This book isn't very good

This book isn't very good.
What's in the same vein, but better?

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if someone says brave new world, this board should be nuked from orbit

We need to compile a /highschoolcore/...oh wait...that’s most of Yea Forums‘s charts

user, give me a hug. Brave new world is terribly written

Why do you think it's not good?

So? Most of them are good just taught shitty

Because he hasn't finished or more likely he hasn't started

Bend Sinister

>most of them are good
Well we only read novels written by female authors, so my experience disagrees

Cloud Atlas?


Any other suggestions?

>They made us read it in HS so it must suck.

Brave new world

lol, name a single good book commonly assigned in highschool classrooms.

animal farm

Huckleberry Finn

Great Gatsby
Huck Finn
Shakespeare's plays and poems

that's as good as 'dystopian fiction' gets

Catcher in Rye, The Bible, Great Gatsby, Huck Finn, Paradise Lost, Divine Comedy, Philosophical Investigations, Montaigne, Ulysses, In Search of Lost Time, Lolita, Finnegans Wake, Gravity's Rainbow, Diary of a Wimpy Kid

Brave new world

If anyone else disagrees, consider them some fucking morons that don't deserve to read one of the best books that literature has ever provided.

Fahrenheit 451

1/2 of this book is literally just dude i have sex lmao

Wuthering Heights

Equilibrium (movie)
Hey, you didn't specify that it had to be a book, just "the same vein, but better"

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le guin, vonnegut,

Gravity's Rainbow

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that book is fine

And yet The Wanting Seed is better than BNW in basically every way.

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Brave New World is a terribly written novel, and the only parts that will stick with you when you're done are the Shakespeare quotes. That said, it does present a more likely prediction of humanity's future than 1984.

Ideas are superior though

Large Novelty Land

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Brave new world.

that book titled after a line in Shakespeare

In my experience, The Great Gatsby and 1984 were the only novels from highschool that weren't absolutely horrible

Yevgeniy Zamyatin - We


The Fault in Our Stars?


Agreed. It's just so poorly written, it's frustrating.

fuck off with this bait, 1984 and orwell are both brilliant and extremely prescient.


This is true, I like the book
It's good... for a dystopian fantasy

Crime and Punishment.

Great gatsby sucks shit

1984 might be a little too obfuscate and parsimonious for you. Try something a little less callipygian, like maybe a comic book.

Kallocain by Karin Boye is really good!

More preteens today have read 1984 than comic books

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Merchant of Venice

Who the fuck studies In Search Of Lost Time or Finnegans Wake in high school? Most of the books you listed for that matter?

I wish I went to a school where dante was part of the curriculum.


A tale of two cities, The Martian chronicles.

Proust in every high school in Europe probably, I've read him in hs.

Wait, Americans don't read fucking Dante in school?

Faust. The works of Max Frisch or Dürrematt, War and Peace, greek stuff.

Actually Fahrenheit 451 senpai. It isn’t about censorship. Still one of my favorites tho

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I'm german

This :3

The secret patrician choice, that everyone thinks is pleb but is really the best choice.

gr8 b8 m8s

Where are you from? I'm also European (Ireland) and I've never heard of him being taught in high school. I want to go to such a based location.

Brave new world similar to it.

Harrison Bergeron

Fahrenheit 451

What book (yes, I know potato students literally read one book for their end of school exams lmao) did you read in high school, and what were the options?

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Madame Bovary

The Metamorphosis

Infinite jest or brave new world

Do not assume we are american.

Check out some philip k dick my mate.

A Clockwork Orange.

if this isn't bait where the fuck do you live?

closely related is the paranoia chart which was created by me

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>teaching Huck Finn and iSoLT in the same country
doubt it


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If you've read it, you would know why it's not good.


Brave new world