Morality isn't real

Morality isn't real


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be liberal
>morality is relative, you can't tell me what is right or wrong
>omg, you are such a racist bigot! stop being so wrong!

Might maketh right

Mortality isn't real. Debate me


Sure it is, it's just formalized and codified social strategies. Study some evopsych.

Rejecting the existence of morality is far worse than denying the existence of a God or whatever. I genuinely believe you will go to hell. In fact, I would support executing people like you, and I would love to do it myself, since I have a lot of bottled up aggression. Yes, I know that is evil, but I will do some good in return by planting some trees above your buried corpse.

even animals have morals, or at the very least a set of ethics. so yeah, it's real.

*does the Take the L Fortnite dance from Heaven as you burn in Hell*

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So do people who say this just do whatever the fuck they want? Or is pointing out how most ideas are le constructs for intellectual big boi points?

But if morality isn't real, that means God doesn't exist and there's no use doing good in the world, and if God doesn't exist and there's no use doing good in the world, then I would be sad. Therefore morality is real because I don't want to be sad.

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Low IQ post. Read Pensées

I've never heard a liberal say that. I'm a monarchist and I believe morality is entirely subjective.


people that cant sleep at night because of their sins


this thread is a dumpster fire already. impressive

Morality is an extension of logic. Being able to guess likely outcomes from a series of events forms morality. It's more productive to work together. It's more productive to try to get along whenever possible. Morality is a matter of efficiency

I masturbate and drink too much alcohol. I've started nofap and nobooze every day this week and have failed before the day was over every time. I want to become a super genius but I'm a diagnosed autistic retard.

survival ethics is where its at

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I sleep 16 hours a day for my sins

seriously though I believe we were telepathic before civilization in the in "pre-language primal sense of empathy/conscience" sense

>It's real if I completely ignore the context of your argument
Very cool, man.
