Hegelism is like a mental disease; you can't know what it is until you get it...

>Hegelism is like a mental disease; you can't know what it is until you get it, and then you can't know because you have got it -- Max Eastman

Is Eastman right though? And if you disagree: why deny the simply facts of life?

How else are we to account for Engels's own 're-discovery' of dialectics later in life, after a brief youthful dalliance and subsequent rejection of it in the 1840s (alongside Marx)? How else can we make sense of an analogous course taken by Lenin and Trotsky?

Admittedly, it isn't easy for Marxists to accept the validity of this depiction of the founders of our movement, in view of the almost god-like stature these comrades have assumed over the years. That, of course, is part of the problem! It prevents revolutionaries thinking for themselves, 'outside the box', in this direction, lest they are branded "Revisionists!", or traitors to the cause. This helps guarantee that they, too, put a slavish adherence to tradition ahead of the search for truth.
In this way, and to change the image, the gravitational pull of the Black Whole of Hegelian Idealism would become irresistible --, indeed, as Hegel himself foresaw:
>Every philosophy is essentially an idealism or at least has idealism for its principle, and the question then is only how far this principle is carried out

Nevertheless, this goes some way toward explaining Engels's later drift back into Hegelian Idealism. In his case, it accounts for his use of Hegel's obscure concepts as a "master key" to unlock nature's underlying secrets, which supposedly govern all of material reality for all of time, even while he denied he was doing just that!

This also helps account for the fact that subsequent generations of revolutionaries have uncritically accepted a demonstrably, if not lamentably, weak theory, and one that has presided over decade after decade of failure.

These theorists and these activists have consistently displayed a level of philosophical gullibility that is impossible to explain in any other way -- especially in view of the fact that elsewhere they think and behave like hard-headed materialists --, except we appeal to extra-logical factors, such as their class origin and their need for some form of consolation in the face of long-term failure. You guys have no idea how many contemporary Marxists, are going exclusively analytic. And this is only the beginning.

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Hegel was a sorcerer and the Left and Right being lobotomized bastard children of Liberalism and Conservativsm don’t get this. He advocated for a supreme divine state much like the Reich or the USSR’s plans for Europe and so you can take his insights and use them to justify extreme statism or some kind of techno-socialist autarchy. Right Hegelians focus on his dealings with Spirit, Leftists focus mostly on the Dialectic itself and try to secularize that as some type of silent-pneumatic machinery that drives history towards class conflict and communist statism. They’re both insane and Hegel’s phenomenology is a form of memetic psychoactive agent that binds the minds of everyone who reads it. Its venom, pure necrotizing linguistic magic. He was a genius for this reason. Also if you’re not an autistic retard he basically shows you how the techno-alchemical engineers of civilization are transforming humanity into a sacrificial killing field for otherworldly forces but that’s not interesting to rightists or leftists because they’re castrati golem creatures who only exist to poke holes in the barrier between man’s conscious rational awareness and his subconscious cthonic realm. If you wait long enough Hegel’s name will come up in most discussions by these groups. He’s the root of all their lunacy.

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nutrients are sentient

Boldly boasted that he killed God. Hegel was a pure sorcerer and dialectics is pure satanism.

Hegel is the Anti Christ
October 31st 1831 Hegel is witnessed to have burst into flames and disappear from this earth.

Writings found outlining spirits corruption by evil. Satanic altar. Books burned.

Satanic Hegelian rituals outlawed. Erased.

Dark triad, 666

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Hegel is AIDS

>October 31st 1831 Hegel is witnessed to have burst into flames and disappear from this earth.

i second this, i was just trying to look for anything about hegel "bursting into flames" and nothing came up.

Just read Hegel and the Hermetic Tradition. All the answers you seek are in there.

Protip: Hegel's main guy was Jakob Böhme.

That books is quite expensive, but I'll consider doing research on it.

Its well worth it.

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You mean Hegelianism?


hegelianism terminates right where it started, in the senses... only after you've thought yourself back to yourself out of the other though

The secret that no one wants you to know is that Bosanquet and Green completed the system of German Idealism before being cruelly buried under a century of anglo-analytic bullshit - Hegel can only take you so far!

blessed post


holy fuck kys kys kys

On Hegel — A Study in Sorcery by E Voegelin

go on...


Even if he's right, so was Hegel :-)

>tfw no Royce fan club to join

Based and redpilled

you are now imagining hegel naked banging your mom

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I have overcome German idealism.

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Sufjan is very Hegelian:

I know you won't get very far
With the back seat driver in the carpetbagger
With the dagger heart grabber stuck in your car

And the yard is grown to a hilt
And the money spent money spent where it went
Embarrassment, embarrassment to pay for the car

And the man who left you for dead
He's the heart grabber back stabber double cheater wife beater
You don't need that man in your life

And you worked yourself to the bone
While the people say what they say
It's the neighbors anyway
They don't know what's good for your life

And I see your head hangs low
In the black shadow, half shadow
Living room is fitting is sitting room is fit for your crying

Don't be ashamed'don't hide in your room
For the woman is, woman is the glorious victorious
The mother of the heart of the world

Djohariah Djohariah

And the time you held to the light
When water ran water ran with the strange attic
And when the walls were wet with your life

And you pushed yourself to the floor
And the spirit went where it went
Hovering discovering uncovering your life, on the floor

And the walls were wet with your love

For the mother is, the mother is the glorious victorious
The mother of the heart of the world

Don't be ashamed, don't hide from me now
For the woman is the woman is the glorious victorious
The mother of the heart of the world

Djohariah Djohariah

Don't be ashamed, don't cry in the bath
For it's the story of, story of, morning glory story
It's the gloriole that comes to your path

There is a time when the lights will arise
For the mother is, the mother is the glorious victorious
The mother of the heart of the world

Go on! Little sister! Go on!
For your world is yours, world is yours
All the wilderness of world is yours to enjoy

Go on! Little sister! Go on! Little sister!
For your world is yours, world is yours
All the wilderness of world is yours

Go on! Little sister! Go on! Little sister!
For your world is yours, world is yours
All the wilderness of world is yours

Go on! Little sister! Go on!
For you're beautiful, beautiful
All the fullness of the world is yours

There is a time when the light will arise. Temporally, not just Eternally.

So is Late for the Sky:

The words had all been spoken
And somehow the feeling still wasn't right
And still we continued on through the night
Tracing our steps from the beginning
Until they vanished into the air
Trying to understand how our lives had led us there

Looking hard into your eyes
There was nobody I'd ever known
Such an empty surprise
To feel so alone

Now for me, some words come easy
But I know that they don't mean that much
Compared with the things that are said when lovers touch
You never knew what I loved in you
I don't know what you loved in me
Maybe the picture of somebody you were hoping I might be

Awake again I can't pretend
And I know I'm alone and close to the end
Of the feeling we've known

How long have I been sleeping
How long have I been drifting alone through the night
How long have I been dreaming I could make it right
If I closed my eyes and tried with all my might
To be the one you need

Awake again I can't pretend
And I know I'm alone and close to the end
Of the feeling we've known

How long have I been sleeping
How long have I been drifting alone through the night
How long have I been running for that morning flight
Through the whispered promises and the changing light
Of the bed where we both lie
Late for the sky

Who was Max Eastman, a retard? Cause it sounds like he learned about mental diseases from reading the back of a cereal box.

>Who was Max Eastman, a retard
He betrayed Marxists so yes

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