Are virtues like courage, temperance, justice and wisdom relative?

Or is it just the fault of society that doesn't adopt them?

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All virtues point to the same sole Good.

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what is good?


what is God?



so reality is good?

True and actually a good path to God

At it's highest level of being, yes.

is evil lack of good?

It is not. Evil is more than lack of good.

Without a way to ground them in a well determined system, yes, they are.

The Übermensch.

Evil doesn't exist but as an effect of our free cause making it to a necessary Potentiality which we actualize, anything natural isn't evil but borne out of Necessity—both allow for the greatest of goods making the all as a whole Good.

Take justice for one. The Heebs would have you believe all murder is wrong. Were its a fine standard to live by, if someone was threatening your life or that of a loved one, you’d be fine to kill or accidentally kill the assailant. Fine with me anyway. The same can be applied to these other “virtues”. They are compasses that can’t find the true north but wiggle in a general direction.

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A general rule stops being general when you look at the outliers

How do you mean?

"general" refers to the average, has nothing to do with the outliers
Yes, all virtues are subjective, or based off of basic evolutionary principles.

>evolutionary principles

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what if they had the wrong view of justice?

CLEANSE YOURSELF OF ALL DEFILEMENT. Praise be to Ahura Mazda! Good and evil are absolute.

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redpill me on hakuna matata

Read A Short History of Ethics