And this is our sons room. He's quite the reader

>And this is our sons room. He's quite the reader...

Attached: 10.jpg (852x480, 25K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Get OUT of my room I'm playing MINECRAFT

Attached: 1559869525297.jpg (500x603, 49K)

please don't bother me I'm trying to not get an erection over this thomas mann story

Attached: slavoj-iek-hipster-quackery-onpage.jpg (710x710, 67K)

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Shut the fuck up nigger

Attached: 1552848583721.jpg (4904x1848, 318K)

based and redpilled

What is the bin for?

The most confusing part of this is the fact that the walls are painted black.

When the hot pockets won't stay in your stomach and you're in the middle of a raid

Attached: vx.gif (480x270, 1.14M)

Attached: 3P8PO57[1].gif (534x300, 2.31M)

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And I also see some Berserk, MR. BLACK.

Attached: s7rK7dSXlrkdVKccjtGe-dCIoDA_qp0cH8DwfoarF-nf8r1QOlG192-2ko6TtbF9G4EAkVgY8n11Q2efXix_RfKF6Y3W7h_A0ID7 (1130x1217, 783K)

would be pretty comfy without the dirt

Attached: 1524857242703.jpg (620x387, 103K)

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>scramble for a book so guests think i'm smart
Oh sorry, i was just focusing on my book. What did you say?

Is that Dennet

I've got the same chair

Attached: gollum.jpg (660x403, 34K)

>Starting Strenght
>Sleeping in a rack
Based /fit/izen.

pic is me

Attached: 1541091158898.png (1066x737, 1.25M)

You are very cute.

excellent taste

nobody going to mention the piss bottles

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Why is that confusing? It's obvious that the person dwelling in that room is edgy as fuck.


Attached: 796651.png (1920x1050, 3.74M)

>Berserk manga

What the FUCK are you doing?

rate my room, is it Yea Forums?

Attached: myroom.jpg (2934x2008, 1000K)

What's wrong with piss bottles, toiletcuck?

>What did you say?
I said you're cute.

Attached: 1562643523210.png (1026x526, 944K)

based and toupilled.


Attached: a8489484.jpg (2880x2160, 1.99M)

Attached: 1564437401294.jpg (870x576, 185K)

Whose idea was it to put a giant swastika on the "Rise and fall of the Third Reich"?

>Dad, this is the bathroom. My bedroom is in the basement, remember?

Attached: Lion.webm (480x480, 668K)

This "bed"room is much better now, but I'm too embarrassed to take a picture of the main room where I work/sleep

Attached: sort.jpg (2000x1500, 545K)

1998 lit

Ram ranch really rocks

Attached: zizek titanic.jpg (760x395, 37K)

No, but the conifer outside the window saves it.

Pretty good taste but I don't get why anyone would put shit on their walls. Why would you make your place of relaxation visually busier?

Why do you only own the first overlord volume? Wasn't it enjoyable?

Not him but I like the busyness. I need something to look at. I wonder if there's something wrong with me.

Yes, you're immature. Grow up.

A lot of people do it so I doubt it's anything substantial. Still nobody knows you so that's a question nobody will be able to answer on yourself. Just ponder on why you do it (or any other habitual thing) from time to time and you can come to some pretty useful conclusions.

Idk they don’t even do that on most English editions of Mein Kampf. Shirer is outdated anyway unless you’re specifically looking for journalism

fucking shit pseud meme, probably the ultimate virgin bait
imagine the pain of that shitty chair splintering your back, only worsened by the posture required to lean over to see the tv. hunchback in 2 months
the ceiling bringing back fond memories of your cubicle but good thing you have a sound system there to so the buzzing of the fluorescent lights doesnt drive you completely insane
the chopped wood to hide the smell of the moist mildewy basement, a pain in the fucking ass to be around in general
the shittiest installment of the souls series "because im a patrician"
clint eastwood poster to remind yourself what a real man looks like, maybe to help give yourself goals to aspire to so one day you can be like him instead of a manchild

This is all I have besides a bed and a projector. Books go in the living room for humble bragging

Attached: 20190407_154029.jpg (4032x1960, 2.24M)

is that an ammunition press?

Presses. Bedroom was only place it would fit without building something. I was going to but wife likes the table space

>Reloading station
Why haven't you been ostracized by all your close relatives due to looking like a potential shooter user?

Attached: Nigger.png (480x466, 139K)

the bed is for sleeping and fucking. it is not a desk, it is not a table, it is not a workspace.

the day of the rope cant come soon enough.

youre a faggot.

don't be rude. he has a wife so he's probably not as ostracized as you.

>cant even create a seamless mask for a shit meme


looks pretty comfy

theres no way you read even half of those stacks if you're under 30.

