This author doesn't know much about the Bronze Age and is merely using a period of history as an ideological cudgel to indoctrinate young men.
It's fine to want people to be more alpha or conservative or whatever. Just be honest about it. Don't use the ancient near east bronze age as an aesthetic cover up for your ideology. This author knows next to nothing about the discovery of copper's melting point, the combination of copper and tin into the alloy bronze, the highly centralized and bureaucratic governments of dynastic Egypt, Mycenae, and Sumeria. They know nothing about cuneiforms development out of clay tokens or the hieroglyphic logography's evolution out of noble family seals. They know nothing about the gradual evolution of priestly logographic writing systems into alphabets, abjads, alphasyllabaries, etc. They know nothing about the bronze age collapse and its many potential causes. They know nothing about the military caste of wealthy charioteers who became outmoded due to the fact that their expensive training and equipment got BTFO by the newfound ability to raise large armies with cheaper weapons, and the introduction of wars of attrition. They know nothing about clay tablets and how expensive they were to produce, maintain, store, and transport. They know nothing about the introduction of lampblack ink formed with soot and gelatin. They know nothing about the trade routes and interdependencies of the bronze age.
They're just using the bronze age as a cudgel and the largely uneducated audience is eating it up because they have cultivated a certain aesthetic identity as consumers that relies on identifying with ancient western and near-east civilizations.
Was the author really trying to make a historical argument or a political/aesthetic one? Or just point out an obvious trend over time, and use the image of bronze age men to illustrate the point?
You sound like the kind of person who reads all information within the frame of your narrow expertise.
Jackson Foster
Okay but that was literally the time of warrior culture and their religion reflected this
John Williams
>was the author just lying in order to get tail Yes, I think OP is intimating this.
Samuel Lewis
already doing both
Carter Williams
lmao, bap isn't about being more alpha and conservative you retarded chapocel. Did you even read it?
Easton Collins
>doesn't read a book >throws a hissy fit that it isn't about what he thinks its about despite never having read it It must be embarrassing to get outsmarted by a man who doesn't use capital letters or copula.
Carter Green
Not OP, but what is this book actually about? I tried to get a sense of the author from his online footprint but it's all memes, it seems. All that really comes up when you plug "Bronze Age Mindset" or "Bronze Age Pervert" into a search engine is Amazon, Goodreads, and a bunch of seething and spewing from various kinds of social-media-addled weirdos. Someone on Yea Forums once posted what they claimed was an excerpt from this book; it was denying geography and insisting that Thailand and the Philippines weren't on the other side of the planet, and I'm honestly not sure if they were pulling my leg or what.
Is it even worth reading? I already have a sizeable backlog of things I want to read, and I would rather just read more Chinese history if it is just more /pol/ or breadtube tier silly culture war stuff.
Connor Foster
You have to be fucking retarded to think the book is meant to be some sort of history textbook. Why the fuck would BAP write about ANYTHING OP is talking about? It's completely irrelevant to his point.
Adam Edwards
Considering the Bronze Age peoples praised by him are not the great empirws that collapsed, which are actually used as examples about what NOT to become. It's the most dangerous book in the world that didn't get banned for some reason
Jason Roberts
Your post is unintelligible
Nathan Morris
where do you live that bans books lmao
Adam Harris
wait 'til OP find out about "to kill a mockingbird"
>They know nothing... >They know nothing... >They know nothing... ...and yet published a book while you shartposted on Yea Forums, so who's the winner and whomsteth is the losereth?
Spoiler: you're the loser, even with all that detailed sperg.
All time is warrior culture, only the current trends towards nostalgia, resentment, anger and fear create this false image of a glorious, shining, virtuous past as opposed to the bland cowardly present.
People have been the past and it's people superior forever, but now young people are doing it like old farts because their whole political and economic life is dominated by the ideas and values of old farts.
Seriously, this regressive looking backwards is going to look weak and dumb when all the boomers are dead and you're left looking at your first grey hairs, wondering why you wasted your life with a curled lip and a dissatisfied frown IN THE THRONE OF WESTERN PLENTY.
Evan Morales
>highly centralized and bureaucratic governments >mycenae Gonna be a hmmmmmm from me fampai
Alexander Reed
Bapbook is probably the most important book of our times, I am not saying it is the best or anything about what is actually on the pages (although it is a good read), it just happens to be a very successful guerilla marketing campaign for a book that thousands and thousands of young men are reading because of the memes and twitter frogs, not only that but this is also one the of ONLY books zoomers will read
Joshua Williams
Read about this shit when it first came out, thought BAP was "BRAP" and got excited but it kind of petered out quickly.
