Well, what book, Yea Forums?

Well, what book, Yea Forums?

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Anything by Betham or Mills.


Fear and trembling

phenomenology of spirit

Anything by LeCarré

your mums diary desu

the angel of the revolution
>it is the holy anglo race's responsibility to lead the world into socialism under jewish guidance
>british guy says "your politicians are crooks" and tears up the us constitution immediately converting the us population and abolishing the united states
>old jew suddenly uses mind control sorcery near the end for a total of 1 paragraph, supernatural never referenced at all otherwise
>global overnight execution of all non card carrying communists ending the world war instantly

I had a lot of fun with that book but I could hardly believe what I was seeing for most of it.

«Gut » or « Guts» by the edgy american Chuck Sneed and Fe... Palanhiuk, Palastuff, the dude that wrote Foïght Clôbs and other edgy stuff.

Children of blood and bone

nice quints. I don't read horrible books, and if i did i wouldn't finish them

Notes from Underground

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I put truly horrible books down. They’re not worth finishing.

The bible for instance

Some truly horrible books are worth finishing if only for their cultural relevance.

The Bible for instance

>being this much of a pleb

secret agent
joseph conrad

mob dick

>i consider myself able to judge something of which i haven't read the main source

Great job butterfly, you really managed to surpass your average level of retardation once again.

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I have read quite a bit of it.
Probably more than the majority of you plebs

This. Not because it's poorly written, but for it's content.
see Oh come on dude. I don't treat the bible as a religious text, but as a story. It's fucking epic, dude. It's a lot like the greek epics in a lot of ways. What version did you read?

>>it is the holy anglo race's responsibility to lead the world into socialism under jewish guidance
The fuck? This Anglo says Hayell no!



1Q84, expecially the third volume.

Yes. But even having read the bible under the exhortation of this board, I do think much of it could have been stripped away for such purposes.

What's wrong with it? I have it sitting on a shelf somewhere, been meaning to read it

i don't understand what emotions the pic is trying to convey but an awful book i finished recently was the tunnel from Ernesto Sabato

That’s nice. I still hate most of it. I don’t care for the legend of Hercules either.

Fuck off tranny

A Song of Stone. What was worse is that my teacher recommended it as a good book.

Anything by John Green.

Whatever you like.

The second Kingkiller Chronicles book. The first one kept my interest and had so much potential, the second one was a neckbeard sexual fantasy disguised as a fantasy book.

Care to specify more? Just morbid curiosity.


Slaughterhouse Five

Atlas Shrugged

Confessions by Saint Augustine

the circle