I like the history of the crusades, so I figured I'd check it out
Just ordered 'The Alexiad,' what am I in for?
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that is one massive boner
God Dammit
I want to buy it one day. Seems pretty interesting
Someone redpill me on Byzantine style. How is it different from Classical Greek and Latin?
OK, think about it. Arabs first and Turks later have been going for your shitty city for hundreds of years, the places you rule are basically glorified deserts with some hills scattered around, and there's sand in your beard which for some reason the local bishop gets pissy about if you even mention trimming it because the weather's been so fucking hot lately. What would YOU have done differently?
...Used less Homeric similes?
I have no clue
Yep thats a yikes from me pal
Why's that? I know nothing about this, so you're gonna have to dumb it down for me
This is a reminder that Anna's description of the historian and his work has never been bested.
Kill all the Arabs and Turks?
Here's a crazy fact: some of the Byzantine authors adopt an Attic style, but it never really works--like a modern author trying to sound like Shakespeare.
We hate women on this board. Did you not get the memo?
She was cute though.
someone post the part where she intimates how wet her pussy was upon seeing Bohemond
ill just do it
>Now the man was such as, to put it briefly, had never before been seen in the land of the Romans, be he either of the barbarians or of the Greeks (for he was a marvel for the eyes to behold, and his reputation was terrifying). Let me describe the barbarian's appearance more particularly – he was so tall in stature that he overtopped the tallest by nearly one cubit, narrow in the waist and loins, with broad shoulders and a deep chest and powerful arms. And in the whole build of the body he was neither too slender nor overweighted with flesh, but perfectly proportioned and, one might say, built in conformity with the canon of Polycleitus... His skin all over his body was very white, and in his face the white was tempered with red. His hair was yellowish, but did not hang down to his waist like that of the other barbarians; for the man was not inordinately vain of his hair, but had it cut short to the ears. Whether his beard was reddish, or any other colour I cannot say, for the razor had passed over it very closely and left a surface smoother than chalk... His blue eyes indicated both a high spirit and dignity; and his nose and nostrils breathed in the air freely; his chest corresponded to his nostrils and by his nostrils...the breadth of his chest. For by his nostrils nature had given free passage for the high spirit which bubbled up from his heart. A certain charm hung about this man but was partly marred by a general air of the horrible... He was so made in mind and body that both courage and passion reared their crests within him and both inclined to war. His wit was manifold and crafty and able to find a way of escape in every emergency. In conversation he was well informed, and the answers he gave were quite irrefutable. This man who was of such a size and such a character was inferior to the Emperor alone in fortune and eloquence and in other gifts of nature
also if you want to read some byzantine history i suggest History of the Wars by Procopius
Anna and Proba were the two greatest ancient authoresses. Prove me wrong.
link to the video?
>other gifts of nature
My God. He sounds magnificent.
Friendly reminder that Heraclius’ competency as an emperor is vastly overstated and that the primary reason for roman survival in the 610s and 620s was internal conflict in the sassanian polity between the parsig dynasts and their allies in the southwest and the mihr parthian dynasts in the north and east, of whom shavaraz was a member, his retreat from anatolia being caused by his fear of an assination plot by the sassanian king of kings