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looks like garrys mod


Attached: 1542438450889.jpg (800x450, 40K)

Homeless atm but relate

How do you have internet


Would be most unfortunate to be have guest walk in, seeing you slamming a fat ugly milf, Hilarious though.

They're all right wing/vets

Attached: 20180629_000005.jpg (3587x2815, 2.84M)

this is going in my Yea Forums cringe folder

Absolutely based stack, my friend

>the shittiest installment of the souls
imagine thinking this

rate my shelf lit :)

Attached: i2XxPJw-hWkYu9SsTKp6vTFSpOiznVEcizjOs6rVJbA[1].jpg (750x809, 170K)

>not red

I was going to say very based until I saw the book in top right doesn’t say ”NIGGER”

Post the original gas mask pic pls

Throw tha fucking eastern "literature" in the garbage with thier pajeet peers and you have a B&R stack.

Attached: ac8rh1831aa21.png (1920x1080, 2.07M)

based floor sleeper

damn dude clean your penis

im not the guy ur responding to but public libraries

Attached: IMG_0509.jpg (3264x2448, 1.2M)

I’m using a phone, and I’m not a vagrant, I’m just without a home. I travel for work and they put me up in hotels and I sleep in my car the rest of the time, spend more nights in hotels than the car.

Holy shit is that your bed up there? How is it supported? Damn your room is comfy asf

how can you get the book at the bottom of the stacks?

Yeah it's pretty nice to have a lofted bed, I just wish I had a closed cieling and not just open insulation and some carpet

Attached: IMG_0514.jpg (3264x2448, 1.15M)

his house and the location of it is so comfy

be my bf

>bass guitars
he is not a faggot

Why are you showing me a new file

>"man cave"

Attached: 1527634100492.jpg (600x600, 60K)

the farting killed me

Based and nilbogpilled

Are piss jugs frowned upon?

user you don't... Do you?

Attached: DQN4GayVAAUS5tJ.jpg (581x753, 64K)

Nice Berserk and piss bottle collection

>painting by tarsila

why you need 3 copy of Archipelag Gulag

why is there another pissbottle next to the chips on the table? at least seperate your piss from your food, you damn nigger

You know, this guy could look like a 10/10 chad if he wasn't so fucking fat.

let's see you do better you spastic scum

>all those books
>The Painted Bird


god dammit this mans right

>berserk collection next to work out station
Yeah I'm thinking this is peak masculinity, absolutely based

Attached: 9wnru6uhjbi21.jpg (1080x1101, 399K)

Very cute desu

It often comes in 3 volumes when it is unabridged

My wife picked the bedding, the monkey and empty teacups are also hers.

Attached: 20190730_095109.jpg (4032x3024, 3.17M)

Terrible translation of Anna Karenina. Do you even realize how many errors Garnett has in her version?

>still using toilets

Attached: heh not bad.jpg (496x420, 71K)

>being married to a monkey

Attached: questionmark.png (206x232, 59K)

Did you really take this shitty picture of your room on film you hipster faggot

How do you have sex on that thing?
Also aren't you worried it's going to break and kill you?
Looks very comfy but I need a bed to fuck.

NOT to be weird but I found his house on Google Maps from a freeze-frame of the video where he gets a parcel delivered and I can attest to it being a very comfy location.

>bed off the floor
based 10 year old

somebody post the racecar bed room

What is the implied scenario behind these posts? Who is the mother showing around the house?

Based Q

sorry but i don´t own a smartphone or a digital camera like a true litician

get the rest of punpun

A Pajeet gave me the BV. I did enjoy Tao Te Ching.
Its a trilogy! Why does no one know this?!
Bday gift. I haven't read it desu.
I'm not Russian so no.

Attached: 20190714_141903.jpg (2476x1960, 2.71M)

>Just getting ready for a nice nap, mom

Attached: throwpillow,36x36,750x1000-bg,f8f8f8.u1.jpg (750x1000, 218K)

only if you're a grill
I swear I'm not a macaco
I don't, I'm a virgin
Lofted beds are mature

Attached: IMG_0521.jpg (3264x2448, 1.67M)

Based munitions man

the purest pseud cringe I've ever seen. imagine basing your whole philosophy on your misunderstanding of memerson lectures from youtube.

Attached: d09.jpg (684x546, 76K)

Naps r spooks my son

>living under open insulation
DANGER. Have you never heard of Asbestos? FFFFUCK :3

holy shit so much wasted money
one could buy a midi controller with nice software, a homegym, normal fucking books or whatever more productive than reading
sóy capeshit of literature and those soulless winyl fucks, even anime figures would be less appaling

you haven't read any of those you nigger
should've bought the abridged versions

Truly, he was, a disgusting otaku loser.

