Was he right?

Was he right?

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Yes. I hate having to work.

Yeah we don't enjoy it bukowski you fucking faggot, what a profound observation. Maybe people work so they can buy shit for their family like food and a house which makes it worth it.

Because the workplace is a mannerbund and men have evolved to self-actualize as groups orientated towards achiving goals that a successful workplace mimics.

I literally think of this quote every time i have to go into work
Fuck your employer!
Take advantage of the workplace!
I steal food and socks from my job!


after a while you don't need the alarm clock though

haha fuck yeah dude

where do you work that you can steal socks though, you retail?

This is why I want to work part time, I dont care anymore that the job is shit I just cant do this shit for 5 days 40+ and only look forward to weekends like every other cretin.

I would be happy if I only had to work 3 days a week

Leeches disgust me.

I work part time and it's pretty shit.
I don't know how full time faggots do it. I have respect for them.

It helps if you do something that's actually productive, so you can feel like your work at least contributes to society in some way. I can't imagine working full-time in something like retail where nothing you do matters at all.

Yeah that's the thing...
I work in retail but thankfully not in sales.
Nothing I do does matter but they sure as fuck make you feel like it does (sales people's and management's constant state of urgency and pedantic nature).
My boss isn't too awful but hes out of touch with his staff and the world around him.

I can't complain. Other students i know have it worse.

Part time is lame, but it actually let's you have a life outside the weekends. All the people I know that go with full time either have a family to support, are in a job they love (a very little minority), are greedy and dumb, or simply are the types that don't know what to do with their free time.

I wouldn't make enough money to support myself if I didn't work full time.

with the current production efficiency half of the population (maybe even more) can sit at home while still getting their basic needs

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Yeah but they wouldn't have Amazon Prime One-day Delivery™

Yep. Needing to support a family is a pretty fair argument for working full time.
But that fills me with sadness and hopelessness - the fact there's so many people that just work their asses off doing jobs they don't like to basically survive and support their families/relationships.

We (not "us" necessarily, more upper class people I'd say) neglect these workers but the truth is without them busting their ass the world would be in shitstorm

theres a difference between a leech and cattle, user

Live off savings or something like that for like a year or two if you can while having a part time or the like, I do this once and a while when I just want to catch up on shit that isnt work

day of the automaton soon, lads

why can't we have agroplexes with all the manual labor performed by robos to feed people

That sounds nice but I have no confidence in being able to find employment whenever I need it, especially with a spotty work history like that. I currently have a stable, guaranteed full-time job so I don't intend to lose it. It makes more sense to stay and advance there so that I can keep my finances stable and improving.

That seems reasonable to me

Im just an IT monkey so finding another job isnt to hard and they usually dont care about like a year or two off so far, I once just made an excuse I was taking care of a sick relative

Because sexual selection will always drive humans to be better than their peers. There will always be someone profitting off of or trying to profit off of automation and the human skills that will still be needed in a more heavily automated world. This in turn will drive people to do work even if they dont really have to in order to live a relatively comfy lives.

The standards of "poverty" in the western world are getting ridiculous. In Norway people are considered poor if they cant go to a holiday during the summer. They have food and basic living for their kids but because they cant afford similar clothes to the rich kids they feel poor. This will only continue because humans will always compare themselves to richer individuals.

What else is a man to do when NEETbux isn't an option?

It's over

Norway sounds dope but it also sounds like they should spend some time in countries that have large econonmic/power gaps to see how much worse life could be.

if you can't leech, you slave. or I mean, if you're smart enough, try to break away.

I work a full time job in engineering, get to dick around for a small portion of the week, work a normal amount the rest, and am content. I have some money, rent an okay apartment, and have time to workout and enjoy the company of my girlfriend.

but every weekend, I still wish I had one more day to relax.

Thats my point. But thats how people function. If you live in an enclosed community like a nation state and you are relatively worse off than your peers, you will feel poor, and objectively you ARE poor compared to others. In the past people were perfectly fine and felt very well off if they had food on the table every day 3 times a day, but that was because others were visibly worse off, living in the streets and begging for food. These days a basic standard of living doesnt cut it.

In the future when everything is automated and everyone gets their free supply of food and state mandated entertainment, that wont be enough. People will compare themselves to whoever has access to scarce goods and feel "poor" because they themselves dont have it. Then some people will start working to improve their income over the basic state rations to get access to those scarce goods, and we are at the same place again with some people having more and some people having less. People will never be happy, and will force themselves through the work mill to get ahead of others.

i'd give up all that consumerism shit if it means being able to freely pursue my passions without the constant soul crushing pressure of finances that kills any creativity or will or a soul a person might have.
imagine a society where art, literature, media, science were passion driven instead of profit driven.

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A man can dream

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T works at homeless shelter


I guess we're stuck then until people are able to be programmed to not feel that way (not saying thats a good thing)

when I was younger I worked and made art because I suffered if I wasn't creating something, but lately the suffering has stopped and I work and watch reruns of sitcoms with my girlfriend and get food delivered to me and no longer feel useless when I'm not making art

>These days a basic standard of living doesnt cut it.

