Why do everyone now use the term 'gender' instead of 'sex'?
Why do everyone now use the term 'gender' instead of 'sex'?
Because they don't have it.
Hasn’t this been the way since that guy who cut that twin who killed himselfs dick off to make the first tranny suggested we use gender
Because sex is a disgusting word and shouldn't be used
Because made up dumb shit for young narcissists. It's true that the binary labels of sex don't actually encapsulate human sexuality. Maybe we need new pronouns, sure. Whatever. But the idea of choosing to identify with a gender is pure image consciousness and the idea that everyone else has to play along is pure narcissism. It survives because virtue signalling children love to pretend they're special for not having done anything, or love to pretend they're struggling without all the actual struggle.
When questioning whether you're a male or a female, it was the costume to ask "what sex are you?" But now, wherever I look, one is only asked "what gender are you?"
>english not my first language
>still don't understand the difference between gender and sex
>google translates them both to the same word in my language
Have gender
Sex is biological, gender is how you feel about you body.
Same. Makes it sort of difficult to discuss here without it seeming extra bizarre.
sex related to your biological sex, gender is expression of that sex and is related to things like feminine/masculine
Didnt they mean the same thing in the past it was people just didnt want to say the word sex?
they generally referred to the same thing but the connotation was different
Look at that FORhead
>am an ESL as well
>know the difference
>still use sex whenever it's possible to piss people off
Do you just use the term sex for latin languages?
they either match or you are a schizo
gender started becoming popular in english because sex was being used for sexual intercourse in english/french in the 20th century so you're probably correct
people never used "sex" outside of biology classes....its a rude word.
Dr money? It could have started with that clinic, but it probably occured earlier than that and the clinic just made it official in the US
t. cumbrain
When progressives want to attack a concept what they'll often do is make a copy of that concept and rip that apart in its stead.
John Money
This is such a recent definition and almost 100% of people don't use it that way.
It often seems like the only reason gender is used this way is so that it can be conflated or de-conflated with sex at will. It takes the place and importance of sex, yet when confronted it retreats to a description of your personality.
It claims that gender is about playing certain roles, acting in certain ways yet refuses to assign any of these roles or behaviours to any gender.
It puts a lot of importance on what is Masculine/Feminine but at the same time these are arbitrary and not real things. It confuses me desu
OP we dont use the word "Sex' because its offensive now. The idea of sex has become something so shameful because "muh'lady". Females are having sex more and more and men are having less sex, and the reason is that MEN are disillusioned with being females that they are slicing their dicks up to become some contrived "unique" gender that they pull out of their ass, and its become so popular to do so in "fairness" and "equality" that people are all the sudden claiming to be transgendered that all the genders they have to adhere to they have to create their own gender for their unique circumstances which creates the need to have multiple multiple gender despite ALL of them being essentially the same, but they are too damned uptight and entitled to have just three genders; Male, female, and other. I wouldnt be surprised if the "what gender are you" question turns into a blank 30 pages to describe what you are. Those tranny faggots always have a story to tell and could legit fill up those thirty pages.
>too much PC shit
>people are being misinformed
>the power of suggestion
>and lots of social media where mentally ill people can communicate with each other
Shit aint fucking complicated. Society is in a freefall. Buckle up user because the ride NEVER ENDS!
>regards from /pol/
The split between biological characteristics as "sex" and psycho/social characteristics as "gender" makes perfect sense. Rather, the split does.
I think that if we could have done it over, it would have been better to name the biological category "gender" and the psycho-social category "sex". My thinking is that gender is more etymologically tied to reproduction (e.g. engender, generate). Sex is, of course, related to sexual acts, but if you think about it even a little, that is a much more social AND psychological phenomenon.
No one ever shows up to defend it on Yea Forums either, or at least they don't engage with arguments.
ok retard
Sex is your biological trait. You're either XX or XY
Gender is cultural and psychological shit that nobody cares
>thinks recent definitions are worse than older ones
>thinks almost 100% of people should use technical terminology in the proper way
>thinks in terms of "importance" when it comes to terminology
you didn't get too great of an education I take it
You couldn't be more of an authoritarian retard.
>recent definition are worse than older ones.
I didn't say that. My point is that this is not the "real" definition reasserting itself, it is a very recent, top down redefinition for an ideological purpose.
I bet you use the angle of attack you mentioned all the time though.
>technical terminology
We're not talking about some obscure philosophical terminology and the word is rarely is it used as such, this shit is the kind of thing you fill out on a job application.
>importance of terminology
Different concepts are more or less important to society and have more or less weight in people's minds. Not sure how you could fail to understand that unless you were arguing in bad faith.
Because the sense of self is complicated.
Abolish gender.
10/10 would swordfight
This was just barely starting back when I was in school. The original justification was "sex is what's in the pants, gender is what you LARP as". But, of course, it's really just a 1984-style word game.
