What's legitimately the worst thing you've read?

This was actual garbage.

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One of the few things I'd legitimately call "cringe", the entire joke is that sometimes their limbs fall off (and they cum dust) (and Ringo is a ninja, because lolsorandom)

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So right up there with Mein Kapf

I bet that started with the title. Sorry for your loss.


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jesus christ who writes this shit?

The everything store. A book about amazon and Jeff Bezos. I only got through about 50% before I gave up. It was just a seemingly endless list of corporate cunts that Bezos managed to destroy buy making them work harder than usual.

I think it was Alan Goldsher

the worst book i have actually finished would be The Sound of the Mountain or the temple of the golden pavilion.

got it for free

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my least favorite genre

A chick-lit book called "Quando a Noite Cai". 400 pages of a woman dreaming she's an irish princess in the XVII century, pretending to work as secretary and explaining how hot and strong and handsome her immortal irish boss is.

The entirety of Jeff Lindsay's Dexter series.

How could you fuck up such an interesting premise and then drag it on for 8 fucking books. It differentiated itself from the television series by being even more copy and pasted.

Through all 8 books he is always being saved in the climax. And the writing is amateur at best.

Sounds great desu.

I feel the same way about the Hannibal books desu

Mein Kapf for sure
Its just a deluted failed bitter artist trying to act like he knows everything


The Circle

The secret, by that aussie nutcase

I made myself read a few chapters of "50 Shades of Grey" once, and that was the worst writing I'd ever seen in a published book one could find in a bookstore. It was just unspeakably shitty Twilight fanfic.

Had to read this for grad school. The whole thing was some feminist whining about how women also exist and aren't considered when people study international relations. Yeah, military base hookers aren't important features of real politics.

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It's one of those situations where the author turns into a brand.


Station 11. 99% of humans die off because of some plague.
20 years later the survivors never figure out how to hook electricity or water back up or even farm food. No, they travel in caravans, half-starved, putting on Shakespeare plays. Half of the story is about some stereotypical Hollywood celebrity who doesn't survive the plague which happens in the first chapter. It was fucking retarded.

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Snow Crash was terrible.

The entire genre of cyberpunk needs to die

You’re just triggered by mein kampf because it calls your type out

I couldn't stand this book for some reason. I didn't want to give up on such a short book but I actually found myself trying to work out how many minutes it would take me to finish this piece of shit.

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I'm Leaving You

This utterly bizarre and creepy article about a woman who had a strange obsession with Haruki Murakami but "breaks up with him" because he writes too much about boobies. It reads like some kind of stalker wrote it.

It's surreal. Read it.


Jesus fucking christ. Women are a meme.


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This was prescribed reading in a psych course that I took. This book was genuinely awful, though the course itself was fine.

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It's pure shit.

My own writing

The worst part? She has a point. Murakami's books are getting tired.

Actress Viola Davis said she prepared for her role of Amanda in Suicide Squad by reading Confessions of a Sociopath

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What does he say about lesbians?

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It's not that she's wrong that he's washed up. It's her creepy way of going about it, as if she is lecturing her boyfriend rather than some oblivious Japanese guy twice her age on the other side of the world.


MOST BOOKs by chuck palijunik, I stopped giving him a chance

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That's difficult to say, but Chocolat by Joanne Harris was pretty terrible. She tried way too hard to make the book seem descriptive and it came off as sensationalistic and a bit pretentious.

A small collection of stories that we were obligated to read in 7th grade called "No abrir hasta el año 3000".
It was just so goddamn bad.

I honestly could not bring myself to finish reading it, but James Patterson's "The President is Missing".

Of course she fucking did. That movie sucked ass. The book's literally, "I'm not saying i'm bad ass or something but i could tots kill you without feeling a thing because i'm so successful and charismatic also you're a retard and a sheep lololol, here's a childhood story about me being 'weird' you probably wouldn't get it though."

Imagine generate a book only with quotes and margins.

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the funny part is it was ghost wtritten so it's more like ME THOMAS ME NO WRUITE BOOKSS