There HAS to be a book about this. Every since I was young man! I can’t stop curbing women...

There HAS to be a book about this. Every since I was young man! I can’t stop curbing women. I struggled with this my whole life. Unless they put in most of the work, I really have a hard time “making an effort”. I feel especially bad for when I want them, and they are really making an effort, but I just can’t find the words to “ask them out” or whatever and you can just tell how disappointed they are. I do have a fear of rejection, but it’s not that because this happens even with women are clearly making an effort. I feel spoiled by the girls in my past I can’t even meet women half way. Is there a story about this or a book someone that has written?

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>hey you cute
>wonna fuq
I don't see what is your problem faggit

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do you mean commitment? being disillusioned early at the idea of romantic movie type relationships actually draws women towards you. but then you see clearly that its a farce as you feel like you have to play a role as if larping. you have to realize that its not a big deal, if they want your company and fuck then ride with it. or contemplate the aspect of why you attract the caring motherly type. but in all probability youre just a faggot.

No Longer Human by Osamu Dazai

Could you just be a sub?

nice ass faggot
nice blog as well
you are clearly insecure about your worth as a man and think that you could only disappoint their initial interest
no need to read more than the previous sentence about your condition :^)

Sometimes this happens when you have low self-esteem. "She must not be that great if she's attracted to me" -- that sort of thing.

I think this guy is on the right track unfortunately

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I'm in a similar situation, my reason for it is probably a different one from yours though. I'm just shizoid and don't any of the ones that are interested in me interesting enough to spend time with. It's not even about them being bad looking, most of them are solid 7s 8s. I just wouldn't even know what to with them, except having sex. (Which wouldn't happen without talking with them, which makes it just not worth it)

>i feel spoiled by the girls in my past
i assume you mean that you "got lucky" because as a teen your circle of friends knew some girls and you happened to be over in a convenient situation and fucked horny drunk slutty girls, congratulations, you are in the 100% of all normies, you should not worry about girls at all as you get them and have gotten them anyway

You are like little baby, OP. When you reach true self hatred with net negative self esteem women won't even show initial interest in you, they can smell the mental illness and lack of confidence. If you train hard enough one day you may be like me wherein your confidence is so low your ego begins to dissolve and your physical body becomes translucent. Currently I am literally invisible to women, they look right through me like a ghost. Men can still see me though so it's not quite the Ring of Gyges.

Same situation user, though I am a lot more timid torwards women now (and frankly always have been) since they were incredibly aggressive sexually when I was younger so I have great trust issues beyond the fear of rejection.
I have long come to the conclusion that I could never be with a girl again and I feel more comfortable with other guys who are like me.
I love being friends with girls but as soon as there is a hint that they might want me to be interested in them, I absolutely panick and have to avoid them out of simple fear.
I struggled to find a work that would fit me more and fail to think of one that fits your predicament. I oddly felt that Soseki's Kokoro had a curious insight for me.

I think people are making the mistake in seeing the pick-up game as a challenge where you, the masculine man, are supposed to overcome your fears and finally make the move towards a girl. (Insert Zizek voice here.) But it's not supposed to be like that, it's the opposite.

[I congratulate the one who historically planted that thought in the head of males. Just imagine how much competition is removed only because of that.]

If you get signals from a girl and think you like her but your body is telling you something different, abandon it. Not worth it.

If you don't get signals from a girl or get them (doesn't matter at this point) and your body is in ease, then by all means, go for it.

Source: Trial and error. A lot of trial and error.

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You're just saying gibberish m8


The problem is unsolvable, my goal is to fuck prostitutes instead because there's no need to initiate with them.

Unfortunately relatable post.

I just think courting a chick is fucking stupid. Like even if she blows you, it’s like all that effort and lameassness that kills the vibe for me. Even going to a bar or club seems kind of hilarious. That’s what I mean by spoiled, like I didn’t have to do that shit. The girls in my past, sure there was a sniffing period, but mostly it just happened, but mostly from their end- they came to my house, they drove me around, they bought me food lol

This is true for those girls who are used to being spoiled and treated by guys. If I really like them I do get insecure cause I never courted a chick in my life. It’s not even like it has to be even or friends, every girl in my past literally threw themselves and I think it’s ended up making me acquisitively lazy. I’m not saying it’s good or I want to stay this way it’s just I never really hear this kind of story I was wondering if there’s a book about a guy like that.

