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Nietzsche BTFO?
Thomas Moore
Julian Myers
reread lol
Adam Adams
you completely misread like 99% of sub-120 IQ midwits and retards who read this book. dostoyevsky was a nietzschean, crime & punishment is profoundly nietzschean but you have to dissect the layers of cutting irony and misdirection. this book really shouldn't be read unless you've read all of nietzsche's oeuvre WITH REPUTABLE COMMENTARIES AND SECONDARY LITERATURE and also dostoyevsky's earlier novels
Elijah Peterson
imagine being this much of a pseud.
Nathaniel Reyes
midwit cope
Anthony Carter
dostoevsky was not a nietzchean, if anything its the other way around
dostoevsky evades nietzsche's critique because of the eastern orthodox perspective on life, suffering, and heaven and hell
Josiah Myers
>Dosto was neetchian
That is a yaiks from me daug
Chase Nelson
>the eastern orthodox perspective on life, suffering, and heaven and hell
Does Catholicism fail to evade Nietzsche's critique?
Isaac Long
evades? no, but it can refuted...the orthodox don't really need to refute nietzsche, thats what i mean by evading his critique
nietzsche, like heidegger, is far more damaging to catholicism than to orthodoxy
Nicholas Scott
why is the book so boring ? I feel like im forcing myself to read it at this point waiting for the murder to happen.
Bentley Reed
The murder is right at the beginning you pleb
Liam Williams
Reading’s not for you, give up
Matthew Brooks
What the fuck? Get cancer, pseud.
Thomas Taylor
he was existentialist but doesn't he follow a more kierkegaardian tradition?
Matthew Martinez
imagine been this fucking stupid
Xavier Cox
Isn't the murder literally in the first part?
Jackson Jenkins
what kind of anime Fyodor like?
Austin Flores
Nitch loved Dosto. Said he was the only psychologist from whom he had anything to learn.
Carter Wood
Elijah Morgan
Good bait
Kayden Williams
I guess he never heard of Leontiev. He was the better Nitch