Yea Forums+/p/+Yea Forums
very based

I often see Atlas Shrugged around but people more often say it's awful, at least terribly written. What's your take? Assuming you've read it.

absolutely based, good job user

Attached: good job.jpg (500x281, 45K)

if I recall correctly it was his cum bin

>I swear I'm not a macaco
well i am one and i can tell another. tarsila is a shit painter and that automatically makes u a macaco too

imagine the smell, I can't get my head around how someone would willingly sit in that room all day. that's some serious mental illness

The man
He snuck under the tiger
He's past the tiger

Why did he freak out at the end?

That’s cute. May you live together happily ever after


imagine putting your head in the bin and going SNIIIIF

Attached: 1493615883329.png (411x234, 123K)

That bin has fucking AIDS.

Ah yes, the true domicile of the Ubermensch

>the woman sighed, steeling herself for the inevitable, and opened the door
>the powerful smell of piss, decaying human excrement and stale cum wafted out of the darkened room
>a monstrously ugly and obese figure could be seen squatting in the gloom over a five thousand dollar computer, his immense bulk pushing a complaining office chair to its absolute limit
>he's visibly distressed, gasping in anger with tears running down his pale greasy acne scarred face
>his putrid and reeking fedora lies discarded, thrown across the room in a fit of impotent rage, revealing his prematurely balding head
>one of his legions of piss bottles has been knocked over in the process and is soaking into the already swampy carpet, congealing with a decade of filth and debris
'P-please clean the pee bottl-'
>he bellows in a whiny and nasally voice, turning away from his failing antinatalism thread on Yea Forums, the fourth ond this week
>the sudden jolt of movement forces more diarrhoea into his stained adult diaper, stretching it to the absolute limit
>with this he brought his chubby hands, blackened save for a light dusting of Cheeto dust, onto his food clogged keyboard, man tits heaving hither and tither
>he screeched, the dejected mother left her repulsive, monstrous offspring to his fate

I would certainly bury my nose in your asshole

you can tell the owner of this collection has no soul/personal identity and is substituting it with pure consumerism

>the woman sighed, steeling herself for the inevitable, and opened the door
>the powerful smell of piss, decaying human excrement and stale cum wafted out of the darkened room
>a monstrously ugly and obese figure could be seen squatting in the gloom over a five thousand dollar computer, his immense bulk pushing a complaining office chair to its absolute limit
>he's visibly distressed, gasping in anger with tears running down his pale greasy acne scarred face, and soaking into his pathetic patchy neckbeard
>his putrid and reeking fedora lies discarded, thrown across the room in a fit of impotent rage, revealing his prematurely balding head
>one of his legions of piss bottles has been knocked over in the process and is soaking into the already swampy carpet, congealing with a decade of filth and debris
'P-please clean the pee bottl-'
>he bellows in a whiny and nasally voice turning away from his failing antinatalism thread on Yea Forums, the tenth one this week
>the sudden jolt of movement forced more diarrhoea into his already overloaded adult diaper
>with this he brought his chubby scabby hands, blackened by months of filth, save for a light dusting of Cheeto dust, onto his food clogged keyboard, sweat stained man tits heaving in the process
>he screeched, the dejected mother left her repulsive, monstrous offspring to his fate


Also absolutely based Wolf Hall/Bring up the Bodies reader

Attached: 1563984076037.jpg (540x527, 45K)

The Mirror & the Light is coming out THIS year! Wahoo!

That's actually a really neat pillow. I'd actually buy that.

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Clean your goddam room, seriously, what are you, a 10 year old child? Why are you leaving dirty clothes in a pile on the ground? And those dirty dishes? Why let yourself live in filth, man!

It would have looked quite nice without the clothes and dishes strewn about on the floor a table. Just get a basket

Clint Eastwood is a stupid piece of shit, and you can all join him in hell in the future.

Tfw you're a hoarder so you start hoarding books and everyone thinks you're smart instead of mentally ill.

Spotted the SJW snowflake

Have you never taken a quick break from work just to relax and admire the paintings on your walls?

I'm leaving in a couple days, not spending what little money I have on a basket. I do agree I should be more organized, but the clothes should just be folded or left in the suitcase.

>you will never be a cowboy in hell fighting niggers with Clint

What if in drying to schet your houshe in order, you dee-shcover dat your house ees in deesorder preschishely because de way de soshiety eesh messhed up?

Are you scandi? Also bare mattress - you are better than this.

Where did you get that edition of Maps of Meaning?

Why do a lot of them look unread? How can you keep your GoT editions looking so new?

No, I am American. Parents were Eastern European Jews. And I know, but I am too lazy and noncommittal to do more for a place where I will only be staying a few weeks before I move on again.

I know that feel.

Kind of. I have moved to a new location repeatedly for the last three years, because of various situations.

I am moving from my current residence in two days, so I guess we are leasebros.