Austin Gonzalez
>the most important book of our times >author: bronze age pervert it's a /pol/ shitpost
Isaiah Bailey
"[A]ncient “public-spiritedness” [is] free men accepting the rigors of training together so they can preserve their freedom by force against equally haughty and hostile outsiders and against racial subordinates at home. Any “racial” unity of the Greeks was therefore only the organic unity of culture or language, but never became political: such people would never tolerate losing the sovereignty in the states they and their recent ancestors had established to protect their freedom and space to move. But to draw any parallels to our time is absurd: these men would have never submitted to abstractions like “human rights,” or “equality,” or “the people”as some kind of amorphous entity encompassing the inhabitants of the territory or city in general. They would have rightly seen this as pure slavery, which is our condition today: no real man would ever accept the legitimacy of such an entity, which for all practical purposes means you must, for entirely imaginary reasons, defer to the opinion of slaves, aliens, fat childless women, and others who have no share in the actual physical power. (p. 128)"
A slightly more literate and psychologically organized Elliot Rodger, got it.
Mason Lee
Faggot post, also exceptionally obvious you didn't read the book because BAP says on several occasions this age is not different from most other ages that have preceded it
Asher Reyes
it's a pol shitpost that tens of thousands of alt right teenagers are reading while grind xp on their AFK fishing farm because their discord friend recommended it to them
Liam Rivera
Everything on this board that gets memed is culture war bullshit. Don't take book recommendations from lit post-2016, it's all ideological dreck.
Leo Butler
> china Soulless, stupid, situationally unaware, ugly, cowardly. I could go on describing their character.
What does that have to do with Rodgers, who literally just complained about tfwnogf and ranted incoherent narcissisms and tirades against a world he was incapable of understanding or belonging to.
If anything it just sounds like typical far right, Nietzsche-influenced stuff
Matthew Allen
"[A]ncthient “public-thpiritedneth” [ith] fwee men acthepting the wigorth of twaining together tho they can pwetherve their fweedom by forth againtht equawy haughty and hothtile outthiders and againtht wacial thubordinateth at home. Any “wacial” unity of the Gweeks wath therefore onwy the organic unity of culture or wanguage, but never became powiticaw: thuch people would never towewate wothing the thoveweignty in the thtateth they and their wecent anthethtors had estabwished to pwotect their fweedom and thpace to move. But to dwaw any pawawews to our time is abthurd: thethe men would have never thubmitted to abthtwactions like “human wights,” or “equawity,” or “the people”ath thome kind of amorphouth entity encompathing the inhabitantth of the tewitory or thity in genewal. They would have wightly theen thith ath pure thlavewy, which ith our condition today: no weal man would ever acthept the wegitimacy of thuch an entity, which for all pwactical purpotheth meanth you mutht, for entiwely imaginawy weathonth, defer to the opinion of thlaves, alienth, fat childleth women, and otherth who have no shawe in the acthual phythical power. (p. 128)"
This is how i hear this mush-headed, Bannon-funded trash. >But to draw any parallels to our time is absurd >immediately does so PLONK, straight in the bin
Juan Martinez
About what I expected. I don't know why I still come here. Probably because I don't really know where else to go. Go outside.
Luis Thomas
hoes mad
Joshua Parker
The post i was responding to said something else, though.
Rodger, Nietzsche and De Sade are basically all on the same bus. Issues with women, a view of the utopian future that was 'manly' and required bloodletting to realize, disdain for empathy and society because it didn't serve them. In the same way that methamphetamines, acting as a vasoconstrictor, work by your body fighting them, these works are meant to be indigestible and rejected to achieve any good effect.
To take any of it seriously you must first have no heart, then actually work hard to have no mind.
Lucas Baker
how mad are you to have typed all that up. It makes you look childish not the person youre mocking
Chase Fisher
Camden Gutierrez
I'd hardly call incels men.
Grayson Thomas
by all accounts this kind of post should make me laugh in how intentionally shitty it is, but because its assuming a left wing POV (even insincerely) its just plain unfunny. how do they do it?
Dominic Sanchez
It copy paste and you can get a filter to do that in one second. Calm the fuck down.