If you constantly change the language, you can say that words mean whatever you want. Otherwise people give them their own meaning. For example, schools keep coming up with new euphemisms for "retarded", because people realize that being retarded is undesirable and use it as an insult. And they have to come up with new meanings for "sex" and "gender" if they want to say that what's in your pants doesn't matter.
All these new meanings also make it easier to tell who's the most brainwashed idiot with nothing better to do than memorize your word salad.
Retarded itself was supposed to be a sensitive term since it implies the person is simply delayed.
>it's really just a 1984-style word game.
Human's are the only species in the animal kingdom with the concept of 'gender'.
Gender is a spook and you're all spooked if you give a shit about if someone wants to be called a male or female or a dragon.
None of you on here will agree with this since you're all LARPing as traditionalist fascists who want to see gay people in camps (while reprehensible, at least this opinion is honest) but I believe the new gender spectrum, as developed by the LGBT community and it's advocates, paradoxically (and unintentionally) compounds the original binary system of sex, as trans people still gravitate towards those phenotypes which we classify as 'male' or 'female' - a trans woman tries theirs hardest to be what the majority would see as woman, and vice versa. So ironically, while trying to 'break' the system of patriarchal law on sex/gender, the LGBT community exists only as a sort of vassal.
Trying to be revolutionary in a systemic frameweork merely gives birth to other systems. If they truly want to reduce gender to absolute freedom, they would ditch the labels, throw off the still entrenched views of binary and trans, and just exist as sexually liberated/transcended individuals.
>""""""real""""" definition
>concerned with those definitions in specific relation to job applications rather than in an academic context
>still thinks definitions are considered in terms of importance
This is bait right?
You're correct but also wrong.
Read more Judith Butler. The point is that gender is not the expression of some concrete identity (IE. gender is a fluctuating expression of your sex, which is immutable). To make that claim would be to use scientific discourses to explain social phenomena. The point to acknowledge is that there are male and female performativities (IE. expressive characteristics of gender), but to name them as such isn't doing so to categorise them, but rather demarcate how these terms have been used to constrain gender definitions to purely biological or formal necessities in the past. The truth is that gender has nothing to do with biology, gender "functions" through its performative consummation.
First post best post.
haven't you heard of the trans dogs of Bangkok, user?
>My thinking is that gender is more etymologically tied to reproduction (e.g. engender, generate).
This is an interesting thought, but I still think the distinction we have now is better. Psycho-social gender has an etymological link to reproduction, but that link is more about cultural reproduction of the same ("engender", literally reproducing the gender binary through heteronormativity) than it is about sexual reproduction.
Ultimately "sex" as a social category is meaningless, why would something so contingent on instinctive drives and base urges have any relevance to cognitive processes of self-identification? Sex is the part of our physiology that lacks the sentience to address those kinds of questions, its the bestial part of our selves that can only be studied through empirical observation.
>If you constantly change the language, you can say that words mean whatever you want.
Oh look, its that old "anti-gay marriage" chestnut. It isn't "constantly chang[ing] the language", its about demarcating a line between biology and social organisation. Just because biological sex is a certain way does not mean our social arrangements has to reflect those differences with perfect symmetry (is/ought fallacy), but the biggest problem is that the discourse surrounding sex and gender has merged them together without any consideration for how they interrelate beyond "gender is an emergent property of biology". Separating sex and gender is a way of untangling/deconstructing this error.
The difference according to contemporary lgbtq activists:
The mere biological fact of having a penis vs having a vagina. Binary (there are two sexes). Has no ontological substance.
The cultural norms associated with the identity of a man or a woman, e.g. a man is expected to act masculine, a woman is expected to act feminine. No “female” or “male” behaviors are natural according to contemporary ideologues, but are all socially constructed. Appealing to a man to be a strong provider for his family and a woman to be a loving mother to her children is thus seen as oppresive.
Also, emphasis on gender is used to argue for the fact that you can freely choose what gender you identify with regardless of your sex. Sex is just an “empty signifier”, it has no baring on your substance. One who biologically has a penis can then be in zhers right to identify as a female and you not acting along with it and acknowledging them is fascism.
Gender is also seen as non-binary and the argument is made for a plurality of identities which we can all freely choose between as our own atomized gods. If you want to identify as a fox, a jetplane or meatloaf, I would be labeled a fascistic heteronormative oppressor of your authentic individuality to do so.
It basically is high liberal individualism masquerading as a dialectic of oppressor vs oppressed because people like the exitement of that. It takes the nature vs nurture debate, strips it of all complexity and operationalizes its categories as abstracta in an ideological fashion.
It’s also basically a reoccurence of the scholastic debates over the nature of language and the problem of universals, between nominalists (liberal arts sjws), hard realists (biological determinists) and soft realists (people who take the complexity of the question of nature vs nurture intellectually seriously).
