How and which kids books would you advise to a 8-9 year old who only watches TV and you want him to be inspired for further reading?
My younger step sister is rotting her brains away with TV every day and youtube already, while being overweight as fuck, because mother doesn't really know how to raise kids and her step dad is allowing her everything, so that she is "happy" and doesn't bother anyone with crying.
She is not totally stubborn and I can convince her to pick up a book, but she finds everything boring and she reads very bad (probably due to brain fog from all the TV or w/e) and I'm making sure she'll grow up being capable of reading and learning, because otherwise she is just going to fail really hard.
Kids Books
The New Testament
The Koran
Some adventure shit idk
OP here, thanks guys, might as well wrap it up right here. jannies delete this thread
The Day My Butt Went Psycho
Alice in Wonderland
any Roald Dahl book. That's what read when I was 8-9. I guess kids would still like that stuff.
make her not fat, and take her outside or some shit.
Hobbit, narnia and such. Something not shit basically. I remember reading hobbit and liking it as a kid.
Go to a good second-hand bookshop and get her a number of books ranging in "difficulty" and subject matter. She'll pick out the ones she wants to read best.
Don't be too elitist - mix in some popular stuff.
Thanks, that's a reasonable thing to do.
I'm not, I'm just trying to encourage her to start reading, so something easy that will stick to her is basically the most important thing right now. I don't want something too hard for her that will discourage her.
Trying to remember what my little sister and I enjoyed as kids.
A Wrinkle in Time, The Hobbit, Watership Down, The Phantom Tollbooth. I think my sister liked abridged/simplified versions of classics like Moby Dick often with illustrations. I was given The Little Prince and liked it a lot despite not necessarily getting the philosophical aspect of it. That's all I can think of right now.
Try graphic novel. If the child likes animals, try A Wolf Called Wander. I just read that one. Try Diary of a Wimpy Kid. Read the books with her and listen to what she has to say.
Im going through the same problem op, with fat younger brother that only watch youtube.
The main thing is to show her you read and how cool that is, so she gain interest in it, tell her your "friends" do it and talk to her about the books you like.
A great start is lending her some comic books and mangas, and then some easy reading like a short detective book Agatha Christie alike, find what she likes.
Put yourself in her place, always remembering that she is not a dog and just throwing the books at her wont help.
Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck.
Get her books about something she actually wants to read about otherwise it's futile. I loved shit like jack London when I was 10 but I'm a problematic white male.
My dad read a lot to me and my brother when we were kids and we didn't even know cartoons existed until my bigger brother started school.
Something like Captain Underpants? I liked that as a kid,
Or maybe something about some sport she's into (I used to read books 'bout this kid playing football with its friends, and then building a team and so on.)
Agatha Christie, Jane Austen, Narnia, Hobbit, Harry Potter, maybe some short stories by Asimov.
Buy her manga and graphic novels, she'll grow into one of those cute mid-2000s weeaboo, gaiaonline girls which went extinct
Try reading to her
I never thought I'd miss them, but I'd take them back over what we've got now any day.
>Eight year old girl
>Short stores by asimov
you're going to have to work very hard to save her from retard parents. choice of book isn't your biggest problem
harrypill her
What's the appeal in that for a kid who's never read Donald Duck? I learned to read with those comics but you should just give a kid a magazine or omnibus with the Scrooge/Donald adventure stories