you ARE journaling, right Yea Forums
You ARE journaling, right Yea Forums
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For what fucking reason would I do that? Who would want to read the autism diaries?
Yeah, using Rednotebook
i would c:
yes. Bland day-to-day stuff
Yes..but diary-tier shit is boring and I believe people only do it just to do it. Is a female hobby that way. Fucking useless.
show us a page
And then I called him a NIGGER for using kindle like the brainlet he is. After this show of my superior intellect I went to masturbate to some anime tits.
Here's an excerpt
a lot of great and intelligent thinkers kept a diary.
Examples..then I'll think about it.
Diary as in dates+events correct?
and they're all dead, so no thank you
Unless I have some unique observation I'd be obliged to write about it but I have no need to tie it to a time or location..
Opened at random
has a bit more pseudo-philosophical rambling than usual
fountain pen?
got two packs of pilot G-2s for my birthday because I love those pens
Can you share your pie with us?
Pecan pie. The recipe calls for a cup of corn syrup, but I can hunt it down for anyone interested lmao
I keep a journal both to catalogue life events and to hash out internal arguments so I don't bother people with them. Arguing with yourself is an important practice to keep if you truly want to stay sharp imo.
Yup. I have been for the last ~3 weeks and it's actually quite a good weapon against my depression and anxiety. I also use it to write down things I need to do and my thoughts in general. It doesn't need to be cohesive.
what notebook? field notes?
Wow, she's cute. Thank you, user. Truly she has brightened my night.
Listen to this if you haven't already my friend:
Also listen to their song "Gun"
Cute song. I've developed a strong crush on her within minutes.
I'm surprised you're not familiar. Obviously you've never given Yea Forums a cursory look.
Perhaps I shall visit after this delightful introduction.
Based on the space between the words, you seem like a reserved person.
I used to journal, but then someone took it and read it, so I stopped.
It helped with my memory so it is not a bad thing. Just make sure you have either a good place to hide it, or have ones that are with lock.
what embarrassing entry did they read?
has anyone tried keeping a .doc diary? is it not the same as writing on paper? want to have one but
you could if you merely just want to have a record of you day to day events, but it's just not the same as writing with pen and paper though.
all my posts are on Yea Forums
There was nothing embarrassing. Just recording of my days, thoughts. Typical writing therapy stuff. I was just subject of bullying so whatever I did was treated as such.
The journal was kind of the last place that I felt safe. So once they took that, there was nothing left.
I would read the shit out that for at least 5 minutes
I misspell words too frequently and make mistakes in writing too often for keeping a written journal to be fun.
just cross a line through it or keep it misspelled, it adds character
That's my point. My journal would be filled with crossed out words. Pair that with my already bad handwriting and it would look awful.
try slowing your writing down. or try writing with your opposite hand. I've started doing this and I am forced to think about what I want to write for a longer amount of time than I normally would since I'm using my bad hand.
Plus, I get the added bonus of being ambidextrous. Maybe if you did this, you wouldn't be so hard on yourself for writing badly since you know it IS your bad hand. Don't worry about it looking pretty, just get your thoughts down and improve
Goethe, Thomas Mann, Franz Kafka, Tolstoi etc.
>writing down your inner most thoughts so people can find it and use it against you
no thanks.
Just write slowly and if you are not sure, write the word on a piece of paper first and then in the journal.
I have similar problem, whenever I would write answers in my mind I write them correctly, only to find out I either misspell a word or I don't write it down at all.
do it and post it here so we can laugh at you
It's ok. They always come for the stuff you consider important because they expect that it will hurt you.
Once you have nothing left, you are pretty much useless to them. So they will move on to the next target. But the enjoyment of life and even the smallest things is lost.
HOnestly i'm so fucking afraid of losing my nmemories and i value the past so much that i try to record every aspect of my life. I want to be able to create a storyline of myself in the future, and be constantly aware of what i was and what i currently am
Picture of Isabela?