You can bang my kok.
let's be real everyone wants to be on the cutting edge of thought
> gender is not the expression of some concrete identity
Is there such a thing as a "concrete identity"? All identity is biologically and psychologically constructed and changes over time.
> To make that claim would be to use scientific discourses to explain social phenomena
- Isn't it called the humanities (human and social sciences)? I mean, obviously it's not as "objective" as say mathematics, since it is changing in certain way, but isn't it that you ought to try to stick to the science as much as possible while including the freedom that people have in your equation? There has to be some science or some point from which we can start.
> but rather demarcate how these terms have been used to constrain gender definitions to purely biological or formal necessities in the past
While liberating and giving more freedom to words is good, but, isn't it true as well that language needs some kind of boundary and formality to function (there need to be rules to play the game, still, I am not in favor nor arguing for strict rules). Also, we could do the same to the debate of "Goodness", one could do the research on how the definitions have changed, where it comes from and how it was misused for evil manipulation, but it does not change the fact that as a concept in the present that applies to the future, the idea of "Goodness" exists.
>The truth is that gender has nothing to do with biology
It depends on how you want to use that word, but, human beings are social (spiritual) as well as biological beings (material). It is not either/or. It all of it was devoid of any material foundation the whole point would be non-existent but pure randomness, which is contrary to current studies . sciencedaily.com
> gender "functions" through its performative consummation.
I am absolutely for liberation of people and for them to have freedom and enjoy life, but saying that things functions through performative consummation, well, tell me something that does not? Does not life itself functions that way? I acknowledge that it is performative and that there isn't one correct answer to this question, but there has to be at least something that does exist. We cannot be ghosts that are purely socially constructed, because society would not have been constructed then (it is not possible for ghosts to construct something).
similarly as there is not answer to "What makes us human", however, we can't go to the complete other end and claim that there is nothing but pure randomness, that is, that there is nothing that makes us human, because then, the next step is: "There is nothing natural, people can be molded in whatever you want", this would throw away humanism altogether and open up space for dictatorships. There have to be some natural, god-given or whatever you want to call it, rights or principles.
you paranoid shell of an individual lmao
>smallbrain attempting to write like bigbrain
>when someone """corrects""" me I claim to not know the word and ask them to explain it to me
This is a redpill leftist response that I can respect.
so interestingly the term gender was originally a gentile euphemism for sex, and took on that meaning somewhere in the middle ages when sex started to refer not just to whether someone was male or female, but also to the physical act of sex. Since sex took on this crass meaning, they adopted the French term gendre, which just refered to any category or type of something generically.
So basically sex and gender mean the same thing. Now, words can change meaning or at least adopt new definitions so the new gender / sex divide could still be legitimate because enough people agree with it, but it's difficult because gender has had the male / female definition for centuries. I personally disagree with the trannie ideology, but that aside, if they're going to try to distinguish their sex from what they would prefer they are (gender according to them) they should say either sexual or gender identity. Trying to forcefully remove a definition from a super common word is part of the reason people get so frustrated with them.
most people aren't based enough to live like an ubermensch and decide every facet of their lives for themselves. They like categories to fit into desu. Also trannies are degenerate polyps who will never create anything worthwhile, much less any new culture.
mao was right about destroying the old "bourgeois" values and replacing them
I understand that people are saying sex is biological and gender is supposed to be more sociological and psychological.
But, I feel like how it's used in practice is often problematic:
1) why does gender need labels like male/female? In the end, it seems more like personality types, so why not use more neutral labels like MBTI? I feel like calling certain roles e.g. masculine/feminine is reinforcing stereotypes more than tearing them down.
2) if gender & sex are distinct, why do people deep into gender ideology feel the need to change their appereance to look more like the opposite sex? In the most extreme cases, this even leads to hormone therapy and surgeries, but even in less brazen cases, girls get butch haircuts & wear baggy clothes for example. And I say that as somebody who thinks that Tomboys are kinda cute.
3) if the end goal is to liberate people from having to act a certain way due to societal pressure, wouldn't it be better to reject any kind of label? Go beyond masculine/feminine, no behavior is inherently in either category.
4) what's the deal with pronouns? Can't we just accept that pronouns refer to your sex instead of gender and do not carry value-judgements with them? It just seems very impractical that every individual could have different pronouns and there is no way of knowing unless they directly tell you.
My main issue with this entire thing is that it seems to cause more confusion than help with anything. Particularly teens who are already confused about everything, pick up this new ideology and then just stick a few labels to themselves. It doesn't make them any more liberated.
Don't post if you're too afraid to actually engage.
misusing english
I mean i could bring up issues with this but really it has very little to do with how the word is actually used as a tool.