I think what it truly comes down to is this: whether one is attractive or not. If you're average or below, you're not gonna get pussy easily, if at all. You have to work to deserve their attention, because when they see you they don't ever think: I want to fuck this. It's not fair nor fun. To gain their attention, even if you manage it, you really have to work and try. Some of us, spoiled by porn and lacking deep will and feeling the necessary struggle, simply don't get any and time goes on and on.

Yes, I am childish

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>waaa women like me
This is how you sound. You type all these words without saying much. Stop bitching.

This is it. Being ugly means you need to put in effort, which pornography heavily discourages.

>spoiled by porn and lacking deep will
These two are connected, in case anyone wasn't aware.

Just bite the bullet and wait for a girl to take you on. You obviously won't get the girl of your dreams or anything this way, but that's just how it is meant to be. It is your burden to not be the confident guy that approaches chicks and fucks regularly. You're just the guy who will have a few relationships where the girl chose you, and not the opposite. Carry that weight, OP

This is so painful for me to accept

What if you have the opposite problem? Like, they look at you and want to fuck you but your just like...

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It’s honestly as easy as flipping a switch


I didn’t say I couldn’t do it I just said I was being lazy. It’s the easiest thing in the world, especially if she’s already into you. My original intentions for making this thread was to find characters who fit this description. I’m not hurting or in need of advice for my personal life I’m straight. I just find it funny to look over a my life and see how many I’ve many I didn’t pursue. But I know why I’m like this and don’t need your two scents about my hypothetical dream girl

What about a book about wanting and being able to get a gf but being too fucked in the head for intimacy with another human being?

Any work on responsibility. It's irresponsible for you to enter into an intimate relationship while you're "too fucked in the head for intimacy with another human".

Being fucked in the head is exactly what intimacy cures

I almost feel the same, I havent had a gf in years. When I am alone at home I get really excited about gf and relationship. but when I go somewhere and meet women, all is going well (I think) but I just dont know if she is interested in relationship with me or not, I never see any hints or anything, so I just go socialize, and then go home. Often times I just want to get away after first 15 minutes because I know its not gonna lead to anything and people are getting drunk and acting stupid (if its party), I just know that its going to be waste of time, Id rather be home doing something nice and comfy.

this happened several times and every time its a fat girl that shows real interest and pretty much tells me to have sex with her (never an average skinny girl). I used to have real high standards, now its real low, but one thing I am not gonna do is get involves with fatties, I had sex with fat girl once and it was a worst experience ever, I learned my lesson, never again. We can only be friends.

or exacerbates. Why are you fucked in the head m8?

OP is a male

I've always felt that asking women out is a debasing act. It felt that way every time that I tried.

This is true and is honestly more liberating than depressing to me, now that I've thought about it. I used to do all kinds of weird shit to get pussy, back before Tinder was universal. I got some pretty good stories out of it, I had some great relationships both casual and not so casual, and I'm still friends with a handful of really nice women because of it. But those days are just gone. Too many things changed with the introduction and then the universality of dating apps.

You can still do it obviously, but dating apps have changed both IRL dating and online dating a lot. It's changed IRL dating because no matter how much you, as an average looking ordinary dude (and women find any man short of "objectively very attractive" to be "average"), sidle into a girl's good graces through real life contact with her at university or work or whatever, she's consistently hooking up or at least considering hooking up with very good looking men on a regular basis while you're at it. It's like you're offering her a moist hoagie while she is at least considering the prospect of a five star restaurant every night. She is sifting hundreds of duds like you into the trash bin, literally training her brain to see men like you as a single undifferentiated haze of "meh," so she can get to the cartoonishly, unfairly good looking men, and there are relatively many of these willing to give her attention and validation even if she's a complete 5/10.

