Do not kill yourself. Kill your self.
Do not kill yourself. Kill your self
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Where is this self and how do you know it is mine?
I'll kill a Buddha if I see one.
Go away hindu version of Gnosticism
why is the buddha sometimes depicted fat? where does this come from? didn't he live a severely ascetic life for like 6 years
>Nazi symbol
uh oh, this is problematic
Are you dumb?
1. Symbolic of spiritual richness 2. It's Budai, not Sakyamuni.
You mean this person?
sounds jororowsky-esque
thanks, didn't know about this.
killing my self doesn't make me a living
it might
Do not kill yourself. Kill your self.
Death of the ego isn't the same as your literal death.
Don't need to make a living if you kys
Yes, he nearly killed himself through asceticism and had chronic pain for the rest of his life because of it. But after that he wasn’t a harsh ascetic so he was probably average weight or higher
Read the Bible and have faith in our Lord Jesus Christ
I'm not going to pretend reality isn't real just to experience some phony happiness. Buddhism is a cowardly and dishonest path.
That is not what Buddhism is about, brainlet
You need to do your homework
that's why i need a living
buddhists can't answer why jesus preached eternal life if christianity isn't real. also why the jesus and the apostles all died for a "fake" religion. or how jesus was able to fulfill all the prophecies. Buddhism is a religion for single boomer men and 20 year old sluts who like to get dicked by polynesians
he was being ironic, you are dumb
it is not the way, do not fall in the pit of dogma. just be with the natural self.
let the chi flow through you and the way will let itself be walked on
don't kill either. enjoy life
Find happiness. Then be at peace.
do not kill your self, kill you're self.
Even with his irony, he's being dumb. Nothing has changed.
based retard
>buddhists can't answer why jesus preached eternal life if christianity isn't real.
Sure they can, he doesn't exist, or was crazy, or was just a retard, or was made up.
>also why the jesus and the apostles all died for a "fake" religion.
The only sources for these mens lives were penned 200 years after their deaths. While we're discussing fiction, why didn't Sauron just stop being evil?
>or how jesus was able to fulfill all the prophecies.
He doesn't, hence why there are still Jews who can die of old age and you as a gentile are not a slave incapable of speech.
>Buddhism is a religion for single boomer men and 20 year old sluts who like to get dicked by polynesians
Okay you got me you're spot on here.
He’s depicted fat in chinese and japanese buddhism
Buddha was white
He "ate" all sins of the world, that's why he became that fat.
and wore airpods
Let's call the SJWs we have a statue to upturn
>kill the illusion of my self
>still lonely and horny
>still want to kill myself
buddhism is straight-up gay as fuck
You dont dip in the same dip twice
Virgin Being vs Becoming
Chad Being and Becoming vs non-Being and unbecoming
this, its a joke based on the fact a fat asshole is its god. shit 'religion' desu
>Ineffable Chad BEYOND Being and Becoming.
Middle Way
buddhism is retarded soft nihilism. pleb tier
Kill you're selfs
Joseph smith died for mormonisn. His followers moved across the continent to escape persecution. No one would take on such adversity for something that’s not real. Therefore, Mormonism is true.
>Hubbard's texts have been engraved on stainless steel tablets and encased in titanium capsules underground.
>The Church of Scientology protects Hubbard’s writings with “extraordinary zeal.” Copies of Hubbard's text are preserved and hidden behind fences, in deep vaults, guarded by tight security.
>The base includes a number of dwellings and the archives themselves, the latter in a network of underground tunnels.
You are now aware that Hubbard will be one of the only authors to survive the coming apocalypse.
You are now aware that primitive humans will emerge from the ruins. In time they will discover his writings.
You need to actually kill yourself
Just a friendly cognitive superlative reminder that ubuliant meditation is irresponsible for metapsychotics who describe it without self-referential dissonance to the PHYSICAL CONSEQUENCES of metacognition.
>gnosticism not being a perversion of hermeticism, a pervertion of vedanta
Came here for this.
No sure who are worse, Buddhists or followers of Derek Parfit.
>CHAD Logos vs virgin Apeiron
>pretend reality isn't real
This is your brain on parasites.
Ooooh chumba chingo taco bell wongo tongooo
The Hindu version of gnosticism is Bhakti-ism which developed into Sikhism, which in turn morphed into the modern day variant.
He realized that starving himself to death was fucking stupid and dying means he'd have to start this whole life thing all over again, so he started eating right and bought himself enough time to gain moksha. In that interim he also filled out,
And then what?
My self is me.
What exactly transcends if my self doesn't transcend?
Theosis sounds like a better deal.
Hey, that's my job.
You are not your self. You are you.
I'm not sure I understand the semantics here.
What's the distinction between me and my self?
its solipsism
Based and taopilled
>implying no one on the left knows what it means to appropriate a symbol
Yes! Yes! Let the hate flow through you.
>why is the buddha sometimes depicted fat?
because being fat and happy is the ultimate Platonic goal. it's the based and enlightened pill, living for your own love of wisdom while also eschewing the attention of staceys.
>thats not very buddha-nature of you