Why is reading stoics so comfy?

Attached: marcus_aurelius_03.jpg (160x200, 10K)

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>Reads stoics
>Values comfort

Their ideas fit well in an autistic mindset

Coping is meant to bring comfort.

Attached: Nietzsche.jpg (1956x2940, 1.12M)

Because it makes it easy for you to LARP as someone who has accomplished something without actually having to do anything.

stoics value ataraxia and its pretty much comfort of the soul

I don't understand Marcus' position on suicide.
He makes it clear line 29 of book 5 that suicide is legitimate, but then states a few lines after that, 29 of book 6, that it's "shameful for a soul to give up before the body".

suicide is legitimate as last resort, I guess he was talking about people who give up too easily

When he wrote that it would be “shameful for the soul to give up before the body” he could’ve meant stroke victims or people who lose themselves.

He wrote these over the span of his whole life so maybe he just changed his mind
Evola once thought suicide was an answer but then he read a buddhist passage on self destruction and it changed his mind

This is one of the few reasons I like this board. Three different perspectives, and I can weigh them all each.

Nice Amor Fati, Nietzche, where'd you get it from?

Why does Aurelius get shilled so much? There are other stoic philosophers that are better. The only reason people like him so much is because he was an emperor.

yes, he is not a scholar, but its interesting to read stoicism in daily life perspective of an emperor, stoicism values more practice over theory after all

You're a hipster and a retard who doesnt read.
Literally nobody would dispute that Marcus is the most important stoic.

Because it's the truth.


There are none deceitful than the honest narcissist.

I'm not a stoic but I think you're being uncharitable.

Because your dad wasn't good to you growing up so you needed a new daddy figure.

Meditations is both digestible and accessible, because it's the thoughts of Stoicism applied. Likewise, it coming from a Roman Emperor does attract plebs.
I say this as an Epictetus guy myself, but Meditations *was* my first.

Nice. Have a (You)

why do sois rage so much over stoicism? is it because they envy masculine men?