>talks about how based it is to raise children
>abandons his children
What the fuck was his problem?
Other urls found in this thread:
>writes a discourse about how philosophy and the arts ruin society
>writes the most popular opera of the decade, two of the most popular novels, and philosophical treatises which are so influential that they serve as the ideological core of the most important revolution in history
They were bastards
>using Rousseau as a Trump his piece
oof yikes sweety
he was kind of nuts. he was convinced hume was out to get him when hume was visiting france
Hume actually told Boswell in a letter that he was "gonnae glass the shan cunt", so Rousseau was right to be concerned.
telling people "feelings don't care about your facts (which is rousseaus message)" may be wrong but people want it to be true so it is super influential
Better not start to raise children if you are not able to.
That's the definition of a gift of self. He knows that he could not raise in a good way his children. That's not only clever and self aware, tha's also pretty based.
Also, Op is retard.
He was objectively one of the greatest political philosophers of all time :3
On par with Machiavelli or Adam Smith.
He came from a French family, that's how fucked up they are. All the French and their ilk are fucked in the head. He probably paid some peasant to fuck his ex-wife or something. And then sold his children to a rapist millionaire.
Then why did he have children in the first place lmao
He was paranoid because Voltaire did everything to have him killed. Voltaire was a huge piece of shit who tried to have many people killed simply because he didn't like their ideologies.
source for this schizophrenic delusion?
Reading about him in Durant's history of civilization made me remark how much he is a forerunner of fascism. The whole notion of an organic nation that can be embodied by some "will", the hatred of modern urban culture and valuing of rural, archaic lifestyles, it is amazing that people who see fascism everywhere don't see it's origins in his philosophy when it stares on your face.
Rousseau was the first shitposter, setting up an insane downward spiral of memes in French philosophy, culminating in the nonsense of Derrida
>The whole notion of an organic nation that can be embodied by some "will"
You can blame Thomas Hobbes for that subhuman idea desu
yea rousseau is pretty high on my list too i'm just about to start his autobio
cope for what? the shit you faggots say sometimes, I swear.
>he doesn’t understand that Rousseau was heavily influenced by Hobbes
Back to reading you go!
How does that contradict what I'm saying you low attention cumbrain
This isn't a delusion, you pigfuck. Rousseau was right to be paranoid about Voltaire.
>writing negatively about someone's writings is the same as ambition for having them murdered
Based Ted
So he was the original hypocritical "humanist" liberal?
Rousseau was the original everything, dawg. That's why he's such a pimp.
Of course the :3 poster would count machiavelli as one of his greatest political philosophers lmao.
Adam smith too holy shit top kek.
The anons who believe you are not the brightest are correct. Rousseau is pretty based tho
Rousseau was wrong about literally everything. His influence on pedagogy has been nothing short of disastrous, and that's extremely apparent when you look at the state of the world and our education today.
Schopenhauer warned us that if you stop teaching kids Latin (Latin education was getting fizzled out slowly in Schop's time), we would enter a new barbaric age. Well wouldn't you know it, the pessimist was right.
The virgin Voltaire vs the chad roussue.
Honestly bud, have you read The Prince? Who is a better political philosopher in your opinion?
The Prince, The Social Contract, and The Theory of Moral Sentiments, are three of the best treatises ever written on moral and political philosophy.
Deal with it. :3