Imagine the mentality that puts her in. It's like if you could fuck any hot girl you want, and the only reasons you don't do it nonstop is because there are a bunch of minor hassles involved that just barely stop you from doing it and you're spoiled for choices, and then some pudgy 4.5/10 with a boring dough face trundles up to you at work and is clearly trying to fucking awkwardly kiss your ass and get you to ask her out.

Online dating is even worse of course because you're not even there in real life, you're being actively sifted into the shit pile while she rolls her eyes and goes "oh boy I'm going on TINDER again!" to her female friends. She already hates being on there, so she's already heavily biased in favor of only just barely tolerating the app insofar as she can indulge flirty fantasies of fucking some crazy handsome dude and be validated by a dozen men out of her league she never intended to fuck. You are likely several leagues below even THAT group of men. You are closer to the comedy profiles of fat hispanics with greasy hair than to the flirty fantasy men.

And even if you do get a few matches regularly, you'd better astound her and get a supereffective critical hit with your conversation right away.

If you're an average looking dude and willing to suck ALL THIS COCK just for the 1-10% monthly chance of eventually lucking into dates, you can just barely survive on a trickle of pussy. If you are conventionally ugly, short, or non-white, you're just fucked.

you are not the protagonist of your life OP, remember that

And there's no other outlet, no alternative. All the more formal dating apps like OKCupid have switched over to the Tinder format because homogenization of products is the logic of capitalism. The best you can do is be a fucking weird ulterior motive-having creep and join a church group or knitting circle to pick up chicks, something I don't really like.

Like I said, I used to use weird methods to get pussy and they actually worked sometimes despite being a 4/10 guy because all access to pussy hadn't yet been formalized down to a single app-format. I got laid from /soc/ semi-often, now even /soc/'s internal structure has changed to be a staging post for Tinder/social media sharing. Dating apps don't just structure how people behave on them, they have ripple effects and accelerate hypergamy in every other sphere.

But I was originally saying that I feel more liberated by this than depressed and I'm being honest there. I had to do such weird shit to get pussy because I'm an average dude and the hypergamy was already bad enough before Tinder. Now that the stakes are totally fucked, the temptation is much less for me try pathetically to be a grovelling little metrosexual queer trying to get laid on a weekly basis.

It's like the food used to be 30% shit, so whenever I was starving I would still be tempted to eat it for the 70% that wasn't shit. But now that the food is 98% shit, I've learned to embrace starvation and stop eating shit sandwiches altogether. The stakes are clearer.

Nice feet

You haven't yet reached the stage of a grandma feelign sorry for you and saying "let me shake your small hands"

Based and sniffer-pilled

It’s this kind of stuff that makes me want to start a collective with you gentlemen. Joking aside, although I do have a fairly attractive girlfriend, I think there IS some benefit to being in a group. And it would help me, AND you all out immensely considering this culture we have cultivated is unique and productive.

Now that I’ve planted this thought I would like to see it grow quite frankly :3

I haven't tried ever since I realized this issue.
that's hopeful, but idk if I believe it. It still prevents me from consolidating a relationship or being comfortable in one.
Partly being born like this. Observing the males in my extended family led me to believe some people are just anti social, be it romantically, friendships or even with family, some people can't be with people. Call it warrior gene or whatever but it's too apparent and consistent to be ignored.
Everything else is just extended periods of isolation in developmental years and no proper socialization early in life.

>girl makes eye contact with OP for three seconds
>She's making an effort!!!


There was this girl I lived with for a while at university who I really liked, once I got the courage to ask her out she flat out rejected me and I ended up sleeping around with guys from her class. So I said to myself how fucking dumb are you, I could never get laid that many times and I don't feel like being flakey in bed with these guys. But they said no and said I probably wouldn't do that any more. So I said alright but this girl did and after a few months we began fucking. At first I didn't even want to, I mean it was kind of nice to start off but then she put on some ridiculous clothes and I decided that wasn't enough to do the relationship justice. So after about a year of us fucking and not having sex or even thinking about doing much of anything she said she was done and it was time. So we stopped talking and she moved out. But this time she didn't have any issues and we have been very very close ever since.

Very same situation. I've only had one gf and she asked me out. Other girls I've been intimate with were party hookups that I was drunk for. I can't even message the girls I match on tinder.

