Does German Philosophy lead to Catholicism? Pic related

Does German Philosophy lead to Catholicism? Pic related

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A literal non-entity. Much like you

Render theism, statism etc. all moot, and get called a “nonentity” by some nobody.
Scared shitless I see.

German philosophy leads to Hitler. And that's a good thing.

God you're such a trash poster

How does “German philosophy” lead to Catholicism, user? Hmm? How?

You’re a dumbass. You never offer any sort of constructive argument against theism, religion, God, or spirituality, and make a sweeping woman-like claim that they are all for ‘nimrods’ or ‘buttbrains’ like you’re on Colbert’s talk show or Comedy Central.

No one thinks you’re funny for doing this. I honestly don’t know why you are still here. Please. Go to Reddit or something. Literally no one appreciates your shitty opinions about Marxism either. I’ve read more Marx than you, and I am anti-Marxism.

That’s just sad. Go. Away.


What is OP's book about? Sounds interesting... anyone read it?

>You never offer any sort of constructive argument against theism, religion, God, or spirituality,
Only destructive. Not what this thread is supposed to be about, so you go away

That’s right. You think in terms of Marx.

You need to destroy things. It’s all a great struggle right?

I can only imagine why you have so few friends.

I do not.

These cults are destroying everything I love. Of course I want them wiped away.

I have friends. What would you know? Personal attacks on someone who cares about your mental wellbeing. Typical.


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I’ve already told you.

You don’t have any friends. Anyone with real friends actually hangs out with them on a pretty general basis. You are constantly on here all the time. Whenever I go to post, there you are shilling Marxist atheistic Communism.

Talk about caring for others wellbeing. You can’t even give a fuck about reading Marx.

Seriously you are into Communism and haven’t read Marx. I can’t get past that. So basically for someone like you, reading is something you only do to find enjoyment? You don’t ever do things that are hard for he reward at the end of the road do you? That’s why Neo-Marxism entices you so much? You don’t think about your future at all? That’s why lesbianism entices you so much?

You don’t fit in here, you’d fit in with a Baltimore riot or something, why don’t you just try to associate with ‘subjected individuals’ who need to reappropriate capital into the hands of tre proletariat through the method of a ‘progressive income tax’ (all Marxist ideas).

Your assumptions are way off the mark. Whatever makes you feel better I guess. Just stop typing now

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>you hurt my feelings! Please stop posting!

No can do, cunt. Making the world a better place one masturbating lesbian at a time :3

just take off the trip you cunt

i actually like tripfags because they're pretty individuated but 90% of your posts are midshit trash. fck off

beings -> Being -> beyond Being

>These cults are destroying everything I love
>my spooks are valid, yours are not
Show some consistency brainlet

Where can I read this? It's not on libgen

Can someone explain the ontotheology """"problem"""?

Isn't like saying God can't walk and chew gum at the same time, that he couldn't be the ground of being and a personal god at the same time, because he'd be too busy or some other hand wave non-reason? I don't get why the two are incompatible.

If you stopped using Yea Forums, you'd kill yourself due to loneliness and attention deprivation right? The only - ONLY - reason I can think of for you still using that trip is being an attention whore.

You do not deserve life.

Everything I love is a spook? Or love itself?

Its boring me now. There was a time I had enough and broke with it. I’ll do it again.
But I tell ya, I’m never going to commit suicide.

Spooks are not a tactical weapon to only be deployed against things you don't like and then forgotten for things you do like. Either be consistent or don't use them.

Are you unclear as to what a spook is supposed to be?
All the things I love are being destroyed by the very spooks Stirner showcases in the book. Religion and the new religion *statism*
Explain or walk away. I don’t care what you think. Im consistent.