Which one do you prefer ?
Which one do you prefer ?
hegel because historicism
it's like asking, what would you prefer: autism or wanting to fuck your sister?
>not wanting to fuck your sister
hegel absolutely btfo kant's deontology
How exactly did kant create German idealism?
thought really really hard about it
is that the same as transcendental apriori synthesis?
Hegel takes Kant's system to its necessary conclusion. You cannot have one without the other, you micro-lobed PSEUD
Hegel didn't assume randomly about things outside our experience
rationalism + empiricism
not really. kant outright told fichte that he misunderstood his philosophy
Hegel wasn't a historicist
is that pic from school of life?
are you implying: since hegel amounts to only a small fraction of hume, therefore kant? odd argument
>things can be learned from experience
look at this dooed
shut the fuck up Alain de Botton.
What would Kant and Hegel's Sith names be? I can see Hegel having Darth Geist. What about Heidegger?
I Kant decide.
I just Kant.
Hegel, his material is rightfully a next step after Kant, and like Hegel once said, Kant lacks abstraction
Neither, Hegel is just Marx with added spooks
For me, it's Hegel because he attempted to breakthrough the Kantian autism of placing man outside of nature and a modern theory of organism (from which he derived his dialectics) may make Hegelian-type metaphysics viable.
Kant misunderstood his philosophy. Metaphysics is a necessary condition for knowledge.
haven't read either but I go with my brother Kant because in Schoppenhauer I trust.
Who fucked more women?
>el goblino
>la granny
chose another criteria my guy
me 22222222
I can almost guarantee Hegel did. Kant was a literal manlet and much like today, big brains don't make up for shortness
I've been scouring the archive for this post forever. Thanks user.