>his philosophical system doesn't end with the imperative to acquire as much power as possible
Cute coping mechanism you've got there, buddy.
His philosophical system doesn't end with the imperative to acquire as much power as possible
I don't think most people want power. I think they'd rather lived in a balance society and feel fulfilled by helping others
Craving power that badly is a sign of low iq
Not desiring power is a sign of low-IQ and self-delusion, actually.
Low-IQ people claim not to want more power as long as they don't have less than their neighbors.
“Brute strength, sheer cunning, pure virility; who among you doesn’t have these things”
>Low-IQ people claim not to want more power as long as they don't have less than their neighbors.
Why is this bad user? I've heard low wealth doesn't create high crime rates but wealth disparity creates high crime rates.
What does power do for me? More money to buy doodads and trinkets with? More respect? Respect from controlling materials and not helping out my community? No thanks
power isn't real pleb
It's more real than anything else, actually.
The power to post Pepes on Yea Forums.
Your transcendental signifier isn’t even capable of self-knowledge, doesn’t really stick me as all powerful. Power is an attribute at best, an adjective to a noun, or should I say Nous
How much power you have? Post medals and timestamp.
power is for the weak
Little power. That doesn't invalidate what I said though. You can be sure I'm going to be much more powerful in 5-10 years. I merely realized that a philosophical system made by and for the weak cannot be any good. A powerless bitch philosophizing about the world and the universe is like a monkey trying to interpret C++ code. You will never see the reality accurately until you have acquired power.
No, just another self-dome
Proof or you're just pulling shit out of your ass
>You will never see the reality accurately until you have acquired power.
some russian babushka understands reality far better than a wall street broker, i assure you
If you acknowledge that you have little power then how can you claim to have knowledge of reality when you also claim that only those with power can see reality accurately?
There was a story about a westerner going to china and seeing two old men sitting on a bench next to each other discussing something. The westerner started to conjecture on what they might be talking about, as he didn't understand chinese. Perhaps they were talking about the great questions of life, or confucianism, or reciting some haikus. Perhaps just right there these two old chinese farmers have discovered the meaning of life, the secret to the universe. Then a person came a long who understood both chinese and the westerner's language and, asked for a translation of what the two chinamen were talking about, he said: "Oh, they are ranting about the price of pickles in the market, as usual on mondays".
Moral of the story: in the sense that a worm understands earth better than humans who study archeology, maybe yes, in any other sense absolutely not.
For I am like a slave who has realized his slave status and wants to escape it, while all of you are like uncle Tom's desperately trying to pull me back in.
I think what the user is trying to get as is you have and I'm guessing here
>a young man fixated on wealth whose experiences are probably shallow and materialistic
>an old woman whose lived a long life of nurturing children and helping a family might have a better perspective of life
Then leave you grateful bitcher
You're advocating that basing your life around primal urges is high IQ. I think you're the one coping.
>computer science analogy
rent free
You are a fool, for you hate people who strive to achieve power, calling them meaningless words like shallow and materialistic, only because you yourself are powerless. Power is one of the fundamental things in the world that is definitely real, and many people strive to achieve it because they know it is real. You calling them materialistic, vain and shallow won't change the fact.
>an old woman whose lived a long life of nurturing children and helping a family might have a better perspective of life
In what world lmao?
OP’s daily priority’s
1.) feel powerful
2.) get attention
>Stuck at C++
>Power is one of the fundamental things in the world that is definitely real, and many people strive to achieve it because they know it is real.
Define power. You're presupposing that this idea you have is real.
In some sense I think you're right user. I think when you see others achieving in abundance it makes you question humanity and I think I certainly have some jealously.
That being said, I still think materialism is a trip and I don't understand the purpose of the power you are talking about.
>In what world lmao?
Because I tend to think life is mostly about Maslow's hierarchy of needs.
What does power mean to you user?
>His philosophical system doesn't end with the imperative of reducing the amount of conscious experience where-ever and however possible
Cute coping mechanism you've got there, buddy. Namely optimism bias.
Just for fun
Having power to pick up something that’s too heavy when you need it is good, but when your thrusting too hard and you gf doesn’t want to have sex anymore, that’s bad
When you got the power to buy whatever you need, that’s good, but when all your money is getting taken in taxes and people are using you because your wealth, that’s bad
Being able to destroy someone’s argument through superior intelligence is good, but when that person is you gf who just wants to have a friendly discussion that’s bad
When you can fuck all night long that’s good, but when you can’t sleep cause your dick won’t go down that’s bad
Being others people’s superiors and having them work for you is good, but when no respectable person wants to be your friend because your a tyrannical exploitative psychopath, that’s bad
When you get to go to a website dedicated to literature with millions of anons from around the world that’s good, but when there’s that one insufferable fuckhead who keeps using it as an excuse not to go to therapy and discuss his problems, that’s really shitty user, rally fucking shitty
I get a feeling that you never asked yourself the 'why'.
Let's see:
Why do you need all this power?
>To control people's actions
Control people's actions for what reason?
>So they would do what I want
What do you want?
(From what I've read you'll reply with something like)
>Money! Women! Fame!
And then you wonder why people consider you shallow and materialistic(You think they say it because they 'have no power' lol.)