Whatever, at least the British Empire ruled over 1/4 of the world's land and 1/4 of the world's people.

I wish I couldn't relate to this, but...

Is this what posting looks like when you have a single digit IQ?

not OP but could you expand on this?

Being Ugly in the Age of Tinder: a Memoir

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Force yourself to socialize. You'll adapt. Best of luck.

I tried really hard these last 12 months. Starting a new course, seeing new people, went to bars, concerts.
At the end people still referred to me as the the angry looking guy or the psychopath, joking sure, but still revealing their thoughts. In more formal and polite relationships I was the quiet guy, reserved, somber, recluse, detached. Keep in mind this was the best year of socializing in my whole life. I thought I was getting better and becoming normal, but apparently people just sense this stuff.
All interactions, even romantic ones, are enveloped by uneasiness and hesitation. While I've seen people who had less time with someone than me talk to them like they were friends for years.
I don't know man, it's all so tiresome.

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>people still referred to me as the angry looking guy or the psychopath
Embrace it.

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Isn't this the guy who killed, dismembered, then ate a white girl?

Is that the type of concept "embracing" that you're advocating?

I saved this to remind me why I don't care to deal with finding a partner.

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I wholeheartedly agree with pic related myself, but there's a big difference between knowing one thing and actually accepting it. I strongly crave female affection and hope for it, even though I do nothing to obtain it, heh.

>tfw you'll never experience romantic affection, but at the same time you'll never return to being that young boy being given motherly attention while bedridden with fever

My adult life is the spiritual equivalent of a fever tbqh, being bedridden by my own social impotence and bearing the mentality of a kid in my feverish dreams that will never come to fruition. Only problem is that there is no female to emotionally nurse me.

Unironically yes. Ng and Lake weren't even noticably intelligent and they essentially got to live out torture fantasies in the woods for years.

user, don't listen to this guy. If anything, try to feign interest in people. If anything, maybe you can derive some enjoyment by manipulating people to see how they tick. From there, you can start to actually pay attention to what they care about and maybe find some meaning in that. That may help you to genuinely connect with others, assuming you don't stray too far from the light in the process.

Take the killpill and fuck society. Seriously, Ng murdered at least 11 people and got away with it by using society's laws against itself. He commited his crimes in 84-85, he was apprehended in Canada in 85, sentenced to death in 99, no executions have taken place in California since 2006.

Fuark brehs

user needs positive recursively occurring emotions, not shit that will irritate his preexisting insecurity.

This sort of material and he incel mindset is KILLING me. All they do is fuel cowardice and prevent me from reaching my goals. And yes, I WANT to have a girlfriend, a cute one, and I want to FUCK her. I'm sorry, my chaste Yea Forums friends, but I dream about women and I want to FUCK them.
There are a lot of different girls out there, and while it may be impossible to fuck the Jezebel type, these are not the girls I'm after.

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Don't base your life on generalizations. People are much more complex than chantards can ever comprehend.

Other boards do not get straight up blog threads like this.

Don't base your life on the musings of optimists. People are much more vile than chantards can ever comprehend.

I could not follow that either

sounds interesting
I'll try it out

There is in fact a book about this. It's called The Sickness Unto Death. You're in despair at not wishing to be your self. That is, you have a self that longs for companionship (the finite), but you despairingly wish to retain possibility (the infinite). Put in Either/Or terms, you live in the esthetic domain which sets the infinite above the finite, potentiality over reality. Accordingly possibility has for you the highest value--that which is realized, once realized, can be discarded, as you have demonstrated by failing to reciprocate the interests of women who came onto you; as soon as her interests realized themselves into concrete gestures of affection, flirtation, &c., or in other words, manifest themselves in finitude, they no longer possess for you any motive power. Compare the seducer of Diary of a Seducer; once he obtained the maiden's body for a single instant he no longer had the slightest need of it, as sweet possibility decayed into mundane actuality. The obvious solution, as the judge suggests, is to embrace the ethical and "marry" oneself to necessity at freedom's expense.
Basically, you're living in daydreams. They could be romantic daydreams, or philosophical daydreams, or theatrical daydreams, I don't know, but they are esthetic daydreams. Abandon them and move to the other side of the dialectic wherein lies necessity over freedom and actuality over potentiality.