>he can't work past his original code
NPC detected
>Ultimately "sex" as a social category is meaningless, why would something so contingent on instinctive drives and base urges have any relevance to cognitive processes of self-identification? Sex is the part of our physiology that lacks the sentience to address those kinds of questions, its the bestial part of our selves that can only be studied through empirical observation.
This line of logic doesn't even make sense, valiant effort to obscure it with verbosity but lmao.
You ask interesting questions ! To answer 2), I believe being transsexual is what you're talking about instead of transgender. Might be wrong tho
It's really not limited to that.
"There's not such a thing as biological sex" says the college professor.
You're assuming these people want clarity in their viewpoints. A vagueness allows for fluidity in their platform. They intentionally conflate sex and gender. You're coming at this with logic and can easily spot the cracks my dude but it's useless, that's not the game theyre playing.
Basically fuck trannies.
Not him. Why?
Not quite. See
>defending the mentally ill
>mocking someone for not understanding a nonsense distinction
Good goy. Follow what you've been taught.
why would something so contingent on instinctive drives and base urges have any relevance to cognitive processes of self-identification?
It's just a nonsense question. Why wouldn't it? Instinctual drives and base urges are usually at the center of our identities.
>But, of course, it's really just a 1984-style word game. If you constantly change the language, you can say that words mean whatever you want.
i feel like the exact same thing happened with ”racism”, where there’s the old dictionary definition and the ’new’ one which goes something like ”prejudice and power”
The redefinition of gender i feel has actually gained traction way more though. But yea they've both been pushed in the form of activists saying "akshually, the definition of this commonly used term is completely different from the meaning that everyone actually uses" and they point to some niche academic usage of the word as justification. It's literally linguistic warfare. The original concept is too hard to attack so they create a copy of it and attack that in order to confuse (themselves and everyone else) as well as delegitimize the original concept.
is it opposite day?? You're defending trannies
i don't think he's (you're?) quite right about that. until basically the other day, gender was exclusively a grammatical distinction
What do you mean by that grammatical distinction?
So is male brain and female brain a thing?
a grammatical term
>obey! you must obey! humans never used fire before that's against nature!
>that's against god! you can't do that! this jewish book told me so!
you don't matter, retard. you can accept reality or live in denial but you simply don't matter. humans will never submit to nature or gods.
nature says you die but given the chance you'd like to not die. you're just a worm.
I don't understand how what you just said contradicts what he said.
Good goy, follow what you've been taught
did i miss something or did you?
Haven’t watched the clip, but the quote basically is a reaffirmation of their assertion that biological sex has no ontological substance but is an empty signifier, which I acknowledge in my post. So yeah, I’m aware.
It’s ironic how the sjw crowd speaks about how they’re all about “breaking down binaries” when they reaffirm the binary nature / society and claim one side supreme. The correct middle term to the question of nature vs nuture would not be “our gender is mere performative, social construction” or “we are mere biological creatures” but the assertion of a biosocial paradigm. They’re basically still caught in a cartesian dualism of mind/matter. Their assertion of mind over matter (and ‘discursive performativity’ over materiality) also show why they are not really leftists. It is a resignation from tackling any actual disparity for women and ideological predatory behavior on actual marginalized groups like the small group of people with the actual mental disorder that body dysphoria. All in the name of liberal hyperindividualist larping. Lasch was very right in his diagnosis of cultural narcissism.
but gender absolutely does refer to the male / female divide. What is that image even from? That didn't really define how the word is strictly grammatical.
I made an argument man, this shilling isn't going to change anybodys mind.
Of course it makes sense, sex is all drives, unconscious desires, violent spontaneous emotions, etc.. gender, on the other hand, is part of the symbolic order we enter into as we develop the faculty of language. Because of the conceptual entanglement of sex and gender, the latter reinforces the hegemony of former, but without ever justifying the imperative that human relations should be founded on scientific data about the body. That body of data is composed of extensive and fragmentary information (IE. “The real” as an unknowable totality of meaningless facts) that cannot be fully collated without subjective contamination or selective bias. This information is useless towards a discussion about how humans within society actually relate to each other.
mmmmmm I want to have gender with her if you know what I mean
Human's (sic.) are the only species with concepts at all, sweaty
But they’re also automatic, evolutionary mechanisms which we shouldn’t take as an absolute imperative of, or a model for, human relations. We have resigned ourselves to a state of nature that is not natural to our experience (IE. Unrepresentative of how society functions). Elements are inevitably carried over (such as social Darwinism), but the goal should be to rise above our material conditions.
Learn to communicate effectively you fucking retard.
Not an argument in sight.
That's just one use of the word though. Before it was applied as such and still for most people as they understand the language, gender and sex are synonymous. Not that people don't identify the social and biological as separate, just that these words are not used to do so by the main body of speakers because doing so is a recent invention.