Other people can't bring you inner tranquillity, self-actualization, knowing yourself, etc. Power has meaning only when a person has a 'higher' goal in front him. Craving power just for the power itself always leads to materialism and shallowness.
Sure but remember that there are many kinds of power e.g. love
you're the one coping with a low iq
user, don't use parentheses after you put a dot after the number. Mmmmkay?
I desire power but I don't want it if that makes sense. I'd love to have complete control over my country, or the world, but I know that I don't deserve to. As such I don't want to do whatever it takes to work my way to the top, but instead try and pull out of the system and become as autonomous as possible.
>he doesn't think he has a duty to help those less fortunate than him
Power does not corrupt, it is the corrupted that are attracted to power.
I'm going to conquer the world, disassemble nation states, the militaries, racism, capitalists (literally dismembering them), cops, the animal abuse for food industry etc. Then I'll give it to the people. Fuck you. Fuck power. Just let me farm and help the people I know.
Desu its like anarchists are unaware of machiavellianism even while they display it
>acquire power
philosophy is coping with death not life
That's not Zapffe's idea, he would probably tell you to go climb a mountain or paint a sunrise, some form of aesthetic sublimation. You sound more like Horstmann.
based poster. Let's become God!
It's going to be tragic when you get a modicum of materialistic power, then still realize you are just as unfulfilled as before. Get the suicide prevention hotline ready mate.
what is this image trying to convey
Have sex
Who does deserve it then? You either strive for power yourself or you let others trample over you.
>n-no u
Keep telling that to yourself.
>his philosophical system ends with an imperative
>being tied down to the flesh
>thinking you have any power
>I've heard low wealth doesn't create high crime rates but wealth disparity creates high crime rates.
How can you have low wealth without any disparity? If there's no higher wealth to contrast it against, by definition it can't be low.
No, it's actually the more niggers in the neighbourhood the more crime
Who cares what most people want. Do you believe most people have come to the necessarily complex apprehension of existence? And that their systems are systems of lasting value?
>Having anything to do with moral center or virtue
Face it IQfags, your metric is useless, along with 90 percent of the entire social "science" field.
Acquire the necessary power to freely pursue the Great Work; and the necessary amount of power is not unrestrained domination, but Chaos tamed.
Desire however is the source of self-knowledge: to find desire desirable is to desire what is truly desirable, and from this comes an epistemic imperative. Desire also is the source of self-delusion as the problems of desire require the possibility of failure, i.e. desire must make a difference in action. To detach desire from knowledge is to obliterate both.
only if it is the power to make history reel, to unleash a trauma upon the human farce that sunders the petty mask we call "power," unleashing a torrent of natural forces that only destiny could know what to make of
the process of gaining power is often off-putting to me. its just mundane networking. i think id rather develop myself instead and pursue my own hobbies
How do you judge who is less fortunate and who is a lazy piece of shit?
Where do you draw the line between their responsibility to help themselves and yours?
How do you avoid a cannibal mentality?
Why should I care in the first place that someone is less fortunate if I don’t feel like caring?
I feel like I have this figured out but I’d like to hear your take user.
>complex apprehension
What did you mean by this
Unless you believe in an afterlife, that’s stupid. Your death is only a concern while you’re alive and you want to cope with it to improve your life.
Great idea user, I hope you start with yourself first :^)
I will not rest until the zero has been purged from our current, heretical mathematic system.
The multilayered density of coming to knowledge about something; and in this instance: Existence itself.
find christ
literally all of philosophy/politics is just a coping mechanism to deal with not being born a gigachad that can attract and fuck women at a whim and live whatever life you want. prove me wrong
what's the point of acquiring power if you'll just die in the end and it will have meant nothing.
It's when you confine it to an area. For example poor people living right next to rich people vs poor people being confined to an area, and then comparing them to the city/country average.
Did u just say I was cute
your power is so irrelevant in the Universe as a whole, and eventually you will die and lose it
Disproves your shit argument.
Measure it for me. Weight it for me. Distill it for me. Show me a glass of power.
>Live by the sword, die by the sword
have fun enjoying your "power"
>Imagine being so morally bankrupt you resort to rationalizing evil
Imagine that you're the last human on earth.
Will you go off to conquer the monkeys?
Or will you find something else to do with your time?
>conquer the monkeys
wtf now I love power
>real --> measurable
you don't actually think this, right?
It’s a simple fact of life that the weak and feeble-minded seek peace and tranquility, and democracy favors conditions for the rule of these low-brow middle class citizens. There is no one more unequal than those that claim to be equal. Nature has never dictated on a policy of peace - might maketh right; the universal force of entropy slowly destroys everything in existence.
>his philosophical system spends his entire life and judges his self worth in pursuit of coercion of others
Youre one of those idiots who read Nietzsche once and it went entirely over your head and all your pea sized brain could understand was a superficial grasp of the Ubermensch.
>It’s a simple fact of life that the weak and feeble-minded seek peace and tranquility
and yet somehow it's the dumb violent ones who end up doing most of the raping and killing...
Yes. From a purely materialist lens, I want to see it.
Show me will.
Because the smart ones know how to pursue power without getting caught or breaking the law? Fucking idiot
best post desu
sounds stupid
I'm the first post, why did you tell me to find Christ user?