Attached: kierkegaard.jpg (310x459, 26K)

>le marry a hambeast and be happy with what you have even if youre not happy

fuck off

>marry a chubby piggy
>get her in shape while maintaining her inferiority complex as to keep her emotionally dependent on your validation of her

>marry a chubby piggy
>option 1: she improves herself and dumps your ass
>option 2: she deteriorates because she knows you're too beta to dump her
>Do not pass go; do not collect 200

>women want you
>still complain
Fuck you.

>move to the countryside and start a homestead thus making her socially isolated
>have her spawn a few piglets to homeschool
>get her in shape by setting her caloric intake (and by cooking yourself if she doesn't uphold it by herself)

>move to the countryside and start a homestead thus making her socially isolated
>have her spawn a few piglets to homeschool
>get her in shape by setting her caloric intake (and by cooking yourself if she doesn't uphold it by herself)
>have her get fucked by local farmer Chad while you're working and she's staying at home and being pretty for not you

wow you're intelligent

>local farmer Chad
your mind is a hilarious place honestly and im not being rude

>have your homestead built on an isolated piece of land, thus having your wife interact with people only under your watch when you drive (with) her somewhere
Checkmate, copecel.
He's just deluding himself as to cope with his pitiable existence.

>>have your homestead built on an isolated piece of land, thus having your wife interact with people only under your watch when you drive (with) her somewhere
>Checkmate, copecel.
Do you realize how much money it takes to live off a homestead when you're 30 years before retirement?
Hint: it's the eerily exact amount of money that it would take to not marry a local hambeast and instead an honest golddigger

maybe he is but whatever conception in his mind corresponds to the phrase 'local farmer chad' just amuses me

My mistake, he would be a local farmhand, because a local farmer would be too busy fucking someone with actual genetic information

Didn't imply otherwise. Point being, it is not impossible to find a loving partner even if you are socially awkward and a tad bit autistic. Just require a lot more effort.

In my own case, I prolly won't pursue shit since while I like the idea of that passionless, monotonous relationship between two people long married, I absolutely cannot imagine subjecting myself to the routine of chasing a qt and then passionately entertaining her.

Too much passion is bad for one's health, kek. Beer drinking Catholic monk mode is better in the long run.
He has a point in regards to unfaithfulness in the case of a superficial relationship in which your status as a mate is compared to that of others within reach, but if you find someone who (somewhat pathologically) attaches herself to you then there is no issue. A relationship between two needy people doesn't sound like a good thing down the road though.

I've red this but it has nothing about HOW to get a girl even if they do like you...

Read The Rational Male instead.

>maintain her inferiority complex

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What is "curbing"?

The real question here is this: why society tells you otherwise? Why is it common to hear things like: once you achieve this you'll get a girl/once you'll have betters social skills/once you do this and this... No. They're just illusions. If girls who look at you can't find you attractive, it doesn't matter what you own and say or what you can do. She'll never actually truly like you, the same way that you can't like a fatty or an old woman. Why illude people?

I have more or less the same problem but it doesn't stop at women, I think I'm only interested in my desires rather than actually making them happen, might be schizoid or something

Simple. It is because post-Enlightenment thinking tries to suppress the inherent main role and character of relationships - namely socio-economic. The liberalization of sexuality thus requires the illusion of romantic love and its primacy as to hide the sexual disenfranchisement of a significant number of people. Just like the deluded boomer associates economic poverty with the lack of hard work, so do normies of all generations for sexual matters.

Just like false class consciousness pacifies the impoverished worker, so does the myth of love for the sexually impoverished, thus avoiding the spread of criminal behavior and revolutionary though amongst them (in the latter case, the ideologies being of a right wing character given their association with the reassertion of traditional values, including those in the sphere of sexual matters).

You're reprehensible scum, you know that? No one listen to this husk of a man.

Attached: are you.png (836x295, 225K)

He's just an edgelord. Don't take him too seriously.