Grammatical gender has nothing to do with masculine/feminine just that some languages have these, others have animate/inanimate and more, more still some languages have masculine/feminine or more accurately male/female applied to animals and humans to actually include their gender/sex in a way different to say, German or French, which do not. Gender was used to mean category or type, which is where the use in grammatical gender comes from. It was not limited to use in linguistics however, it was as general as category/type combined is today.
Ok sure. I think that's irrelevant to english though. Historically gender means male or female and nothing else. Not sure what you're getting at by saying the spanish use el and la
Because sex is about one's biology and gender is about your identity, as in the gender one believes they truly are or identify with or something.
I hate this bullshit btw, and believe that teaching it to children will only lead to disaster.
Because they're talking about sex not sex
What are you even saying lmao
>muh i can’t argue my case so i’ll just assert i’m right
Touché, my gender fluid friendo.
this for fucks sake. I cant believe everyone is trapped in the simulacra. wiki john money. it is your redpill out of this "gender" conversation and into the real "sex" conversation
Look it up on wikipedia. It's not hard to understand
One name: Dave Reimer.
>Look it up on wikipedia. It's not hard to understand
Wow such deep conversation to be had exclusively with people who agree with you.
go back to /his/ theyre pretty leftie/progressive there. Yea Forums is the new /pol/
kek what?
Not enough people shit on this retard.
What barn did you crawl out of where people ask any of that?
Real people use one of
>Are you a boy or a girl?
Or, if they don’t care and are being woke,
>What are your pronouns?
Which will give you the context you need and immediately dodges making somebody who cares about pronouns feel shitty
Other than the occasional meme Guenon or Evola thread we almost exclusively talk about leftists
>Yea Forums is the new /pol/
u fuc rite off m8 I got my copy of Phenomenology read 4 u
this image is so false my teeth fell out. Talking about gender with trans people is like a screaming fest if you disagree with them on even one thing.
>making somebody who cares about pronouns feel shitty
They need to
Trannies are the pikeys of the current age. Need wiping out every single one of them.
I’m glad I’m not the only one who thinks this. Some people want to be either “masculine” or “feminine” so those clusters of characteristics upheld by that patriarchal constructs continue to persist.
Just because someone has decided to become emotionally invested in something stupid doesn't mean i have to care.
Do you think "I don't like or respect this person" is an excuse for misgendering that person?
>tfw we are witnessing the rape of our metaphysics and ontology fuelled by social media.
I'm not that user, but a lot of people, including myself, don't subscribe to a system of morality where "misgendering" someone per se has any moral weight whatsoever.
Taking that kind of thing seriously is a sign of an oversocialized individual.
Well yea i know but just trying to reveal the lie behind "it's just about being nice"
It's a lot simpler than people make it out to be. Gender is to do with your sexual expression, Sex is to do with your physical bits. This is an attempt to remove a ridged cultural belief that they two are inseparable by encouraging a model where you have some wiggle room with your identity without resorting to potentially derogatory terms like "Feminine man" or "Burly woman"
Yes, Some people feel the need to give every little speck on that implied line graph a unique name.
Yes, Some people disagree with the model because it's based on a binary system between m and f.
Yes, It's fairly stupid. But it's a response to our existing model of sex and gender, Which is also stupid.
Honestly, Just stop questioning why people do what they do. People are fucked up. If presenting themselves as differently gendered from most of society actually helps them get up in the morning and get their shit done, Then whatever. I'm content with energy drinks.
No one was having problems with girls who liked computers and wore pants, lol.
>Honestly, Just stop questioning why people do what they do. People are fucked up. If presenting themselves as differently gendered from most of society actually helps them get up in the morning and get their shit done, Then whatever. I'm content with energy drinks.
Ikr.. That user needs to relax and learn to stop being so depressed... I recommend seeing a therapist. Wellbutrin helped me and Lexapro helped my sister. I used to feel sad but now I don't anymore so they work. Medication works. Therapy works. Now I'm normal again and happy. I can go to work and post. Sometimes I see a post that says "I hate that the road is bumpy, why can't politicians fix this? We pay taxes" and I say dude lol just be grateful you HAVE roads? I don't mind the road, it's just a little bumpy, why do you care so much? Like just relax, wow, who hurt you. I recommend getting some therapy, maybe go outside a little, maybe get a hobby and some normal friends with normal hobbies who you can learn to be normal around. I was not normal like you until I learned to be normal and now I'm happy and I don't get upset anymore. I'm not saying the game is bad, it's an amazing game and guys I am having so much fun playing it, like so much fun, but I think they shouldn't be charging $15 for palette swap DLC... but I don't mean to be negative lol I love the game I really do, I am having soo much fun with it. I don't even notice that the road has potholes lol why do you care so much. Just ignore it turn on the radio haha. My life was messed up until I got on Lexapro. It takes a while to work bro but trust me now I'm fine
>Honestly, Just stop questioning why people do what they do. People are fucked up. If presenting themselves as differently gendered from most of society actually helps them get up in the morning and get their shit done, Then whatever. I'm content with energy drinks.
