Love, r8, h8, b8, masturb8, whatever. What do you guise think?
Can we get a shelf thread up in this bitch?
Is the adventures of Tom bombadil good?
Would chill/10
Could you tell me a little bit about this mythology book?
Haven't read all of it but the "Cat" chapter is cute and comfy.
Basically it's just an easily-referenced encyclopedia of classical mythology.
Decision made, thanks OP.
>Look at all my toys!
Genuinely don’t get it
>he started with the greeks
>dislikes people sharing pictures of their book collections
>on a website about books
Bravo user
Thinking about buying that Mythology book by Edith Hamilton, did you enjoy it?
Fix your drawer.
I enjoyed it, but i've never read any other book on mythology so I really can't say much.
It's a shelf you mong
pretty good selection,
Why is your edition of 1984 so thicc? Otherwise, unconventional but interesting selection.
why didn't you get the b&n leather bound edition of lovecraft?
It's a hardcover version of a massmarket paperback edition I've had for a long, long time, that my buddy just found. My old paperback copy has a huge price sticker on the front that I'll never cleanly get off so I'm glad to have a hardback copy to put on my shelf since I really like the art.
>It's a shelf you mong
Is this not a drawer handle? I've never seen that thing in my life.
I am pleb. Hear me roar.
Just fix the goddamn drawer.
sorry, not you.
where would you even find these
rate and hate me anons
0% chance you don't cross dress
Forgive me for mistreating my copy of 20000 leagues under the sea
>Moby Dick
reee it's titled Moby-Dick
Did he? I see some introductory mythology and the two epics. No Greek philosophy, no playwrites, nothing beyond the basics.
>Herodotus, Thucydides, Arrian, Hesiod, Epic Fragments, Xenophon
interdasting is there any particular reason why you like cased books?
Folios are cheap second hand, well made and look nice. Plus the weight and the buckram bindings feel good to hold while you read.
>look how good my shelves look!
hyper-materalist cringe. society of the spectacle at its finest. i'm sickened and disgusted. you buy books for the *content* you want to reread, not for glorified kitsch decor. either buy second-hand books or go to the library. you're a stinking pseud and it reeks, go collect funko pops instead and get off my board.
These bindings upset pseuds not only because they're new and lack any visible signs of wear, but because by virtue of being well-crafted hardcovers they're unlikely to accumulate them any time soon. These are very disturbing qualities in books to your average il/lit/erati who yearns to demonstrate nicely creased and cracked "definitely perused and totally not pseud" paperback spines more than he wants to actually read the very pages they hold together. In their eyes, investing in a sturdy, luxurious leather or nicely decorated buckram bindings to please the owner's eye and provide the books with more longevity is antithetical to the one and only reason of owning physical books at all; that is to serve as an achievement display that would quickly and unambiguously communicate to the two drunken girls and three college dudebros who visit their studio apartment once a year just how authentically e/lit/e and genuinely well-read the owner is, whilst definitely not trying to pretend to want to hope to look like it. Plus, the price factor also breaks some typical self-imposed illusions of being a chosen member of some semi-secret class of penniless bohemian intellectuals, engaged in cultural guerilla warfare on the back line of a grand army of philistine en-pee-see bougies, that so many younger members of /pol/-for-smart-people seem to be under. These are quite hilarious idiosyncrasies and I can wholeheartedly recommend skimming through some older shelf threads to find people both accusing someone of buying particular bindings to show off and chastising the others for not having their spines project the required aura of "well-readness" quite strong enough all in a single post.
how is neverwhere? i tried to read through it but got really bored after 2 pages
>y-youre just jealous!!
>others buy books for aesthetics but not *me*, I buy gaudy pathetic psued leather bindings because I care about q-quality!!
materialist insectoid cope. you got called out buddy. admit youre a lord of the bugs, visit a used bookstore for once and try getting out of your room. also
>mein cringe
yeah you're a pseud.
I cum on my books lol
I prefer paperbacks my dude
I like this, seems a chill guy
Wow cringed a bit there
>Books about socialism
>Hand full of pennies
Fucking kek
might want to look at those titles a little closer
Why tf did it turn upside down
I can appreciate the physical/aesthetic aspects of a book, but this is taking it too far. Those Folio editions are expensive (some are >500, with a handful of limited edition volumes in the $1000 range). I could see splurging and buying a couple, but this guy has four whole shelves full of them!
Me, I'm fine with my cheapo trade paperbacks. I'll spend $20-30 or so for an Everyman if I want guaranteed longevity, but I'm usually wary of spending more than that. That said, I really, really want that Folio Sound and Fury with the colored text, but alas, it's sold out, and the copies on eBay go for >$1000!
>all thin shit
Brainlet. I myself don't read anything under 500 pages.
why are your copies of the monk and jekyll and hyde so giagantic?
Growing up in a Roman Catholic-majority community and being an ardent Roman Catholic is cringe. Growing up in a Protestant or non-Christian community and being a pious Roman Catholic is based.