The pic reminds me of a girl who laid down in the library like that all the time, but you could see her crack too. I feel ashamed, because I always went to the library just to stare at it.

I'm actually practicing accepting it but it ain't easy. When the pain subsides, I can occasionally feel relief, it's becoming one of those things that hurt real bad when remembered.
but when it hits you or you dwell on it, man!

I wanna have lots of girlfriends, a harem even, of houris with whom I share a both spiritual & sexual connection, a radical family of ideals, trust and support.
nothing will happen.

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thats a weird post satan, I'd thought you'd be all for senseless murder
or do you just hate incels like everybody else

oh I think I've abandoned my daydreams and moved to the otherside alright.

with that out of the way, I'm actualizing my necessity to stick with my fantasies while facing the reality that I'll never have even my smallest fantasy fulfilled. I'm just stubbom like that.

Attached: 5AnVzN6.webm (350x350, 493K)

Unrequited love is the strongest expression of love and the love for an archetype is the purest form of all.

I would do this to you except it would be so much more fun to hang on tight to your ankles and slam you flat on concrete over and over again, I wouldn't stop until the grass drank up your blood.

Attached: 1563712007191.webm (480x480, 2.66M)

love without acts is dead.

c o p e
That is one way to look at it. The anguish of the unrequited lover can bring forth stronger sensations than shared acts. Plus, from a certain point of view, the experience is truer given that it is not being shared.

I wanna stay loyal to my fantasy, because if you want something done, you gotta do it yourself, and this spineless nothing is as much as i can muster, because trying it would be suicide on different levels and I am actually trying to enjoy doing things I enjoy doing (or used to).

love is literally in the head.

Attached: worldanymore.jpg (540x536, 56K)

That is an honorable alternative to conventional love, user. Find fulfillment in being true to yourself, user.

Love isn't idolizing another person, and thinking every day about them, how great they are and all that. That is literally masturbation. This is the "all in your head" thing that you are familiar with, a truly sorry state. An imitation.

Love comes and shines through the times when you see who the other person really is; a flawed human just like you. But despite everything, despite that they might hurt you, you still care, still see that something that you loved in the first place. And this can NEVER happen if you don't interact with the other person at all; if you are in love with an imaginary reflection of yourself - that requires no effort, and you might as well be in love with an anime waifu. You need to prove your love through actions, not just a one off heroic act, but every fucking day.

Earthly love is both fleeting and lackluster. Any relationship lives or dies based on how you treat one another, thus it is not absolute. Love of an ideal, whether anthromorphised in a particular person or not, is the true heroism since it asks for nothing in return and it requires no acknowledgrment outside one's heart.

Ideally, one would mix the two through a relationship in which each other love the ideal present in one another and try to bring it forth from them, but alas, the flesh is petty and so are most romances that are born in or of the flesh. If one cannot have both heaven and earth, it is certainly nobler to dedicate oneself to the heaven.

Being in love with the idea of love, a special paradise, or a virtuous sacrifice - is masturbation.

"Oh I would try a relationship but its not perfect" - that's the entire point! Otherwise love wouldn't even exist! You need this imperfect material world to bring it into existence. Grow up, puer aeternus.

To each his own.

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Hope this time it wont be turned.

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I hope you realize that when I talked about acts, I didn't mean sex. I notice that the monologue is addressed to somebody, it at least implies that two people interacted. Whatever.

I tire of this discussion. On one hand you say that love asks for nothing in return, but dismiss relationships as being potentially temporary, having the possibility of failure, or falling short of the ideal. Looks like your love asks for a lot, it asks for nothing less than perfection.
Would true love really be this greedy and cowardly? I thought it was selfless, willing to risk everything.

It is an inner monologue addressed to the feminine ideal, not to a woman.

As for your statememt in regards to the 'requirements' of love, it can only exist as long as it is not betrayed by either side. In the case of a relationship, we all fall short of the ideal, yet it is a matter of embodying it in thought and playing it out as best as we can. Most people do not love out of an aesthetic sensibility or out of a higher ideal though, thus most relationships are wordly affairs from the beginning, ending either in mundanity or in falling apart as soon as the lust and youthful passion dissapear.