Basically how I see it too.
I certainly am checked out.
But alt genders are potholes and shifty DLC? Elaborate.
genuinely cannot tell if sincere
Shut the fuck up faggot
Based and sexpilled
You don't really see things this way generally. You're just very meek when it comes to this topic and want to avoid being socially shamed.
New sincerity ftw :) Everyone's just living they're lives. Why do you care? He seems happy, are you against happiness? Lol? Are you so bitter that you get upset when people are happy? Why do you care dude? It doesn't affect your life. People are individuals and can do whatever they want. I am just happy that people are happy. Everyones doing their best. We're all basically the same person. No one is smarter or better than anyone else lol who are you to judge? Wow you're soooo smart for judging and criticizing someone. Why judge someone lol? Why not just let him live his life? Why do you care so much? Im happy for others when their happy. I dont judge
Ummm why are you so upset? You literally have a great life? Why don't you just relax? You can do whatever you want in modern society. Aren't you tired of being upset about things you can't change? Why don't you just relax and enjoy life? Why waste your time criticizing others, lol? Why not just relax and stop being upset? Who hurt you? Who hurt you so that you feel the need to judge others instead of just enjoying life and relaxing? Why are you so upset? I'm happy, other people are happy, why can't you be happy? Life is good and everyone's just trying their best to be happy and buy the things that make them happy... Maybe the problem is really with you?? Idk maybe you need to learn to relax and stop being so obsessed with what other people are doing? :S Why don't you just relax and enjoy life?
oh boy if you had access to my post history lol, social shaming is about the last thing in the world that motivates my ideas. Im meek about trannies because I dont see them as a threat, so i dont mind them doing what they want. I will discuss any amount of taboo topics with you you want, probably way beyond what you're comfortable talking about.
It's not the content of your posts, it's the way you're writing as though you're emulating a guy who's become braindead through some drug lobotomizing him. The structure and style of your writing made it seem plausible you were mocking the perspective you were giving.
I honestly still can't tell if you're being serious, that is the level of poe's law we are dealing with here
Yea dude i'm sure you're really dark i bet you jerk off to real scary porn.
Yes it's pasta intended for mockery. It's simply outright stating what is implicit in the minds of this kind of person.
You're doubling down instead of accepting you misread the situation. I post hatethink on here all the time and Ive done it in real life too, which I doubt you have.
You could literally say whatever you wanted and i would only have your word, the whole "heh bro, i'm probly more edgy than you lol" routine seriously makes me doubt it.
I sincerely doubt you genuinely subscribe to this attitude of permissiveness and just doing whatever you can to self medicate and get through the day as i said.
This is not even about what people are or are not allowed to do, it's about language manipulation.
>he doesn't have gender every day with his gf
>he's never had gender
>he's a virgin
Well I probably can't change your mind, but I believe in ideas like the races and sexes not being equal, a lot about Jews, certain other topics I dont even like posting about anonymously. I dont believe them to be edgy, I just think they're true, which is why I found it funny that you thought my disposition was based on social factors. Maybe Im edgy on here sometimes out of spite, but that's not the core of why I think that stuff, and i dont like being spiteful.
None of that contradicts being permissive to people who aren't harming anyone but themselves, something I believe every person has the right to do insofar as rights exist at all.
Your point about language manipulation is fair, I dont think trannies are girls, but the actual social interaction with a trannny is just a specific context of dealing with a deluded person in which it is nicer to just go along with it, because you accomplish nothing by being mean to them. If you think you can fix trannies then try to figure out a way they can be better than just selfmedicating, maybe give them testosterone, I know little about the subject.
Well, it's very understandable that 4) triggers them. It's a really damn hard effort to make the change from male to female just so that people still treat you as your initial sex.
Of course, that is only considering gender as something binary (masculine/femenine). Pronouns like xhe or using they to refer to someone are pretty much retarded desu
The idelogy you showed in your post has no bad intentions, but it's extremely dangerous and in some aspects, flawed.
do tell, and I say that in honest engagement, I am not at all positive that that ideology is correct, and would be interested in reasons why it's wrong
This isn't an argument about being polite and focusing on trannies while talking about this, i think, is missing the forest for the trees.
This post is not talking about exceptional individuals it's a general statement about society and sex. Gender is a word that destroys meaning rather than expands it.
How many genders am I holding up?
If feminism eliminates gender stereotypes, does gender exist?
God you're fucking retarded. You sound like all the other spastics on my uni.
