

I read an article of hers, and she’s got talent. Plenty of homely authors out there too. Lots of men too.

I hate capitalism. This world sucks because of it.

>masculine competitive bullshit posturing
>qut wasting your time being bitter over a whole sex

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but why most of them are pretty?

>bitterness etc.

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You new?
C a p i t a l i s m

So you’re calling this out as sexist. ‘Kay


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I just wished you wouldn't have brought more of it by answering a bait post in this way, user.

>You new?
>C a p i t a l i s m