Literally every great author/thinker/historical figure kept a diary mate
just one that was donated to a library I volunteered at, so I took it
To an extent
no that would be a violation of privacy
You will be dead too, user.
the bell tolls for thee
>When looking at ancient artifacts, one can't help but contemplate the inevitable demise of not only the individual but also one's culture and country.
Sounds like Ozymandias by Shelley
Oh no, chvrchesposting has leaked from Yea Forums and begun to infect this once sacred board
Indeed I do.
why is this a gif?
yes, have a few notebooks already filled, but i will burn them soon, only to leave the one i am currently on, later burning that one too.
there is one pixel that moves, and you are unable to see it.
I don't write anything interesting. But I find it relaxing to do. Sorry the pictures are a bit crap, my camera isn't very good.
>Who would want to read the autism diaries
Where do you think you are
Looks very quaint and antiquated. Like a letter you'd see in a history book
> if you merely just want to have a record of you day to day events
Isn't that what they are for? It's the only thing I write down in mine.
please tell me you are a woman
Yeah, there is something comforting about knowing that I have thoughts and feelings that no one will ever know about. Once I die they might as well never have been.
you got me
show tits pleaaaaaaaaaaaseeeee
Show me your journal
I don’t have one please just post tits
I have a Hobonichi planner that I use as a written journal and a word document that I use for the whole year.
Shitty smeary pens. I recommend Uni-Ball Signo if you want something similar that dries quicker.
I do. I started summer of 2018 and kept writing in it until the end of the year. Started a new one for 2019. My plan is to have a word document for each year from now on. This is in addition to a handwritten journal. I use whichever is more convenient at the time.
Why journal my life when I can just convert my experiences into material for my eight [unfinished] novels?
My cunt ex did that despite me telling her several times that's the one thing I don't want her to do, and she would even use shit I wrote against me in fights or tell her friends about it. Pretty much overnight I went from filling a composition book every month or two to not having finished one in 5 years because I don't feel safe playing with my thoughts in private anymore. Trying to get back into it now though.
Tried once might try again sometime.
Failed since I got carried away, wrote too honestly about hatred and shameful regrets. Erased the text, could see the faint letters. Cut out and binned the page, thought about its physical existence. Took it out of the garbage and burned it.
she sounds cruel
This is the same girl who got mad at me for invading her privacy when I went through her phone to find out if she was cheating on me. she was, and she also tried to make it my fault for not putting enough energy into her daily drama bullshit and for constantly arguing with her and being "possessive" because I could tell she was cheating before I got any proof.
A terrible person - it sounds as though she had a guilty conscience. Normal people do not go around accusing people they love of cheating on them. You are well rid of her.
Putting pussy on a pedestal is death. If she's not afraid of being dumped at any moment she will always test to see how much shit she can get away with. Fuck w*men.
Of course. I used to jot down the events or thoughts of the day in a more abstract way, making little stories out of it, though recently I've written some down as plainly as they happened. I wrote a bunch about travels as well and for a while considered starting another journal just for those.
Also my friend says my tiny handwriting makes them look like serial killer journals, kek.
Why would I do that? I don't imagine that the things in my life are of such great interest that they are worthy of transcription. Nor are my thoughts on them so entirely unique and interesting and without precedent. I am the perfection of the superfluous man.
>my thoughts aren't so interesting that they should go into a private book only I should see
>but they are so interesting that I'll advertise them to thousands of people
I don't write in it daily but when something interesting happens I always do. And whenever I can recall my dreams I write them down
I used to pronounce superfluous as super (as in super duper) fluous
Americans still pronounce it like that
Me thought that was right
Yeah, welcome to the internet, dummy
Emphasis is supposed to be on the 'per' not the 'su', as it is in super.
some people get the joy out of writing with a quality pen and paper. If that's not you, then a .doc file is ok
Fuck that. I asked for the pie itself, not a recipe. What do I look like, a scullery maid?
fuckin based generalized anxiety disorder poster
>look like serial killer journals
post em