What is your end goal in deconstructing these? Upon what theory or authority do you think you can deconstruct and reconstruct them to better suit the needs of society
Clearly they exist as such for the betterment of civilisation, so unless you can put forward a solid argument as to why they fail to meet the needs of our civilisation, they should be left alone.
what a cute grill
I must feel good, happy thoughts I must feel good, happy thoughts, brightly colored cartoons and candies and processed food and toys, I must feel good, happy thoughts I must feel good, happy thoughts I must feel good, happy thoughts I must feel good, happy thoughts I must feel good, happy thoughts I must feel good, happy thoughts, Emma Watson is such an inspirational feminist icon I want to rape her ha ha I’m a nice guy but not a “nice guy” I am different than them because I am me. Boy I am so depressed, better smoke more weed and take more SSRIs while sitting indoors all day barely moving from my computer, outside is scary, theres scary people out there but I love POC I don’t feel uneasy when one is near me ha ha I’m just like a little kid scared of everything isn’t that quirky? I wish I was a child. My toes are so pudgy and well groomed, they look like baby feet but I’m 33. My head is real smooth too. Real men have beards, I’m a real man, and a child at heart. If I follow random dudes advice on the internet, I will find a SO that I can sex, for SCIENCE! I am NOT a SLAVE to BASIC HUMAN EMOTIONS I AM FINE!! I am about to cry all the time. UHHHHH Your post history, fuck off Russian, I don’t need to argue anything, give me sources on that, bigot ruskie ha ha. I must feel good, happy thoughts, I must feel good, happy thoughts, I must feel good, happy thoughts I must feel good, happy thoughts I must feel good, happy thoughts I must feel good, happy thoughts I must feel good, happy thoughts. Rents due, happy thoughts, low paying job, more weed, I don’t have a problem, fuck you nazis for telling me how to live my life, I want to die. I must feel good, happy thoughts
Well it was an argument about that for me and the user, because he responded and said he thought I didn't really believe that, and that my reasons for not believing it were due to not wanting to be socially shamed.
I think gender is just a synonym for the psychology of the sexes. Men and women are very different psychologically, so you can have a word that refers to their psychological gender if you want. I dont think trannies are truly the psychology of the opposite gender. Maybe their brains are a bit closer but they're not women, they dont have female hormomes or the actual brain differences. I think there has been a small amount of research about trannies being more like the other sex mentally, but that is probably overblown, their brains are not literally female, and their hormones certainly are not.
Trick question, none.
Those are fingers.
Pretty sure there really is a tension there and it's why terfs exist.
How many genders is he holding up if you call a finger a gender?
the party says that there are an infinite amount being help up, Winston
Gender is a word for a concept that was easily explained by plenty of other phrases. I genuinely think that the confusion between sex and gender is not a bug but a feature.
yeah no doubt, we're talking about progressives, they do nothing but lie and obfuscate. Im just not very caught up on what words we use so long as we define them to each other
Maybe it would be better to just make up a new term, i dont really care honestly, winning against progressives is not going to involve inventing words
>I genuinely think that the confusion between sex and gender is not a bug but a feature.
I think you're correct, it can be very effective to switch between two definitions of gender during an argument. Many people don't notice the trick.
"to be dealt with at a later date"
Based Judith poster
Yeah, real racists are the kind of people who would roll their windows up when Obama walks by.
I actually think it's nice to have a term for "which sex you LARP as", but it has to come naturally from common usage or it won't stick.
>Read more Judith Butler
Stopped reading
>Read more Judith Butler
No fucking way she's garbage. Most feminist shit is utter trash.
>Honestly, Just stop questioning why people do what they do. People are fucked up. If presenting themselves as differently gendered from most of society actually helps them get up in the morning and get their shit done, Then whatever. I'm content with energy drinks.
This secularist individualistic "if it doesn't affect you why care, it's their life" meme needs to die a violent death.
so you're saying.... we live in a society
I wish we lived in more of a society
only good take on this i've seen that the left ever musters. based.
your underbite is showing
i mean, im not a nazi or anything, but is just obvious that there is an agenda and a sinister program of social engineering supported by the left and all major capitalist corporations in order to subvert and debase society. sure I used to think gays were just dudes who wanted to fuck dudes and trannies were just dudes who wanted to be women, but obviously this is something far more complex and sinister. you got child drag queens, drag queen story hour blue hair lgbtsjwtfs coming into our schools to educate children on the wonders of ''fisting'', pride month celebrated by all major corporations, i mean there is something evil going on but you aren't just allowed to say it. The truth is the members of the 'alternative lifestyle community' are anything but rebels or revolutionaries, they are consumers and conformists, they are mentally ill and egocentrical,and they talk like they are brainwashed, nothing but ideological sjw buzzwords they learned in college. I think that their motivation is not sexual but religious and moralistic, woah im so much better and progressive than you because I get fucked in the ass, these people don't 'have sex' they virtue signal.TL;DR does anyone else unironically HATE these freaks?
