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Does reading Stirner make you a sociopath?
Andrew Perry
Adrian Anderson
You’ve had that baggage with you if that’s the result.
Max was described as a very polite and kind person.
Evan Perez
I love you butterfly, I want you
Xavier Rivera
No but if you take what you're reading seriously and find any of it surprising you're genuinely retarded.
James Fisher
It makes you a faggot
Colton Price
show veggie
Adam Brooks
Juan Davis
MY self interest is to not make everyone hate me because people (especially close people) are very helpful so for the price of being an "altruistic" person and i get the benefit of getting help from everyone.
the relationships between individuals is get and give, and if you were smart enough you would get more than you give
Jeremiah Carter
would you kill your mother for 10 million dollars? knowing that:
>you would get away with it
>lots of people will start loving you because of the money
I don't see why an egoist woudn't kill his mother
Samuel Cook
I would kill his mother for 10 million dollars, sure
Jason Bennett
Watch The American Friend. Similar theme as what you’re asking.
Like Epicurus’ measuring of our daily conduct, we steer our way through life
Jonathan Edwards
that is impossible to happen in real life
Henry Cook
lots of people kill their parents for inheritance
Evan Young
since you know that they didn't get away with it
Elijah Miller
yes, as reading any """"""""""""german thinker"""""""""""" since Luther.
Chase Turner
No, it made me interested in Hegel, Decision Theory and Neon Genesis Evangelion.
Daniel Miller
No, Stirner recognises empathy and unity with his fellow man. Pic related basically sums up Stirner's view on this.
John Garcia
Stirner wasn’t a sociopath, so no.
Nathan Lee
egoism is not at odds with empathy or love
Isaac Lewis
why not when its beneficial?
Brandon Russell
Beneficial is subjective. There is no egoist calculator which tells you what actions are the best, nor indeed any rules of thumb, egoists only do what makes them happy. If it makes them happy to sacrifice some privileges for another person out of love, they will do that. If it makes them happy to screw over that person they will do it also.
Dylan Ross
how can anyone trust egoists when they may kill you for personal benefits?
Wyatt Rodriguez
The fuck is a sociopath
Thomas Garcia
If you know that they are kind and generally nice people then it's the same way you trust anyone else. Nobody actually consults the categorical imperative or any other moral law when they perform an action. If they feel like they want to kill you, and if that feeling is strong enough, then they will kill you. It's the same with an egoist.
Julian Miller
>Nobody actually consults the categorical imperative or any other moral law when they perform an action.
just in modern times
Henry Perez
>The egoist would do this no matter what
No nigga, if you cared about your mother and had feelings for her then saving her would also be a selfish decision since you calculated that you would feel worse after killing your mother than the happiness from the 1 milion.
So either decision you take you are being selfish since you do a calculation to what would make you feel better. Saying that you did it because "Im a moral person" is evoking spooks so you get authority over other people to act on your interest aswell.
Liam Parker
Have fun sifting through all the conniving to find the people that actually "love you because of the money". You can be a complete sociopath and still choose family over money because familial bonds and the opportunities therein are incredibly scarce whereas money is not. Nepotism dominates the world for a reason.
Angel Taylor
no but being a sociopath makes you think 'oh, I should read Stirner,' but you never actually do because reading is boring, but you tell people you read Stirner and say 'everything is my property' a lot and people believe you that you've read it because you talk about it so convincingly with complete confidence
Nolan Gonzalez
Is it normal if I've always acted based on this premises?
Caleb Ward
An egoist can just state that their mother has more value to their self than any amount of money. This is a stupid statement.
Juan Adams
>this is what people who haven't read stirner think like
Gavin Sullivan
based insecureposter