Hard to believe you buy solely for aesthetics. Don't you care about translation or textual quality? Don't you donate books once you're done reading them? You'll never reread 9/10 of these, what's the pointing on spending thousands and thousands of dollars for volumes like "collected ghost stories"? Maybe someone else can explain this mindset to me.
Ayyy, I just picked up that Kravitz piece a week or so ago. I love the illustrations, and the exhaustive lists of lovers for each major player-- it's wild to see them all listed so plainly, really gives you a sense of how frequently they slept around.
Jesus was a jew
>tfw fell for the Yea Forums memes
Good shelves, would read/10
nice translations
Nice to know that you read Spanish, English, Russian, Japanese, Chinese, ancient Greek and Polish, you insufferable cunt.
t.not even the italian guy
Kek good point
looks comfy
>books about socialism
>by mises
twist ending worse than you thought
That was great. Don't feel bad about these philistines not appreciating your beautiful collection. Pearls before swine.
you're a man of calibre, I can tell
>The Turner Diaries
Oh hey, a future terrorist.
>Why Nations Fail
Absolutely based, but the answer won't be 'the Jews' as you seem to suspect from your other books
Jelly boy!
0/10. No mechanical watches.
need a cut-out of this guy lmao
bet this dumb bitch never churned out a game in his life. in the time he reads all this, he would already have been a good programmed had he worked on projects instead
Would get along with you user
fucking based
It was me all along James, the author of all your pain!
They're almost all mechanical
my ready shelf
Maybe turn on a light next time.
post em
the photograph is taken with a partially damaged 14 year old digital camera in the daylight
>The Turner Diaries
Confusing, but also based.
the ugliness of those "fancy" books clash with one another.
very coherent.
expensive books on particle board shelf
Why isn't there a standardized format and cover for all books, no matter what editions they are?
Each cover different, chaos everywhere. It is not pleasing to the eyes.
that looks awesome
fuck the jealous fags in this thread
Basato fratello Italiano
This is the best you're getting.
I'm not sifting through his hair or his glasses.
>all these paperbacks seem untouched, dyer?
I can't image wasting money on books I wont even read. not even a poorfag
why do they look so fucking ugly.
This is a bit all over the place. It's like you're confusing game dev with engine dev. You have learn C++ with Unreal, then you have rendering/graphics books, then game programming gems, then you have a Unity book. If you want to make a game, just focus on unreal or unity. Making your own engine is a rabbit hole you probably dont want to go in
Why are you in hell?
I awoke in the 21st century
So long as you're 16 this is fine
Are you the guy from the Nixon thread a few months ago who kept going on about Agnew? If so then I'm so glad to see you back. We need to have a thread like that again sometime!
Thanks for reminding me to get some anime books user. 10/10 would be an intellectual friend with.
bad lighting and because i actually read them
Um they must be old enough to post here genius.
Have a few antiques mixed in that I have no interest in reading but they add to the aesthetic
Getting started on shelf #2 with some larger books. Also a 1914 Pop mechanics that I’m very proud of
all that meme shit
This is only 2/3s.
Currently reading Plutarch's Essays (which seems to just be a limited selection and not "all" of them).
Yea Forums in 2020
catalogue is nothing but shelf and stack threads
he's just retarded
I'm afraid not, I just have an interest in great American statesmen
Yua have a case of the gay
Keeper shelf.
Small yet hearty.
Why didn't you get the B&N edition of lovecraft?
are they library rentals?
No. Some libraries had been selling their books. I've contacted one of the libraries and they did confirm it was discarded from their collection.
>Currently reading Plutarch's Essays
neat - I'm currently working through his Parallel Lives right now.
it seems like the only place a complete set of his Moralia were published in English was in the Loeb Classical Library. I believe I have at least half of them in pdf form, but I was looking at getting that cheapo Penguin edition just today because it'd be a more affordable edition to carry around.
if you're interested, I could upload what I have
Thanks. Would love to see more discussion about him and related figures such as Kissinger around here.
Nice b8
My man be zoomin
I start with Greek
>Norse Mythology by Neil Gaiman
>Mythology by Edith Hamilton
>Misery by Stephen King
>Y: the Last Man
>assorted entry-level highbrow stuff
Actually pretty based!
All my Yea Forums stuff is from the past month. My boss loves Stephen King so he told me those when I asked him Stephen King recs, and Gaiman's Sandman is my fave series so I went Mythology/Greeks.
I made a thread before but if anyone has any recs on Mythology kind of stuff, I'd be very open to recommendations. I work in a planetarium and although I know a lot of the sciencey/names of the constellations and stars, I've been trying to find out stories and tales behind them because I think it helps the kids learn/piques their curiosity. I know a bit of Egyptology from University and the basic Greek stuff from these books, but any other stuff (I've been trying to look at North or Chinese) would be appreciated.
Try the "Who's Who in Greek and Roman Mythology" that the OP has in his image.
you should indulge in bulfinch's treatise on mythology