Really makes you think about how you can't really find references to homosexual couples throughout history, and homosexuality was always used as a form of masturbation or quick pleasure.
It's just shifting shibboleths.
Being an androgynous faggot might have been cool and edgy back in the 80s, back in the days of Bowie and Boy George and AIDS, but nowadays, there is nothing more transgressive than being unapologetically masculine sexuallly dominant and proudly heterosexual. 'ironic' gay sex has lost its aura for zoomers, replaced by 'ironic' far right posturing as the ultimate countercultural pursuit.
>cutting your dick off is compared to inventing fire
shit like this is why I keep coming here
Sex is the biological composition of men and women
Gender is the behavioural and sociological traits that are associated with a certain sex
XX chromosomes = sex; Miniskirts = gender
Vagina = sex; lipstick = gender
even if you assume transgenderism makes logical sense, even if scientists manage to prove gender ideology using brain scans or finding a transgender gene, trannies just so happen to be so insufferable and 'cringe' (every last one of them, no exceptions) I just gotta be transphobic. and I think I am justified in being transphobic, it is the world that has gone mad, remember the days when trannies were just a sideshow at jerry springer or maury, to be laughed at and maybe pitied but not to be taken seriously? I remember.
By that logic men who claim to be women shouldn't be allowed in women's bathrooms. By using the word gender specifically, they switch back and forth between it meaning sex (the much more common definition) and gender as you defined it.
have gender
FACT: the APA has a vested interest in suppressing orthodox freudian psychoanalysis, which has shown to be clinically succesful in targeting homosexual desires and proclivities. There's also the gay lobby in washington mainly and in corporate america more broadly, it's a multibillion dollar industry, didya really think they were going to let the truth get out and the word get around? The truth is, the homosexual, the bisexual or the transexual, is invariably nothing but a confused young man who grew up without a reliable father figure- this compounded by an overbearing mother figure, pornography, and a feminised you go girl permissive culture that stigmatises traditionally masculine behaviour, results in an age of generalised confusion.
Fella you might want to get that diarrhea of the mouth checked out
Because jewish sociologists and lefturds despise objectivity and science
Yea am i fucking retarded or is this just poor communication? Word salad not even describing anything particularly complex. Seems like a lot of people actually get dumber through reading phil.
It's just a bunch of bullshit intended to overwhelm the lay person, who is deluded by the credit he has given to institutions. Literally the only reason anybody takes that shit seriously is that academia promotes it, and academia has this "credit" to it so that people will just believe whatever comes out of universities.
I like how even on reddit infested boards /pol/autists still BTFO the retarded pseudointellectual leftists.
They don’t despise it they consider it political capital
>academia has this "credit" to it so that people will just believe whatever comes out of universities.
So true. The social studies are a joke especially.
Because insane fanatics have cultural hegemony.
You are a cuck. Gender is not how you feel about your body.
Oxford Dictionary of current English (2006):
1.Grammar, a class into which nouns and pronouns are placed in some languages.
2. The state of being male or femaleà
3. The member of one or the other sex
1.Grammar, a class into which nouns and pronouns are placed in some languages.
2. The state of being male or femaleà
3. The member of one or the other sex
I'm retarded, so I don't know if this is right, but the current trans-positive stance perpetuates a kind of hyper-masculine attitude. If you don't (can't?) check every masculine box, put on a dress, get chemically castrated, and ENJOY IT, you little lady.
David Bowie's performative androgyny was more profound than 99% of discourse on this subject, it's fucking boring.
Are you saying I'm a Nazi or a gay person or what?
Gender has been synonymous with sex for a long time. Recently it was somewhat redefined by (((people))) so they could introduce sexuality to the young to support their pedophilic agenda.
why do you start your parargraphs with 'so'
because he googled and wikipediad his responses and "so" is his accepting of the information he has recently taken on, be it factual or otherwise.
It's part of his gender identity.
>as trans people still gravitate towards those phenotypes which we classify as 'male' or 'female' - a trans woman tries theirs hardest to be what the majority would see as woman, and vice versa.
Maybe this comes from the fact the people who go through the process of transitioning in today's still transphobic world are those who feel the most dysphoria, those that wish to act/look the most "feminine"/"masculine".
john money wasn't Jewish
That still only makes them transsexual. Having the desire to transition or be recognized as the other sex (as impossible as that may be in reality). They have tried to kill the word transvestite as well (dressing in the opposite sex's clothing).
All of this gender bullshit is just a means to an end and it tries to sweep the major problems under the rug for later.
speculation for both of us
so that was me. And idk man, it's just a stupid affectation, fuck you.
Conformity with constructivist (liberal) shibboleths.