Nathaniel Bailey
>because its assuming a left wing POV (even insincerely) its just plain unfunny Your brain is fucked by the left/right divide thing, designed to key up your emotions so you're susceptible to the next ad you see. >whose side are you on?!?
Lincoln Clark
yeah i need to calm down for calmly pointing out that youre a faggot lol
Zachary Edwards
I bet you point out faggots all day.
>TAKABAP prophesies a time when “piratical bands and brotherhoods” will break free from the constraints of modern civilization and torch and plunder all these cities of excess, sub-par, miserable ‘life.’ There are great precedents for this: the Sea Peoples, the Germanic tribes . . .
>burn it all down, incels rise up nah
Joseph Wilson
I dont care about bap, you are just a faggot and should be made to know it
Luis Reed
The book criticizes incels heavily. The author has over 50 children in the entire world
Joseph Ross
Ziss faggot word, you keep sperging zere an hour of the day when you donth sink about homosexuality? >strokes beard, leans back in chair Yess, ze evidence is really stacking up.
I'm recalling a narcissist who'd been lying to sperm donation places about his PhD and such but wasn't caught until they had fathered at least 39 children. Or that Surinamese schizophrenic's sperm that was "accidentally" used to father dozens of Dutch children.
Henry Brooks
please stop advertising this e-celeb book
Noah Walker
based I have Asperger's Syndrome and a family history of schizophrenia and must have fathered dozens of little freaks through sperm donations by now
Jose Powell
You don't know much about the bronze age either you fat monkey. BAM is the masterpiece our time deserves.
Ian Adams
please explain to the class what a "chapocel" is and why this particular strawman lives in your head rent free
Once I saw a kid that looked exactly like my sperm donated cousin. I wonder who had the biggest number. I've donated but they never tell me. I hear most of it gets used in lab experiments. I look pretty good on paper though, so who knows.
Gavin Torres
>spewing from various kinds of social-media-addled weirdos When one speaks with hunchbacks, one may well speak in a hunch-backed way. It's a book of our times, snuggled right up against them, not made archaic in the way our time has made all books archaic. Don't read it to agree or appreciate, read it for aesthetics.
Christopher King
its a good book on the "9/11 happens every year" style anti empircist funposting you see here
Eli Reyes
he praises those on the outskirts of civilizations, exploring the seemingly endless world and plundering when they could, not faggoty egyptian bureaucracy lmao
Gavin Jackson
Hahaha you're such a boomer
Isaac Rivera
ok so what
Thomas Moore
BAP is an epic internet troll that's spent the better part of a decade taking the absolute piss out of the ridiculous beliefs of the common internet reactionary. He's been banned from basically every forum he's ever posted on up until he somehow ended up finding an audience of people taking him 100% seriously on twitter.
Dominic Ross
yes the man who regularly posts shitty 3d renders of a man fucking t-rex has an audience that takes him 100% seriously. They actually use that photo and his weekly handsome thursday photos for political divination
Archeofuturism was first. And while Faye really did a great job on kind of summing up the current state of politics/society, every single one of his original idea sucks. European Union is an obvious failure and he wants an Euro-Russian one(because the thing EU lacked is Russian love of bribery), his idea of how is his economic system going to work is "economists will figure it out", I think the only worthwhile idea of his are the parallel societies(high and low tech), which seeing his other output was probably inspired by someone else anyway. And that's the first half of the book, then there comes the 2nd part which is some kind of fanficiton I've dropped after 3 pages.
Jackson King
i'm scared to click what is it
Owen Peterson
Op seems to be projecting his idea of the reactionary right collective onto the author like he were making a post for the chapo subreddit or leftypol.
Leo Walker
You can check his twitter, he's some kind of bodybuilder.
Camden Peterson
This book is amazing. I've had a binge of watching these 2 youtubers who drove motorcycles around china(and lived there), in their videos they talk about people with absolutely the same mentality as Townsend, ultimately proving his assertion, that Chinese will turn communism into "the way it's always was in China".
Christopher Wright
i'm not clicking that i want you to suffer forever with the thought that i never clicked it
Carson Gomez
This mindless absorption of the aesthetic form of ideologies seems to be endemic in the present state of society. Everything is a commodity, including ideas.
Lincoln Rivera
>male chauvinism Fuck I hate this idea, as if women being fucking FEMINISTS wasn’t pure chauvinism.
Landon Garcia
feminists only want equality when it benefits them