Except it does, and that's exactly why we have various types of welfare. So long as people have their basic needs met there won't be riots and crime. Even Ancient Rome had bread/grain doled out for the poorest. The fact that crime has steadily gone down is a result of people having their basic needs met. You don't work for basic needs, you can have rent/food covered in most first world countries. You work for extra: to live where you want to live, to eat what you want, and so on. Work (money) gives people options.

Of course he was. Wage-slave society. When people think they are free and modern, but have a worse life than their ancestors in the middle age.

I work in maintenance/landscaping at a state park. I genuinely enjoy it because my coworkers are all great people. Isn't a career plan but I am happy there and while I don't eagerly await it, I don't dread it either. Work outside. Have cool coworkers. Stay active. You'll enjoy it.

nothing worse.

I can think of a lot of jobs where I would feel motivated waking up at 6:30 AM and working hard. However, they typically take a lot of arbitrary requirements or lack job security. Protestant Work Ethic makes sense if the job is something someone finds meaningful, but if one doesn't find it meaningful, well then you're stuck with it.
I majored in a field I became disillusioned with and grew to hate while developing other interests during that time, and I also came to understand that field I was majoring in had no job opportunities. I then saw it was difficult to go back for those other interests. Therefore, I went and majored in something else that offers more job opportunities, which I also dislike, while thinking pragmatically in regards to securing income.
America is a shithole of a country where people feed you lies such as "do what you love!" or "contribute to community!" when it just comes down to fulfilling demands of the free market. Every day I hope a big war breaks out where so many of these subhumans die in gruesome, barbaric ways. Americans are either hyper-degenerate scumbags or narcissistic ignorant pricks. Hopefully, I am not pulled into such a retarded war, and I can just stand from a distance and smirk as the subhumans devour one another.

If he is referring to having a fulltime 9 to 5 job that you absolutely can't stand he is 100% right. Pretty sure no work at all is terrible for your psychological wellbeing though, even if you don't like it all that much.

Every superior life form lives of those below it

>Pretty sure no work at all is terrible for your psychological wellbeing though, even if you don't like it all that much.
How would you know?
That is what your masters want you to believe

>We (not "us" necessarily, more upper class people I'd say) neglect these workers but the truth is without them busting their ass the world would be in shitstorm

only something like 15-20% of the global population is actually productively employed. The rest are married women, children, students, retired old people, and the swathes of billions of poor who don't work at all. It would be really easy to distribute work more evenly among the population while reducing hours and increasing production but capital prefers a reserve army of labor to keep wages at a minimum to increase profits.

>make production faster
>fire workers

'full time' should be 20 hours. Its an embarrassment that first world countries with a digital infrastructure still force people to work 40 hours.

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>How would you know?
Mostly from my own expierience. There may be people who do fine without work but for a lot of people it's not that easy because work can be important for them to keep a steady routine, get enough socializing, physical exercise and a sort of purpose in life.

There was a study where researches estimated what day schedule would be ideal for the most happiness and they came up with 36 mins of work a day and also 47 mins of housekeeping.


Oh wow, how profound, Bukowski! I can't believe no else before you has ever pointed out the shittiness of wage slavery in all the history of literature ever! It's just baffling that all of those marxists have completely missed this one! Give this man a fucking Nobel Prize in Literature!

Idk, what about the 2011 English riots? Seemed to me like a lot of little shits angry that they lived in relative deprivation, with only a PS2 and 28 inch non plasma Tv.

No one cares what you think or feel.

HOw in the hell can a man enjoy pissing away free money on alcohol and horse race betting, coming home to a drunken wife he hates and beats the shit out, and waking up only to repeat the same time and money wasting activity and having your only productive output be a bunch of half assed poems that gives losers license to suck eternally?

Look up jevons paradox. It's all according to plan

There's a difference between work and labouring for an entity that steals your worth. When I had a job I was miserable. When i volunteer, help friends, or do my own stuff I can work all day and not even think about it. Once money enters the equation it becomes theft.

>dude let's all go to area 51 they can't stop all of us

why not just stop going to work? they can't stop all of us

thats basically the same thing as induced demand in urbanism...whenever you widen the roads, more cars come to fill it back up. Traffic is never alleviated

Yes, but what are you going to do about it?

The problem is that the alternative - rotting away as a poor neet - is even worse. Individually that's basically the two choices you get unless you have literal millionaire parents ready to support you.

It's still up for debate wheter a better economic system could be created or not.

Actually who cares, in 30 years we will all be killing each other for scraps of bread because climate change will destroy our agriculture. Better just stockpile ammo and learn some good recipes from rat meat and bugs.

You've been assimilated, but you still post on here, so in you, God knows where, is a part which is free and can see everything for what it is. Start making art again, cultivate that inch of you which still lives, or else let it die and become full normie. You have been warned.


you dope, if you're fortunate enough to have a family to support your NEET life, you would be a fool not to do it. soon enough, nobody is going to have a job anyway

Are you a web developer or something like that? What would you suggest to someone trying to go down that path?

What has sexual selection to do with the exploitation of the working class?
>This will only continue because humans will always compare themselves to richer individuals.

No. They will compare themselves, but not regarding to their accumulated wealth. A useful skill, an athletic body, will give more sexual value than accumulated wealth. Especially if everybody already has access to comfortable living conditions.
Even today, girls will prefer a handsome muscular man who is "only" a senior executive, or a fire fighter, than a rich ugly manlet without any charisma.
