Favorite books you read as a child/teenager

What were they? And do they still hold up to this day? Pic related for me and they absolutely are not very good.

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real shit

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Angels & Demons was my first "big" book and I really enjoyed, to the point that I still read Dan Brown, but I really liked Riordan back then

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I read all 5 in your pic and can't remember jack shit

I read the first three books 2 or 3 times, from what I remember they were super comfy.

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Anything by Wolfgang Hohlbein

when i was 13 i knew the first capter of book 2 by heart

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chapter* holy fuck

Kino Redwall

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Don't know if they hold up today, I'll have to go and see

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HOLY SHIT, I was already typing that I've read the entire saga twice and still doesn't knew what eldest means, but I just realized that it's an english word, motherfuckers cocksuckers didn't even attempted to translate the title in the brazilian edition

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my nigga

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Are books with cats on the front cover always good? Yes.

Now THIS is good children’s literature

Honorable mentions include A Series of Unfortunate Events and the Bartimaeus Trilogy.

Goosebumps and Animorphs.

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100x this. I want to re-read them so bad. I only got through Syren as a kid.

This was one of my favorites as a kid, but also the only series I read as a kid that I have re-read as an adult. I read the first four when I was younger and actually just finished a full re-read this summer and I actually quite enjoyed the first four, but the last two completely shit the bed and ruined the entire series. I've actually posted about it a few times here before. It's really sad, the last two just go in a completely stupid and nonsensical direction that has nothing to do with the plot that the first four books built up.

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these books were the shit but i never met another kid who liked them or had read them.

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Straight up cried when i thought butler died

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I do miss the times when I was so optimistic..
I can still be but it's not the same when you know.

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I read them, and I still have some dreams about them. They might have been shit (I don't remember anything except some setting), but some of the settings were just extremely vivid for me, so much so that even after years and years I still remember it.

Same and I haven't even tried reading since I was a kid but I enjoyed the hell out of them.

Loved this serie but I also think they aren't as good as I probably remember.

Unironically, this was my first book I ever read (if you ignore encyclopedias & magazines) when I was 12. I never cared to read any book assignments and just read the summaries on it (that was back in the days when internet wasn't that popular so teachers didn't know you could go online to read summaries and had no need to check for that) so I was there reading a 400 page book without having any fucking clue about Russian realism or about the fight between atheist and theist or what makes a man good... I didn't even realize this was one of the best novels of all time, I just found it in some random bookshelf and thought it could be an good idea to read this random book out of nowhere.
So I read it when I was 12 and I read it as a simple "trying to justify evil" type of book.
I read it again 6 years later and I read it more of a fight between rationalism and humanity.
I'll read it soon now since it has passed 12 years from the first time I read it.
It's a really good book, and much like dead african child used to ferment the soil in Gambia, it gets better with age.

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The Earthsea was not a bad book. I like the concept of balance that was explained in the third book. Later when I became interested in Taoism, I noticed she borrowed some of the knowledge from there.

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