I am leasing out a basement in a niceish home for a few months until I get a job my boss is trying to place me in. It’s how it goes I guess.

I had a recent run of having two jobs, one where I worked all day on Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday, and another where I worked Friday and Saturday nights all night shift.

The latter job I have -quasi- left and now work only occasional afternoons for them (I’ve got two kush afternoon shifts at the end of August coming up). Other than that I now have a salary with the first job and am waiting for my placement into a role.

They were trying to find a job for me but the guy whose job I’m replacing did such a bad job the previous company didn’t re-sign the contracts.

The Trump tariffs don’t help my industry either :3

I really find it humorous how they didn’t think that one through. :3

I mean, his arm has GOT to fall off, correct?

how about you tell us where


is it really worth reading? i feel like all I'll learn from it is "soviet union/communism/socialism is bad."
1. I already know this
2. if antifa hasn't hipped you to this already: progressives/communists/marx/socialists think leveling charges of violence and genocide is a petty boomer criticism, or they embrace it to be edgy. they are fully aware that bring about the socialist revolution means "by any means necessary." if they wrote "we're stopping oppression" instead of arbeit macht frei, socialists could commit the holocaust with a good conscience. whining about the gulag only seems to make them happier.

He didn't think it was a real tiger. He thought it was just some guy in a suit and went under him, then when he looked up at the end he understood it was real and what he'd just done.

Based right wing Yea Forums friend

So why freak out then? The tiger is just drinking some water.

Isn't this the pic of that user's collection, that was entirely books stolen from libraries?

You’re right it is. I remember the guy who originally posted it.

He didn’t say it was stolen though he said that he was returning those books to the library. So very likely most of those books are in a library somewhere

I personally like to own books and am not bereft of money in any capacity so I very frequently just read my own books and buy them. Haven’t used a library since college :3

fuck, can't remember the last time I actually went to a library. I'm not exactly affluent but still manage to read purely books I own myself.


>My wife picked the bedding, the monkey and empty teacups are also hers.
>My wife picked
>My wife
>My Wife

Attached: 32C2076F-9833-48CF-9C3C-B7915D0FE08A.png (1080x1372, 1.14M)

>/k/ user is a disgusting otaku
To be expected

Holy shit, i never expected so many functional and mature people on Yea Forums, i am just a messed up college student

ITT pseud general

based but also cringe


why have a rifle next to your desk? do you fiddle with it after fiddlin your dick?

Nice CRT-chan

Attached: EAuc9ltVUAAyTSL.jpg (848x1200, 124K)

Kohai is best girl


It would actually be okay w8thout the fucking bin toilet

Part 1

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post youtube account

Part 2

Attached: 20190730_230339.jpg (4128x3096, 3.46M)

The Book Club

>Letting your wife make all the aesthetic decisions in the house
Does your wife also keep your testicles in her purse?

Part 3

Attached: 20190730_231312.jpg (4128x3096, 3.82M)

Part 4

Attached: 20190730_231325.jpg (4128x3096, 3.63M)

>piss bottles
>mein kampf

Serious question
Is it even possible to post a stack/room without getting any of the following (You)s:
>Yea Forums tryhard

You forgot

Just post actual good books and stop reading shit

Based and cunny pilled

Why do Yea Forums people think they know which books are good? Do you know before reading them? Or do you just magically know which books out of all of them are good?

You read them and then keep the good ones.

Imaging actually throwing out books just because you want people on Yea Forums to post
in response to your shelf photos

Women should never have been allowed on the internet

>throwing out books
Never said that.
>you want people...
Never said that either.
The person I was responding to asked how to tell if a book was good and the only way to tell that is to read it you plen.



rent free

rent free


have sex



Have children

Dilate you fuckin cringy retarded faggot. Seethe harder homo, I bet this entire shpiel is just some cope for your virginhood at 28. How does it feel having wasted your entire life because you're too much of a retard to actually deal with people, you fuckin filthy shmuck? God ur such a cunt my brain turns to jello when I try to imagine the extent of your retardedness and inceldom.



Lmao at you vapid easily influenced wet noodles having to use our language. Did we ever have to get down to your level?

I don't think I fully grasped the levels of what can only be described as ultra-violence committed against political prisoners in the USSR before reading GA. The book didn't necessary change my mind on my own politics, but it certainly made clear the stakes of revolution, and the banality of suffering that inevitably follows it.

this happened to me once

No, they weren't stolen, just checked out. About a third are returned.

carefully curated

How come he could borrow all these books

>Why do Yea Forums people think they know which books are good? Do you know before reading them? Or do you just magically know which books out of all of them are good?
By judging the book by its cover

Attached: 1559773552102.jpg (720x611, 112K)

looks comfy but i cant tell if youre purposefully rearranging things for a picture or youre just ruining the aesthetic yourself with random placing of clutter